March 8 part 2

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As time went on and it started to reach around 6pm, Ellie grew worried about the Jones's who should've been home hours ago

She called Malcolm to ask if he had seen or heard them, he said he hadn't and she said her thanks and made sure Sarah was occupied before she made the call

She saw Sarah was taking a nap while she tried each of the Jones's phones, they were off or on flight mode and she sighed so she called her friend Angela Richards who works at British airways

She answered after a lengthy while and asked what airline they were on, Ellie didn't know so asked her to check for her

Angela came back saying they were on Air France and not British Airways

Meanwhile Malcolm had gotten through to Rose and he was telling her he must've accidentally booked them onto Air France which was known for being late and he started to feel a tad guilty bout it even if Rose didn't seem to mind

Malcolm was on hold to Air France to try and get them to change them for them so the Jones's could get home after the recent news they had heard about that plane the Jones's, Rose, Lucy's Liam and Amelia should've been boarding

Eventually he managed to get someone and he told them the whole situation and they weren't to pleased. Malcolm couldn't fault them however

Malcolm told them due to the flight taking ages to actually reach France he was going to move them all to a British airways flight so they could get home

Ellie came by the police station with Sarah and explained how she knew someone at British airways and told Malcolm she could be of some assistance

She also told Malcolm that her friend was to on call to Air France to see if they could resolve the situation

After a while Ellie revived a text message of her friends Angela saying that Air France had had a change of heart and had refunded the whole flight so the flight party could go onto the British airways one and fly home before the day was out

Ellie: that's great

Angela: they also told me they'd cover the whole entire journey as I work on the reservations for the flight from British Airways, there on the next flight that leaves Paris, I've reached out to our team in Pairs and told them the whole situation

Ellie thanked her over text and then the they waited

In Paris, the others had been told they had changed flights and were told to follow a man in an Air France uniform and a woman in a British airways uniform as well as two people from Airport police

Loads of people did "Ooooh your in trouble"

Sam saw Jones tighten her grip and he could tell his daughter was tired and that they were starting to get her worried so he was first to stand up

Without arguing they indeed followed the people and off to the gate where the soon to be departing British Airways flight was at

Sam asked what was going on and a team member from British Airways told them all she and Air France had swapped there flights around for them so they could get out before today was done

Once they left Sam's phone rang and he answered it while still holding onto me and he heard that it was Ellie's friend Angela (Who was a British Airways support manager) and she explain the whole situation to Sam

She told him regarding there long delay with Air France saw Air France, her and British Airways they had gotten them onto the next flight from Paris with the British airways team

Sam asked how

She told him that Air France had refunded the whole journey and had paid for this one for them to get home to London with them

Sam smiled a small smile, at least he wouldn't have to explain to Jones why the plane wasn't coming to tomorrow at midnight

She then told him all costs were on both teams and that Ellie had told her who had told both team the situation involving Jones and what happened last time a flight (The flight that had a rough landing)

She told him that someone from British airways and airport police would escort you there to make sure you 1. Get there and 2. No one hurts anyone on the way

She also told him that this flight departs 2h before the Air France one even lands in Paris and that this flight had been double checked by HQ in London with the air traffic control team as well as Malcolm who had checked the stats of the flight path and was relived it was going to fly the normal flight path

After the call Malcolm texted Rose saying that they should fly straight to London, England UK but the secound they don't, he will be notified immediately

I was happy to he flying home and I was indeed getting tired and now it was 6pm and the flight we were gonna board had arrived

They let the passengers flying from England to France off first before letting the passengers on who were flying from France to England on

We all boarded and I used the airline loo, my parents had to

I sat in the window seat, dad had the middle, mum the aisle

Rose and Lucy were at the back with Liam and Amelia

I was wrapped up in the blanket and my seatbelt on and I held dads hand

Things were so far so good on the plane ride and it soon took off

Sam saw Penny asleep, he knew she'd soon fall asleep considering she'd been up since 4am and he watched his daughter Jones who was watching a movie and she tried to curl into Sam

He knew she wanted comfort so he rubbed her arm and tried to coax her to sleep, that way if anything did kick off, I'd be asleep through it

I couldn't fall asleep and Sam cursed in Welsh

They flew back to the UK and Sam hoped nothing would kick off with an already anxious me

I wasn't anxious of flying, due to being tired and Air France and whoever was at that gate saying thouse words had gotten to me and made me think where we actually in trouble

The plane jeered just as I relaxed and Sam had an arm over me immediately and he breathed a tad of relief when my seatbelt was on same for Penny

"Dadda?" I ask

"It's okay Jones just turbulence, hey, why don't we talk about the fire station you seen" Sam said changing the subject

It worked

Someone at the middle of the plane then blurted out "Least we haven't been on an aircraft that has been missing five years, where everyone else who wasn't on this plane ages 5 years and the rest who are on this plane"

This concerned me and then the pilot said something, something I couldn't quite make out, as I had fallen asleep

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