Jan 14 p4

37 1 0

Me and Lucy were snuggled into each other and Lucy asked her doctor if I could help look after her

Her doctor Dr Vanessa Taylor, said it was alright but would need confirmation off her dad due to Lucy's and mine age

I was keeping her safe and calm and she returned the favour

She held my hand as she squeezed it and I smiled softly as I blushed and Lucy also blushed

While we were snuggling and Lucy was running her other thumb on my cheeks as she held my hand, her dad had indeed been found but in a bad state

It had been reported in by a car user as they had found him struggling to sit up on the roadside

Then South Wales police, Newtown police and the transport police arrived and when they got there they knew her dad needed to go up immediately

So an ambulance was on its way and when it arrived he was gently laid on it

Then he was taken to the hospital and he told them all that Cassandra had left him adobajded by the side of the room

Cassandra was still later found by Newtown fire station and CFD and they held her down to the police arrived and Newtown and South Wales Police arrived and arrested her on numerous crimes

She had been held down by zip ties and barely any force but she hadn't been able to get away and now was sat handcuffed in a South Wales Police car

While at the hospital I had gotten thirsty so had Lucy so the adults got us a drink bar Rose and when they had returned to give us our drinks, Rose went to find out the news on Lucy's dad as all we knew was he had been found and what Rose knew was he had been taken up to the hospital in a serious bad state

Rose had heard from Olivia as Olivia told her that Lucy's dad, Stephen had a risk of being paralysed

Rose had think her lips at the news and went out of the room to check for herself and when she got there, he was indeed paralysed but from the neck down so this meant he was now in no need to look after his daughter Lucy

They all knew Lucy's mum had committed too many serious crimes to count

Rose was told by him to look after Lucy and she asked if Jones her crush could also look after Lucy and help her

He agreed to let her and said "that he would like to meet Jones"

Rose smiled and said "I can arrange that for you"

He smiled and said "thanks"

Rose then said "that she will help Lucy and she would do so with Jones's help"

"How cute are Lucy and Jones together I think I sense a relationship" He chuckled

"They're really cute, we kinda hoping they date if you know what we mean" Rose smiled

"I know what you mean" Stephen smiled

Meanwhile back at the Jones's residence they were asleep with Mark and Jessica were trying to get the twins asleep

Sarah had latched her hand onto Ellie's uniform top as Ellie hadn't had the time to change yet, as she slept Sarah started to shake which woke her and Ellie up

Ellie could see she was having trauma again so another medicine was taken and given by Jessica as Ellie had accidentally dropped it on the floor while they slept

Ellie mumbled a sleepy "thanks" and gave Sarah one

It would work in a hour

Jessica helped Ellie with Sarah while Mark was left to look after the twins Lucy Jessica Lake and Carter Mark Lake

They would cry and he would try and feed both and knew Ellie had the easier job and he sighed as he wished he could have help to stop them both crying as he knew Carter was a mums boy

Mark had changed and fed and burped Lucy and rocked her to sleep and he had done the same to Carter but he just wouldn't settle

James and Hannah popped to say to the people looking after the Jones's residence while the occupants were busy

Mark decided to teach James and Hannah how to look after twins while popping some painkillers to stop his headache Carter was giving him with his crying and wailing

He trained them and then they swapped

He observed both of them training and he passed them on it and said they'd be good parents and he said "Carter please, mums busy"

Ellie and Sarah got themselves clean after the scare before Sarah started to feel off

The police was holding Cassandra White in Cardiff holding cells

The letter of the embassy from the American embassy arrived and Cassandra was being held to her trail

Olivia and Oscar told Malcolm about the letter arriving via text

Malcolm texted back saying I know we just recived it here at Pontypandy police station

The embassy letter said that Lucy was a dual citizenship of USA and UK

Lucy didn't have any passports due to hers running out ages ago, Rose decided to help her out with it once Lucy and Jones was sorted

This would invole a picture

At the Jones's residence Sarah was still feeling off and Ellie found it was due to a fever which wasn't from her scar and this had Ellie frowning

So she called Dr Alexander and told her about Sarah's condition before telling Sam it via text and she saw a picture of Jones and Lucy snuggled into each other by Sam

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