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The doctors were ran off there feet due to paitents being in pain and some

Ellie and Sarah both started to feel more in pain so Dr Alexander and Dr Anderson gave them both something for the pain as well as bowl incase they was going to be sick

Bronwyn had gone to find the doctors as it hurt to see her daughter throw up

Their pain soon calmed down and Tom came to investigate on what was going on, he hadn't this mystery illness however though

He had brought someone to the hospital via the air ambulance and had decided to leave his helicopter here while he visited everyone to see how they were doing

Tom then went to see the Jones's and he had a sudden feeling something wasn't quite right

Penny had spiked a fever so was asleep and Sam was holding Jones, a little tighter then normal and I soon stirred

Sam smiled when he saw me stir and he explained to me how mum had suddenly spiked a fever and that they all were still in pain, even if Sam's was starting to wear off due to painkillers

Harry walked in and said "Jones open it'll help"

I scrubbed my face up and dad calmed me and Harry put in my mouth and I swallowed it

"Gave her a tramodol" Harry said "Something isn't right here though"

"Agreed" Sam agreed

Harry soon left and Tom walked in and I was being entertained with dads phone

Tom told Sam that Ben and Jodie was looking after the lifeguard tower and that they were on duty, he told them they were doing search and rescue to

Mark and Jessica also had no fever or pain and they went with Malcolm and Rose to talk the secruity staff and once the secruity staff had arrived they had all decided to have a meeting and a NHS official to discuss what was going on

A few moments later the NHS health official got a radio message saying that the person brought in by Air Ambulance had somewhat trace of ice

Some doctors tried to isolate both Ellie and Sarah and Jones's family and Ellie had an argument with the doctors and Dr Anderson and Dr Alexander relieved thouse off duty

Sarah had flashbacks and was quiet and the door was closed with caution tape on and both Ellie and Sarah felt calmed in that way and Sarah had a flashback so Ellie had given her a trauma medicine and she took it and it worked an hour

Hannah however didn't need to isolate other then with James

Tom was told to leave by health officials and instead of arguing he left

Harry told Sam and Jones that they would need to isolate as a family before they left

This made Jones quiet and Sam couldn't make her talk and it worried him

Penny had an iv in her arm to calm the fever and she stirred to see me upset but not making a sound

She held her arms out to me and I ran to them and dad helped me get on the bed

Penny held me close and Penny mouthed what's wrong with her?

Sam mouthed we have to isolate and Jones isn't taking it well

Penny saw me yawn and Penny mouthed she is after all only eleven Sam

"I know she is" Sam said as he and Penny kissed

Jones looked at them both with her tired emerald green eyes

"Why don't you go sleep Jones" Penny said

"But I woke up three hours ago" I pouted

"Obviously you being in pain and being sick has worn you out eh Jones" Sam said

I held my arms up to my dad and he picked me up after he placed his jacket on me

I fell asleep in my dads arms

Penny smiled and said "You two are so cute"

"Thanks Pen" Sam smiled as he held me as I slept

"I hope they find out what's wrong with us all and others soon" Penny said

"Me too for Jones sake more so" Sam said as he sat down on the chair next to Penny's bed

"You know Sam, Jones is very much so a dads girl" Penny said with a smile

"I know she is" Sam said and held held me tighter as I slept

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