Sleeping and Bronwyn

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The others still watched Sarah and Me sleep while they talked quietly about where Bronwyn or Charlie could be

Alexander saw Bronwyn sat down on the bed in the cucabile and she checked her over

Bronwyn let her and she shivered and Dr Jordan Alexander said to take a shower and she did so and after it she got dressed into warmer clothes and was passed her phone which had been charged while in the shower and she checked it

She saw texts of Sam, least four of Sam and four missed calls of Sam. She frowned and knew something wasn't right

She checked the texts and saw that Sarah was injured and had been since 10am the next one was at 1pm when Sam said they were going to the hospital all of them was

Then at 4:30pm a text saying her daughters arm was broken and ankle twisted and that Sarah and Jones had not been able to he separated

At 5pm was a pic of Sarah and Jones asleep

Cute she thought, they really did love each other

Now sat 7pm a message asking where she was was sent

Bronwyn knew she was tired and needed sleep but nothing was going to stop her from seeing her daughter and niece and the others and by the sound of it Sam was worried about her and Charlie

Wait, Charlie

She got out of the bed and walked to the room and found the room Sarah was normally in if admitted

Bronwyn opened the door and she saw Sam stood on the other side

"Bronwyn?" Sam asked

"Hey Sam, you alright?" She asked

Sam peered behind her and said "Where's Charlie?"

"He's still being checked over Sam" and she pulled Sam into a side hug

Sam gave her a side hug and lead her in the room where the others smiled and said "Hey Bronwyn you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay, tired but yeah"

"Should be asleep then da" I mumble as I woke up and blink

"Sarah your mums here Wait, auntie Bronwyn" I smiled as I got out of bed

Bronwyn hugged me and said "Hello Jones, you alright"

I nodded and said "Sarah's still asleep"

I was picked up once I had been loo and placed next to my cousin again and I watched her and when Sarah awoke I smiled softly and Sarah hugged me the best she could

Sarah needed the loo so she went and when she came back she saw her mum and said "Mum"

"Hello you" Bronwyn said as she picked Sarah up and Sarah snuggled into her

"Awh cute" came the voice so slipped off the bed and held my arms up to my dad and he picked me up

"So you okay mum?" Sarah asked

"Yep just tired" she answered honestly

"Shouldn't you be in bed then?" Ellie asked

"Not when I have a daughter injured and a worried niece" She said

I covered my ears and they all looked at me and dad took them off my ears and me and Sarah locked eyes with each other

Dr Jordan Alexander walked in and said "Bronwyn there you are"

"I needed to be with her doctor" she said

"Hence why I've brought the bed to you, Hello Jones" she said

Sarah was the one who alerted Bronwyn about my teddy that had fallen when I had gotten off the bed and she picked it up and saw the bed he wheeled in before she left

Bronwyn sat down once she aced Sarah next to her and said "Jones"

"Hm?" Came the voice

Sam smiled relived and said "Look who Auntie Bronwyn saved"

I looked and said "Arlo, thanks Bronwyn"

"Your welcome" she said and Sam put me down on Sarah's bed and passed it me but they could see I now had a worried look placed upon my face

"Where's uncle Charlie?" Came the question

"Being checked out Jones" Bronwyn answered as she got under the blanket with her daughter

"Okay" came mine and Sarah's reply

Sam picked me back up and sat down with me

Penny and Ellie went to get drinks and some snacks for all of them to help tide them over to they could see Charlie but when they came back into the room

Sarah and Bronwyn were fast asleep so was Jones and Sam

Ellie and Penny drank there drink and wrapped the soaked blanket around us

Meanwhile the team was hovering over Charlie as he stayed unconscious and wouldn't stir

His arm had freezer burns end Doctor Jordan Alexander said "He's protected Bronwyn, hence them"

Charlie was giving heat pads across his arms and legs in a hope to rouse him

It didn't work and the blue stayed upon Charlie's lips but he was slowly warming up when he was changed into dry clothes by a male doctor and then wrapped up

But as he warmed up the blue hue and tinge that was on his lips stayed there and the blue hue and tinge wasn't light either it was a definite blue do it looked like a purple on his frosted chapped lips

His temperature had gone up and it was now a time to get him to warm up but not warm up too quickly

They didn't want him to go from hypothermia to hyperthermia

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