Jan 14 p2

38 2 0

I fell asleep (After a while) so was most of the house and mum had made me some hot chocolate for me and Rose came back once off duty

I was awake when Rose walked in and I waved at her and she waved back at me

Mum passed me my hot chocolate and asked if Rose wanted one as I drank mine

Rose nodded and as mum went to make Rose the drink, Sam told Rose everything from me to James and Hannah's parentship to Lucy being in the hospital

Rose offered to help us all and she saw my slight blush at Lucy's name when it was mentioned

Before Rose could ask if I had a crush on Lucy a bunch of immagratiom officers (but everyone bit Rose knew that) barged in

Ellie, Sarah, Hannah and James hid in the bathroom after locking it

Rose ushered me and my dad into the kitchen and Penny locked it

I had left Arlo on the other side of the door and my dad tightened his grip on me and everyone soon heard Rose's firm voice telling the officers that she was POLICE and THAT THEY HAD TO STOP RIGHT THERE

They did so and Rose asked them why they were here

They told Rose that they were here due to seeing who was Lucy's mum on there cameras and Rose inaudible sighed as she said "Yes but as you can also see on your cameras she broke in then escaped as police and Truck 81 tried to catch her"

The officers showed her Lucy's mum citizenship which said Cassandra White and that she was American

"But isn't her divorced husband British?" Rose asked

"Yes her divorced husband and her daughter are both British citizenships however the mum is not" An officer said

"This will be on police report and you will reported to HQ and Home office due to not having enough proof to barge into a property" Rose said firmly

Rose then lead the officers out of the house to the front of Truck 81 and everyone in Truck 81 saw how firm and protective Rose could get if she wanted to be

"But Casandra is staying on an over expired visa" the leader of the officers said

"How long is she over?" Rose asked

"Thirteen years" the leader said

"So just after her daughter who shall not be her daughter anymore" Rose said as she eyed the officers

They asked to see everyone's citizenship and Rose allowed them to by starting with the CFD and Truck 81

They saw they had a permit for whenever Sam needed them as well as a lot of time left on there visa and a history of always updating there visa's

Then they checked everyone else's citizenship and saw they were all British citizens including Rose

Everyone's passports were checked 

Rose then told the leader that they'd also be done for damage to the property without enough proof

They then left after Rose received a text off Steele telling Rose they had tried to barge into the fire station and that he and Boyce had filed a report to there HQ and the HQ that oversaw all law enforcements and that Boyce had gone with and Rose showed the leader of the officers

The officers then left and Rose walked back inside and told us it was safe to come out, the others did

Mum and dad were trying to calm me down as I started to panic but mum had opened the door and Rose came in and told me it was all dealt with

I looked at her and I let her pick me up

Rose held me as she answered the call of Aston who was at Newtown hospital checking on Lucy

Bold - Aston
Normal - Rose

"Rose, us at Newtown police have just been informed of what had happened at Sam's"
"What you have heard is correct"
"Thought so, they all okay?"
"Yes they all are, how's Lucy"
"Lucy is alright, asked how Jones was"
"Thought she would, think they both have a crush on each other"
"Aston, can Jones see Lucy?"
"Yep she can"

Rose then ended the call and looked at me and saw my expression

They then found the handbag on the road near the coast and the south wales and Newtown Police cleaned it thoroughly before checking to see who the bag along to and it belonged to Lucy so it was brought up to Lucy at the hospital

Lucy was grateful for it and saw everything was still inside it and saw her phone was still fully charged and said "My mum took this, my mum might have my father"

"Don't worry we'll keep looking for him" Aston comforted her

They went out to find her dad

James and Hannah had woken up to and headed back to Lizzie's and Joe's and once there both worried about the other

They planned for the gender

If it was a boy James had planned for a bunch of blue balloons that were full of blue glitter and had a recipe for blue cakes

Hannah had planned for a bunch of pink balloons full with pink glitter and had a recipe for pink cakes for it was a girl

After the hard work of three hours of planning they both had a nap and both were worried about each other so they hugged each other as they fell asleep

Lizzie took a picture and sent it Bronwyn, Charlie, Sam and Penny

Rose got a text of Lucy's doctor which asked if Jones wanted to see Lucy so Rose asked me

"Jones would you like to see Lucy?" Rose asked me

Sam and Penny saw me look up in excitement as I said "Yes please"

Rose chuckled and off we went to see Lucy while the others stayed at the house with Malcolm watching the house as he sat and watched them, he made a mental note to tell Rose to take some time off as she had earned it

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