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They soon got to the station and Sam put Jones down to only notice she was somewhat injured so he called Ellie to come check while he and Penny checked in on Steele and to join us after she had done so

Ellie nodded and checked Jones's arm out and found the cut so cleaned it and then put a plaster on it but she noticed the cut was made by something sharp so called Helen in to double check and she tuck the plaster off so Helen could check and she chucked that one in the bin before Jones fainted if she saw it

Helen checked it once she arrived and said "That looks like it was done by human nails but Jones's aren't that long enough"

Helen put a new plaster on it and told Ellie to keep an eye on it incase it got infected but it shouldn't as Ellie cleaned it nearly straight away

Then Ellie left Jones be once she was in her own room in the sleeping quarters which was by surprise next to Sam and Penny's bedroom in the sleeping quarters

Meanwhile in Steele's office the fire service lawyer was there alongside Malcolm, Rose, everyone other firefighter other then Ellie as Ellie was currently occupied but would joined them as soon as she was done

Ellie slipped in and the video started

Once at school I saw my friends and we chatted for a while before Mr Spellman urged us in form and we sat down

He spat my name as he went down the register

"He spat my surname out, how very dare he" Sam growled

"Sam he also spat my surname out as well" Penny said as Sam wrapped an arm around his wife, he had vowed to protect her and his daughter and right now was only protecting one and not both

But no one spat the Jones's surname out like that

He soon would be dealing with family if I told on him to my family but I couldn't find my voice to do so but today would be the day to tell them

Lesson 1 was music and we were doing sea shanty's, Uncle Charlie would love this

Lesson 2 was geography and we learnt about France it was alright and quite interesting but he didn't let us use the internet to search for the answers to the questions we didn't know let alone himself knew on our work

I pulled out my phone and did my work as I researched the answers by texting keywords into the search engine called Google and then after I wrote it down on my paper I texted the group chat it and quickly put my phone away

The others completed the work me then it was break  time

"Least she was smart enough to think like that" Arnold said "If a teacher doesn't even know the questions on the work your supposed to be doing then why are you doing it?"

"He has a point though" Ellie said

"Don't encourage him Ellie" Steele chuckled

I sat inside and played uno with my friends to the end of break time and I won a game and Bella won the other game

Lesson 3 & 4 was cooking and I throughly enjoyed it and we were making crepes and it was soo good

The room smelt so nice and once they were cooked we were allowed to eat them and we ate them

Then we went to lunch and before I could eat mine I was pulled by Serena, my lunchbox falling to the ground with a light thud but I can see Zara pick it up before I'm whisked behind the music block and tied me up and started to claw at me

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