Sam gets hurt and Apologies

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Sam had headed upstairs to see his family and saw they all were sat in the living room and he joined them

They started to have a nice family chat about that they had all done in there lives and what homework what people had when Sam saw a text of Malcolm asking him to come down to the front of the station  so he did so

Malcolm had sent him the text he and Rose had received also by some neighbours of them in Newtown

When he did so he saw the parents of Freddy who asked Sam why the school was closed so Sam told them that it was the deputy's choice after the events that had happened in the conning weeks

Freddy asked if he go park and he was allowed to unaware of what his parents had planned

Thinking the scene was safe Malcolm and Rose left Sam and the parents to talk amongst themselves unaware of what would happened

They chatted for a while to Freddy's dad jumped on Sam pushing him to the ground with a thud

Sam's head smacked of the floor and he let out a cry of pain but was immediately shushed by Freddy's mum while the dad starting to hurt Sam some more

Sam was trying not to cry but his head was stinging so let out another cry of pain and Malcolm and Rose came running to where Jupiter was located and where they had left Sam "talking"

Once they got there, they saw Freddy's mum with her hand on Sam's mouth and she was pinning one side down while Freddy's dad held Sam down the other side but the tears rolling down Sam's face and the pained look upon his face resulted in what Malcolm and Rose did next

They arrested them and took them to custody and he called Freddy's grandad who got Freddy on the way and saw his daughter and her husband be whisked away by Rose and she would keep them there to Newtown arrived

Malcolm helped Sam up as they approached them and Malcolm called Jones downstairs and was brought down by Steele and the grandad encouraged Freddy on the way there to apologise to the young Jones on what he and his friends had did

"I'm sorry Jones" Freddy said

"It's fine Freddy honestly" I smiled "let's just forget this happened, least you've apologised"

"The others haven't?" He asked

I shook my head and the grandad said "time to go Freddy, remember your staying at mine now Freddy"

He waved at me so I waved back and off he went we then went back upstairs but Sam was halted by Malcolm who asked Sam "if he was alright"

Sam nodded but a face of pain was immediately shown after

Malcolm frowned but saw Sam wasn't letting anyone touch his head but Malcolm could see he was in pain and a lot of it also

Sam headed upstairs and Malcolm texted Steele, Penny and Ellie to keep an eye on Sam as he'd been pushed to the floor by Freddy's parents and by the look of it his head took the brunt force

Malcolm looked down at the floor by Jupiter and saw blood, the parents had cut Sam's head open and Sam was in too much pain to realise it

Malcolm cleaned it and saw a text of all three of them saying they would check Sam's head over and Penny was already determined to corner him to do so

Meanwhile as Malcolm texted them that Sam saw Ellie walk up to him and she told him that she would keep an eye on Sarah as she slept

Sam bit his lip as he nodded the pain racking through his head again but Sarah had woken up due to the fight that had happened upstairs so Sam needing to be checked over by Penny or by Helen forgotten and Malcolm did try and help them all calm Sarah down so her breathing would calm down

Once it had everyone went there own ways and Sam sent an email over the Parents email via the school site and he grunted in pain as the room spun

Maybe he should stay sat down for a while

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