Dinner and heading back

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Once all dressed in different clothes then they wore to the courthouse they all went to dinner at the hotel restaurant

Sarah ordered cheese pizza, Bronwyn and Charlie fish and chips and Ellie had a veg table pizza and they all had tea apart from Sarah who had Fanta

They didn't ask why she didn't coke as they knew the answer would be that she missed her cousin as her cousin always ordered Fanta and her coke so when one ordered the other you knew who they were missing

The food came and they throughly enjoyed it and they all headed upstairs to there rooms after watching a movie together in Charlie and Bronwyn's

As they all went to bed Ellie saw Sarah looking slightly panicked and asked her what was wrong once both were ready for bed

Sarah said she felt nervous about flying back to London and Ellie assured her it would be alright and that she might possibly see her big sister

Sarah smiled and said "Has Jones met Jodie yet?"

"Jones hasn't met Jodie yet no" Ellie smiled

They fell asleep and Rose was still awake as 2am rolled round, she was determined to keep a closer eye on Pontypandy when she returned and she would get Malcolm to help her do so

When she fell asleep around 4am she was woken up at 8am by her phone ringing and saw it was Ellie and she asked where she was at the plane departed in a few hours and that the taxi was here

Rose got ready and made sure she had everything g before heading downstairs and got into the taxi alongside the others and Charlie raised an eyebrow at Rose unusual rushed manner so she passed Charlie the paper she had scribbled on at half 3 in the morning and he to got worried

They both were for the rest of the Jones's and they wondered if Jones had let Harry stitch up her thumb yet

They went to check in first then secruity where Sarah's cast was once again checked and Ellie passed the notes that said how the cast had happened and they were leg passed

Passport control was next and once done on plane and sat in a slightly way then they did on the arriving flight

Before they departed Ellie made sure had texted Penny what had happened so she could show Sam if he asked and she knew he would as Penny had

Sarah fell asleep on the plane so bad Bronwyn and Ellie after eating some lunch however Charlie and Rose were still awake discussing there worries for two Jones's

Once back in London they went through secruity where Sarah's cast was once again checked and they also got a note saying how and when she had recived the cast and passport control before they could get there bags

Bronwyn asked Ellie once on the coach they were issued on if she could look after Sarah for a few days

Ellie agreed and told Sam about it who replied Thanks for letting me know, Tom, Malcolm and Jodie will be waiting there, Still waiting to a receive a text of Charlie, Sam out

Ellie showed Bronwyn the text and she smiled and said "Those two though will always worry about each other, should've seen Charlie when he saw Sam be brought in to the hospital"

Ellie nodded and they soon arrived in Cardiff where they were met by Tom and Jodie and Jodie hugged her younger sister

Ellie blushed slightly and said "Jode"

"Awh is Els embrassed" Jodie chuckled

"Els, where did you get that from?" Ellie asked

"A certain red head called Jones" Jodie smiled "I popped into the hospital to tell Sam and the others I was coming along with Tom and Malcolm to pick you up and she said so you picking up auntie Els"

"I was stung once by an eltric eel" Ellie said

"Think it's stuck now Ellie, where's the other two" She asked

They all shrugged

Charlie and Rose had gone through secruity and passport control and where waiting for the coach to arrive and they got on the next one and sat together at the back as they were still worried about Sam and Jones and wondered what Hadley said was true

Rose calmed Charlie and told him "It couldn't be possible that they were after Sam and Jones but I'm also suspicious that there is someone out there after both Sam and Jones and with what Hadley saying take the child"

They arrived in Cardiff and they got off and met the others

"Too many on the coach so we got separated" Charlie explained

Ellie, Sarah and Bronwyn went with Jodie while Charlie and Rose went with Malcolm and Tom and Malcolm received the court order of Rose and he read it and Rose told him what Hadley had said

Malcolm saw how stern Rose and Charlie looked as they headed back to Pontypandy

Tom asked them how Chicago was

Rose told them "It went alright apart from the court case of course"

Tom nodded and Charlie asked him "How Pontypandy was"

"It's been oddly calm, neither emergency service has been called" Tom said "Norman hasn't needed to be rescued either and he isn't even with his auntie Phyllis"

"So he's in Pontypandy?" Rose asked

"Yep, its like even Pontypandy has realised somethings is up" Malcolm said

Once in Pontypandy Jodie took Sarah and Ellie to her house once Bronwyn had been dropped off at the wholefish cafe and James had been dropped off to her by Helen

Tom and the others (Malcom, Rose and Charlie) were at the Pontypandy police station thinking of a plan

They were right Pontypandy knew something was up as it was quiet and Pontypandy was never quiet

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