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It was now bearing onto nighttime again and Ellie found Sarah a blanket and she passed Steele my comforter and he wrapped it around me like Ellie did with Sarah

Both children were worried about there parents and rightly so, Steele called Malcolm once he said goodnight to Ellie

Bold - Malcolm
Normal - Steele

"Hello, Malcolm speaking"
"Hey Malcolm, it's Steele"
"Steele?, what's up, you and the crew okay?"
"Yes, we'll no"
"Sam's in the hospital with what is most likely a concussion, he's been slurring words so Helen had taken him up with Penny"
"And the kids?"
"James is with Mandy, Sarah with Ellie and Jones is with me"
"I have a feeling I know where Sam's concussion had come from"
"You do?"
"Yep, he was attacked by Freddy's parents a couple of days ago"
"There in Newtown custody, Freddy is with his grandad in Newtown he has apologised on behalf of Joey's and Serena's actions alongside his own"
"That's good to hear"
"I'll contact Helen and see how he is and I'll report back"

The call ended and Steele kissed my head and we headed to the sleeping quarters and Steele saw Ellie and Sarah fast asleep snuggled into each other

Steele laid me down and I woke up crying so he picked me up and I went loo and got changed into my fave pjs and laid next to my grandad

Steele saw I looked worried about Sam and Steele said "Jones, dad will be okay"

"Promise?" I ask

"I promise" Steele said

I snuggled into him and he wrapped an arm and my comforter around me

Meanwhile Sarah and Ellie were having a similar conversation and Ellie promised Sarah she would be reunited with her parents soon and they to soon fell asleep

At the floods James and Mandy were asleep in the tent outside, with Mike in the living room if he was needed

Charlie and Bronwyn were in there room and they heard commotion so went to investigate and saw Harry running looking for his secound opinion and he saw Charlie and Bronwyn

"Oh hello you two, how are you?" He said

"We're fine you look out of breath" Charlie said "so is it my brother or niece or sister in law"

"Your brother?" He replied and Dr Anderson arrived

"What's wrong with my brother?" Charlie asked as Dr Anderson issued Harry away

"What's wrong with my brother Bronwyn" Charlie got concerned and determined to find out

"He's fine Charlie" Bronwyn said

"Hm, my gut says something else Bronwyn" Charlie said

Bronwyn just nodded and went to the loo as well as Charlie did to as well and Charlie tried to find Harry unlike Bronwyn who went back to the room they were in

And Charlie kept looking as an older brother he had a duty

Meanwhile once they were brought in Penny and Helen had been informed by Malcolm how Sam's head injury had been formed

Harry walked in and saw Sam looked pained so asked what had happened

Penny told him that Sam had been attacked and that his head had smacked off the floor

Sam saw Harry look at him and said "Looks like a concussion if he's already slurring and his eyes arnt focused either"

"Looks like?" Penny asked

"I'll get a secound opinion from Dr Anderson Sam and yes I mean you no escaping" Harry said as he left

"Don't escape" Sam mocked

"Sam, calm" Penny said

"How can I calm?" Sam argued with a slur "Jones needs me"

"Sam Jones is with her grandad okay" Penny assured him

Sam looked up at her and blinked his eyes trying to focus on hers

Penny kissed his head and said "Shush Sam your okay, Jones is okay, everyone back home is okay"

Harry walked in with Dr Anderson who to checked Sam over and asked him to follow her finger and he couldn't and swatted it away

Harry nodded and said "Yep he has a concussion"

Harry whispered to the doctor what had happened

And she nodded with a grin look upon her face

None of them noticed Charlie watching them

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