Baby and Sea rescue

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As we reached Sarah and Ellie we both got serious and Penny instructed me to see to see Sarah and she did Ellie

I saw something had wrapped around Sarah's waist so I got out my pilers and I undid it and I saw it was pulling her under so once she had stopping bobbing I pulled her onto my board and pulled her back to sea and did CPR on my cousin

And I pleaded in my head she would wake and I nearly screamed with joy when Sarah fluttered her blue eyes open

"Hello, stay still you've been rescued out from the sea okay Sarah" I said as I kissed her head

"My cast its wet" Sarah said

I noticed to and I apologised to her as I cut it open and secured it with a dry jacket once I had wrapped her up in a towel

I radioed Ben

"Lifeguard Hooper, Lifeguard Hooper this is rookie lifeguard Jones, do you receive over?"

"Rookie Lifeguard Jones this Lifeguard Hooper, I do receive you over"

"Lifeguard Hooper, lifeguards Jones and Penny are attending a rescue out of sea and I need you to go and grab the skiff for me over"

"Roger and Wilco over"

I smiled at Sarah and then I heard Penny blow her whistle twice so I told Sarah to stay where she was and I went back into the sea to aide Penny with Ellie

I had also grabbed the spinal board incase we needed it

Penny had cut whatever had held was holding Ellie down and was holding her in a vice grip and with her instructions I put the spinal board under her and Ben assisted us with the legs and I did the straps and once Ellie was back at sea once her head had been secured did Ben head off to get the skiff

Ellie however stayed convoys the whole time and I called for an ambulance as Penny checked Sarah and she saw Sarah was somewhat warm and saw that her arm was secured in my own jumper that I had in my locker if needed

"Jones took good care of me auntie Penny" Sarah smiled softly

"I can tell she did, she deftly isn't a rookie no more" Penny smiled and she looked at me as I relayed all the information to the person who was the call handler and she asked me how old I was

I said I was eleven and she said I was very calmed and brave for a elven year old and she asked for my name and the name of the paitens involved in the emergency

"My name is Jones, and the people involved in the emergency is Ellie Phillips and Sarah Jones" I gave her "Sarah had a broken arm which will need a sling but has been supported by a jumper to she can get a sling, she is also getting warm as I wrapped her up and offered her some soup"

"And Ellie?" The handler asked

"We think that Ellie has a spinal or neck injury so she is secured on a neck board" I answered the handler

"An ambulance from Newtown Hospital has been dispatched can you stay on the line to they get here?"

"Of course I can" I answered

Now we were waiting for the ambulance came and it soon arrived and they took Ellie into it first then they helped Sarah in and they soon headed off to Newtown Hospital

But while we were waiting Sarah was getting her breathing and heart beat and Ellie was watching Jodie and Jodie crouched down to her once she told Penny that Sarah was breathing raspy but she thought it was mostly due to the shock and not water but would need a chest x-ray to be certain

Jodie saw Ellie was looking worried so he kept Ellie calmed by saying "Els look at me your safe okay, your neck won't be injured okay"

Penny joined me once they had been to taken to the hospital

"Jones I think you ready for a promotion" She told me

I looked at her and said "Wait really?"

"Yep, come, let's call today a day, Ben and Jodi is gonna take over for us for the rest of the day" Penny said

We had a shower and got dressed in warm clothes and mum placed a beanie on my head and I said "Love you mum"

"Love you more" Penny said and she pulled me close and said "Where's your shoes?"

"I don't have shoes there with dad remember" I smiled

Mum gave me a piggy back

At the hospital they were quickly pulled into a a mri on Ellie's neck and head as well as her spine and it was found out nothing was wrong with her neck or spine, just some bruising

Once the mri was done both were done a chest X-ray to see if there was any water in there lungs and they found out there was done and they were placed in a room and Dr Alexander and Dr Anderson walked in to check them both over to be on the safe side and to calm there own worries

The jumper was taken off and a sling was put on and Sarah said "That's Jones's jumper can it be given to Harry to be washed"

Dr Alexander and Dr Anderson both in unison said "you will both need to stay the night for observation and that would take the jumper to Harry to be washed"

They nodded and once they left Sarah curled up into Ellie on both of there good sides and fell asleep, Ellie also did the same thing and fell asleep

As Harry was checking Sam over and chatting to Charlie he found out via his radio that Ellie and Sarah was being brought to the hospital after being rescued by the lifeguards and he told Charlie and Charlie said "she would want to be with Ellie"

He nodded and when he left the room he received a damp jumper he knew was Jones's and he washed it and handed it to Sam and Charlie who were both asleep and he passed it into Sam's hand and he coiled it around with his hand

Meanwhile Hannah's doctor told Lizzie that Hannah was now ready to be discharged and that someone would need to keep an eye on her and James immesly agreed and he offered to do so and Lizzie texted Bronwyn saying Can James stay over at mines and be with Hannah?

Bronwyn texted back saying sure he can, I think he fancies Hannah and I know they love each other

Lizzie chuckled and she knew also that both Hannah and James fancied each other

Lizzie called Joe and between him and Joe they took Hannah and James home and once they were home they were both snuggled on the sofa

And when Hannah fell asleep snuggled into James, James kissed her head and blushed when Lizzie saw

Lizzie tucked them both in and said "I already knew James"

James wondered if he should admit his feelings to Hannah and he smiled as he watched Hannah sleep

And while that happened Mark was with Jessica as she got an ultrasound and the day they would give birth would be March 7th and once they were home Mark helped Jessica to a bath due to her back aching from carrying her twins and they soon cuddled together in the bed

Then the names started to come out once more and they both agreed on Lucy Jessica so it was the boy names

"James Mark?" Jessica asked

Mark shook his head and said "Ace Mark?"

"Asher Mark" Jessica smiled

"Theodore Mark" Mark said

"Lincoln Mark" Jessica said "But I do love Theodore as well"

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