Meeting the Sub and trouble

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As I walked into school this morning I found my friends already sat there lips into thin lines so I sat down

The sun turned around and said "Good morning I am your sub, Mr Spellman, I won't accept any foolishness in this class you understand me?"

We all nodded and he went to where I was and said "Name"

"Jones" I said

After all it was my name, so if he didn't believe it he could get Mrs Sandy to show my records

"Ah you must be the famous Jones everyone talks about, the one who wishes to take after her father" He said "The one who got kidnapped"

"Ah yes sir that's me but we don't talk about my kidnapping" I said "it's kinda a trauma thing and I don't wish to talk about it anymore"

"So Jones what's seven times five" he said quickly

"Thirty five, was that supposed to be hard sir" I joke

"Anyway first lesson today maths, as you can see Jones got the first question correct" he said as he pulled up a PowerPoint on the schools computer then projected it via the projecter

This was going to be a long day - I thought as I tapped my foot on the floor in a rhythmic pattern

He didn't seem to appreciate it so told me to stop so I did as fast as I could as I didn't want to upset our new Sub anymore then I apparently had

Then our first lesson started which was French and I managed to say a long sentence in French before writing a paragraph in French

I did accidentally say something in Welsh but no one seemed to hear me


Then next lesson was science and I worked with Zara. Next time with Annabell and then Bella

We did chomotogtphathy and it was amazing, I enjoyed it

Then it was break and that was where I was nervous for. I hadn't told mum and dad why I was nervous last night and I'd rather not get into the trouble

After all dad never told people when something bothered him and I fully took after him

Outside at break is where I unfortunately bumped into the three people from yesterdays PE group

I hadn't no friends near me this time as they had all ran off to meet up with the others and I said I'd be there as soon as I been to the loo.

Sadly I hadn't made it back from the loo and wished I took a friend with me especially Bella

"All by yourself eh Jones?" Serena said evil

"No I just went loo, my friends are over there" I say as I pointed at them

"Ooh freak" Joey said as he spat at me and I was shoved down by Freddy

I sighed and let them and when they stopped and seem distracted did I seem to run and I as I ran I was tripped up accidentally by my shoe laces causing them to catch up to me and Joey stole my shoes just as the bell rang

Great, the sub for Mrs Chen was going to yell at me but I walked into class and I sat down only for him to say "Jones where are your shoes?"

"They've been stolen sir" I say truthfully

"Lies, Dention after school" He said

"I can't serve a Dention after school, I have fire cadets today" I protest

Lesson three was music and went alright and I throughly enjoyed it, lesson four was English and I struggled with it ugh

Then lunch and I sat down with my friends and ate my lunch and as I went to put it away did they come back to me

"So you told Mr Spellman your shoes were stolen?" Serna laughed

"While you and your friends stole them off me" I said crossing my arms

"Now Jones has a Dention after school" Joey teased

"And apparently she's a fire cadet" Freddy said

"I am a fire cadet" I said firmly

"I wonder who's your dad is though, no one special" Freddy cackled

Serene showed me my shoes and went off with my water bottle also just as the bell rang leavening me with no water for the rest of the day

I was so not looking forward to this at all

I kinda wanted to go home if I'm honest with you

Afternoon form, he made us line up in surname rider and believe me that was just a struggle for him to do as he didn't believe some of the surnames, luckily Mrs Sandy the deputy came to the rescue and let us in

Then lesson 5 was history and it was boring, if I need any of that information I'll ask Arnold.

Lesson 6 was art and I painted a picture of my family including Steele, the twins, Charlie, Bronwyn and Ellie

It dryer and he dismissed us all apart from me as he didn't let me out of the classroom door and he said "Phone now"

I handed him my phone powered off and I placed it in my bag closed before the bag was placed behind his desk

It looked like I was going to serve this Dention no matter how hard I hated it. I hadn't let dad know and I'm pretty sure school hadn't either

With dad and Boyce not knowing well searches would be made and a upset Jones would appear

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