Waking up to someone in need

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It was next day and Sam woke up to something feel quite off to him but as he got him he accidentally knocked me and I wouldn't fallen to the floor if he hadn't caught me in time

"Morning Jones when did you climb in bed with me?" Sam asked as he held me

"At 2:30am" I say as I burry my face into his shoulder "I got lonely"

Sam nodded and would make sure she didn't fall asleep alone tonight and he said "Where's Arlo?"

"Me got it see" I smile as I wave the teddy's hand at him

Sam kissed my head and Penny smiled and said "Morning sleepyheads"

"Morning wifey" Sam said as he sat me down next to him and we were passed some breakfast and they saw me leaned into dad

Mum passed me my dads jacket and dad put it on me and I whispered a thanks before I ate some breakfast

After breakfast I went to the loo when the door was knocked and dad opened it and they stood Sarah who was stood on the door

"Sarah come in" Sam said as he let her in

She came in and dragged her sled in and I came downstairs and saw my cosiun and she seemed slightly injured and dad said "Penny check Sarah over I have a feeling who is behind this"

Penny nodded and Sam looked around outside for Norman but couldn't find him anywhere and Ellie came to him and said "You alright Sam?"

"Norman has hurt my niece so no I'm not" Sam said as he lead Ellie inside "Tea?"

"Please, make yourself and Penny one" Ellie said as she closed the door

"So one coffee, two Tea's and a coke and Fanta coming up" Sam said as he got them all ready

Ellie walked into the living room and said "Hey Sarah you okay?"

"Arm hurts other then that I'm alright" Sarah said

"I'm looking after her Ellie" I said "Sarah, pain?"

"Six?" Sarah asked relaxed a little more and Penny felt it and wrapped it up with her scarf she had been wearing

"Who did this cuz?" I ask eyebrow raising

"Cuz you look like my uncle" Sarah giggled as Sam walked in and with the adults help the drinks had been taken out of Sam's hands and they saw the coke had been whipped up and a straw was placed it in

"Here you go" I say a smile appearing on my face

"Love you Jones" Sarah said as she took it and drank half

"Love you to Sarah" I said as I did the same with my Fanta

Once cans were down we fist bumped each other causing everyone to giggle

"There related alright" Penny said with a laugh

"There are cousins guys" Sam smiled "The twins get worried if Jones is missing or injured or hurt and vice versa"

"Seems the Jones family is a tight knit community" Ellie smiled

"It is" Penny said

"Sarah, answer this honestly did Norman have anything to do with this?" Sam asked

Sarah nodded

Sam got his phone out and went into the call and texted his brother saying Brother, I've got Sarah, she's been injured out sledding but I have just been told Norman had something to do with her injury, Jones, Ellie, Penny as well as myself are with her now - Sam x

He didn't get a reply straight away like he thought he would but he decided to text Bronwyn for good measure the same message which said Bronwyn, I've got Sarah, she's been injured out sledding but I have just been told Norman has something to do with her injury, Jones, Ellie, Penny as well as myself are with her - Sam

He saw no reply but didn't chose to freak as he didn't want to freak his niece anymore then she was but he had seen how relax she looked now while she was with her family, with her uncle, aunt, cosiun and fellow firefighter

He saw his daughter was telling Sarah about something they both enjoyed which was the sea

Sam pulled Penny into the hallway and asked her "How bad Sarah's injuries were"

"Not going to lie, I do think her arm is broken and she seems to have some scratches upon her face and hands" Penny answered "Jones is trying to keep her calm and Ellie is making sure both girls drink and eat"

Sam nodded and said "My brother and sister in law arnt answering there phones"

"Maybe there busy Sam it is only ten in the morning remember" Penny chuckled as they walked back into the living room

"I remember" Sam said as he walked back into the living room also

We were all sat around the tele but they all saw Sarah start to lean on me and Penny started to speculate she had missed something but Ellie assured she hadn't

The TV was put onto Sarah's fave programme which was a fishing show, everyone but Sam was really watching it

It ended two hours and a half later with advertisements included and Sarah went loo and she saw her cousin waiting for her and Sarah did the same when I went and I eyed Sarah's ankle and picked her up and carried her downstairs

My parents and Ellie looked concerned and confused

"Help, Sarah's ankle" I say as I place her on the sofa

Penny took off Sarah's shoe and indeed her foot looked swollen

They checked it and ice went on it and I kept Sarah calm by singing a Welsh sea shanty I picked up from my uncle Charlie

Sam kissed Sarah's forehead and did the same to mine before he rubbed her arm in comfort before he left to the hallway to call his brother and Bronwyn

He tried Bronwyn first but it went straight to voicemail, he tried three more times, each time went to voicemail

So he tried his brother Charlie but it also went to voicemail so did the other three times

He then checked his text messages and saw his text to both Charlie and Bronwyn induvally hand't been replied to, they hadn't even been seen

This worried Sam a bit but right now he needed to inform Ellie and Penny and keep both girls calm

Sam walked back in with a poker face on and looked at Sarah's ankle and mouthed how bad is it?

Penny mouthed she needs to go up really Sam

Ellie mouthed any luck in contacting her parents

Sam shook his head and mouthed they haven't answered the text I sent them at 10am and they haven't answered there phones and it's now getting onto to half 1

I was still singing the sea shanty I had picked up and it had calmed Sarah down a bit and Ellie wrapped Sarah's ankle up as Penny splinted it

"We really needed to go up" Penny whispered "Her ankle could be broken"

"But without my brother and Bronwyn answering there phones" Sam started

"One of us will have to do it" Ellie said

"But who?" Penny asked

Ellie and Sam shrugged and said "We need to decide on someone as Sarah's ankle needs checking out preferably sooner then later guys"

I rubbed my cousins arm and whispered assurances to her

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