Exams, Upset and Breach

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Penny knew she had hers right now but she and Sam had her there injections, she just hoped Sam didn't remember as they had happened when he was asleep a few days ago

Penny had her medical check done and she was thinking of something as it happened, she had seen the text of Jessica and Mark and was proud of them and had congratulated them

As she was coming to the end of her medical exam she smiled and ordered something for Jones and the twins, it was nearly Christmas time anyway

Penny thanked Harry and Mary and Harry eyed her so pulled her to his office and told her to sit

She did

"What's wrong?" Harry asked quietly

"Me?, nothings wrong Harry why do you suspect that there's something wrong?" Penny said

"Your worrying" Harry said "About someone or some others, you know I can tell"

"Okay I'm worried about Jones and the others, haven't seen Sam come down i a while really" Penny admitted

"He hasn't come down from where, the bedroom?" Harry asked

Penny nodded and said "I think he's upset though, Charlie should be able to get through to him"

"Should be?" Harry said

"No one can be to certain, when it involed Jones Harry" Penny mumbled "He thinks he's upset Jones"

"Ah" Harry said "Cause of the medical exam?"

"Yeah, it was true she didn't want it and she had did it and Sam kinda found her" Penny said "Starting to think she don't like needles either"

"Could be possible after all there both related and she is very much so Sam" Harry said

They continued to chat and meanwhile at Ellie's house where that had been asleep for a few hours prior had suddenly been disturbed when the security alarm started to go off

Scaring Sarah in the process, Newtown police was called and they soon found the culprit when they arrived

It was a man in a tracksuit and once he was off to Cardiff Aston restarted the secruity alarm and they all left them be

Ellie gave Sarah her trauma meds and it worked in an hour

They both returned to her bed and only Sarah fell back asleep, Ellie however didn't, she needed to be in her guard and after letting guard down to sleep, she couldn't have it again but sleep was starting to overcome her as she tried to push sleep away

And at the Jones's residence Charlie opened up his brothers house and saw Penny had locked it which meant Sam was probably still where his niece said he was or he had left without Penny realising

When he walked upstairs he saw his niece smiling up at him and then turned to looking slightly worried and I put my arms up

Charlie picked me up and saw I was still wrapped in dads jacket he knew dad had worn a few days ago

"Dads under there" I said as I got down once back in my parents bedroom

I moved back to let them have space and Charlie pulled the duvet and Sam swatted his hand away

"Hello Sam, you need to come out the duvet you know" Charlie said

"No" Sam argued

"Sam please, I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong" Charlie said as he looked down at the duvet his brother was under

I went downstairs and opened the door and saw Elvis and instructed him upstairs to help Charlie

I stayed downstairs and wanted my dad out of the duvet

Upstairs Sam was still refusing to come out and he soon couldn't feel something so called for Jones but they all could the wetness in his voice, so it was obvious he was still crying

Elvis knew Sam probably needed a drink so went downstairs, passed me to Charlie and made drinks for them all and then let Malcolm and Rose in

"Hello you two, Sam's currently refusing to come out of a duvet" Elvis said as he let them in "Tea, coffee, drink?"

"Two tea's" Rose said "that's not like Sam to not come out of somewhere"

"He's upset, me and Charlie figured somethings happened between him and Jones and he isn't letting her out of her sight"  Elvis said

Malcolm and Rose went upstairs and they saw Charlie trying to get Sam out

"So Sam's under there?" Malcolm asked

Charlie nodded and said "Jones has managed to get under as she wants Sam and he wants her but he's being pretty strong with the duvet"

"Poor you Charlie" Sam mumbled

"Oi" Charlie said

Rose and Malcolm managed to get the duvet off Sam and they saw him dressed in his pjs and grasping for the duvet no one would let him have but he burried his face into the pillow as he knew had already shown to much weakness

Charlie tried to pick me up but Sam wrapped a hand around my foot and glared up at them all and said "no"

They all saw how Sam held me close and I snuggled into it

"Sam, wait" Rose said "You think you've hurt Jones haven't you?"

Sam nodded away from my head

"I'm not hurt dad, trust me" I smile

"But I accidentally hit your head and made you have needles and I wasn't there when you had your medical exam and you cried in that and here we are today" Sam wept

I turned to face him and they all checked me over and saw I was okay and Charlie wiped his face and Sam tried to move his head and face out of the way of his elder brother

"Sam stay still" Charlie said

"As a younger brother can't do that" Sam smirked

Me and dad hi fived and Charlie finally wiped my dads face and Sam stuck his tounge out and curled up, sleep starting to overcome him

"Daddy it's 11am you can't sleep now" I say

"Sorry Jones didn't mean to hurt you" Sam said as he held his arms open

I went to them and said "it's alright daddy but you still can't go sleep now, oh he's asleep"

Sam had indeed fallen asleep while holding me and when I got out Sam's had a quick once over and then Malcolm said "Sam's due his medical exam but I want to see if I can pull that forward, his skin kinda looks off colour which means I doubt he's eaten or drank anything while feeling quite upset and sorry for Jones"

Sam had been pulled off the bed waking him up and indeed he went loo and Malcolm was on the phone with Harry to see if Sam's could be moved forward and Elvis passed him some tea with honey in it

Sam blinked and drank some but sleep was still a heavy factor but he did keep drinking

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