Finding the parents and taking Sarah up

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Ellie checked Sarah's head and saw me squeezed her hand to keep Sarah calm while she did so

"Pain Sarah?" Ellie asked

"A tad" Sarah said

Ellie frowned deeply and asked me to move

I nearly refused but headed off to find my dad who had walked out no doubt to call the station for Jupiter and Venus

"El, you'll have to apologise to her" Penny said as she watched me go

"I know" Ellie said "She's so like Sam sometimes I think Jones is just him but female"

Ellie checked the back of Sarah's head and then said "I can't feel a bump so must just be a headache"

"Can't give her any painkillers to we know for sure it's not broken or is and don't require a surgery" Penny supplied

A door was heard slamming upstairs

Penny sighed and they saw Sarah try and get up and Penny said "Sarah you can't go up and see her"

"But I need to" Sarah defended a stern look appearing as she sat up

Sam walked in and said "What's going on?, where's Jones?"

"She went into her room but these ain't letting me see her" Sarah pouted

"Ellie check on her but take shoes off before you step in her room if you've already check Sarah's head, I'm going to call Elvis, I think she just wants to look after Sarah alongside us" Sam said as he left to go into the hallway and Ellie headed upstairs

She took of her shoes and knocked the door and she saw a red rimmed eyed Jones standing on the other side of it

Ellie crouched down and said "Hey Jones"

"El?" Came the quiet answer

Ellie nodded and said "Sarah's asking for you"

"You and mum will push me away from her again" I look at Ellie sad

Penny had walked up into the landing and mouthed not going well eh

Ellie shook her head and mouthed she thinks she can't come with us to look after Sarah

They saw red appear on my face and Penny picked me up against my will but I said "Dad, mother has captured me"

Penny told Ellie to close my bedroom door and she did so

We walked downstairs and saw Sarah in Sam's arms ready and he said "She okay?"

"Wants her cousin really" Ellie said

"Where's Sarah?" I ask so penny swapped arms with me so I could see her and I waved

I relaxed so did Sarah

"It's like you and Charlie Sam" Penny whispered to Sam as they saw me and Sarah communicate without talking just like Sam and Charlie could

Sam nodded and rested a head on her shoulder and this rang alarm bells in Penny's head and said "Sam spill what's up"

"My brother and Bronwyn ain't answering there phone calls or texts, Pen" Sam whispered "honestly I'm getting worried"

Penny nodded and kissed him and whispered "They'll he found Sam don't worry"

Sam looked at her and soon Jupiter and Venus arrived

Meanwhile Penny was checking Sarah's hearts and lungs and saw they were normal if not as if her heart was racing which was caused by the panic that had happened in the few mins leading up to that and when Sam walked into the living room after talking to Elvis did she go upstairs to see what was bothering her daughter

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