March 9th

33 0 0

As me and mum were asleep we hadn't realised or mum hadn't realised dad had snuck into bed with us

Ellie and Sarah were also asleep in there own house after they had woke up and left and headed back to there house and unexpectedly fallen asleep into a nap of dreamland

Malcolm soon arrived a tad later at Ellie's house to check in on them as he had been busy most of yesterday, by helping her unpack and leasing the Jones family and the other flight party home and into Wales (Newtown for Amelia and Liam and Pontypandy for the rest)

He decided to check in on them to see if they had any lasting effects of the kidnap which they no doubt had, if Jones and Sam had some, they had to have some

It was only logical

Ellie answered the door once fully awake and alert and she took her crutches and hobbled to the front door where she unlocked it to allow Malcolm to enter

Sarah woke up to see Malcolm talking to Ellie in the hallway

She wanted the loo but didn't want to scoot past and disturb them just incase it was a quite important chat, she also wanted to see Jones and pretending to sleep just a tad longer might end up getting her there

Worked with her brother so would work with her she hoped

Malcolm told Ellie that Ambulance 61 would be over once there shift was finished which would be very soon

Once Malcolm left a tad later, Sarah walked to Ellie and went loo before Ellie did

Going upstairs and downstairs with crutches was impossible so scooting down sitting down was the only plan for going up and down any type of stairs they would encounter for a while

Sarah saw Truck 81 outside of the Jones's house once more and told Ellie with enthusiasm that Jones was back

Sarah then started asking repeatedly if they could go see them as she had missed them more so Jones a ton

Ellie agreed and off they went, they knocked once there house was locked

Even though we're next door with a fence between them they still took safety into account

Casey opened the door and smiled at Ellie and Sarah and immediately let them in and said "Sam and Penny are getting ready upstairs, however Jones is downstairs and refusing to get out of her comfy pjs"

"Yep sleepy Jones" Ellie smiled softly "She's not fully awake after France being a whole hour ahead but in a small body like Jones's it has a huge impact especially if one isn't used to it"

"Jones isn't that much, unless you count Chicago and France" Casey chuckled

"Only once was a massive difference though" Ellie said "Two if you count France in hours ahead and behind"

Sam soon came down with Penny fully dressed and ready for the day ahead when Jones came running to her parents, acting like she hadn't seen them in a while

Sam picked me up and smiled when he saw Ellie and Sarah, Penny did so also and wonder if I would notice them

Once in the living room and dad put me down I saw Ellie and Sarah and hugged them both even if I did hug Sarah a tad tighter, she hugged me just as tight back, if not tighter

We were happy they stopped by and unlike me, my parents squeezed there shoulders

Ellie asked me how Paris was and I told her and Sarah all about it frlm practicing French to seeing the fire station at the airport in full action

I didn't miss out how my dad kept sitting on the tv remote out though much to my dads amusement

If that spreaded, he knew Elvis would tease him a tad

Ellie and Sarah thought it was funny dad had done so and he blushed slightly and mum kissed him


Sarah did that with a pic of Norman once and I had walked into it, maybe that was why I wasn't to pleased with if at age 11

Sam then told me he needed to speak to Ellie in private so off they went and mum followed

I played uno with Sarah as we wanted to distract ourselves from there adult conversation, however they had gone upstairs as to not traumatise us and so we didn't hear it as they knew my hearing was quite good

After all I took after Sam

Sam recalled what Malcolm had said about police escort at all of his emergency calls he attends for a while due to the whole J situation you already know and that his Steele had given him and Penny some time off after there time secluded in Paris

Sam then told the pair of them how Malcolm had told him that Malcolm and the police as in Pontypandy and Newtown had a plan incase the whole J situation happened at School between him or anyone he or Jones was related to

Sam agreed with the said plan once Malcolm had told him it and how if anything like that did happen Sam or anyone in Sam's family I.e Sam's wife (Penny) or Sam's Brother (Charlie) or even Sam's boss (Station officer Steele or Chief officer Boyce) would be notified immediately and so would the police who hadn't attend the scene at the school before J or P or whoever J had hired at the time would he arrested

Penny had gone to play uno with Jones and Sarah while Ellie, Malcolm and dad talked about the who situation they had been hiding from home

One they didn't realise I had nearly figured out

Don't tell them that though.......

Harry swung by to check on his things were with us and he then told us how Newtown hospital was now under DBS checks due to it being a health and social care place as well as childcare in paediatrics and the child wars as well as child A&E like Harry walked in

He then sat down on the vacant single chair and told them all that any security guard that had made mum feel quite uncomfortable will be found and fired

Penny smiled a tad and hoped Harry would change the subject, as I was sat next to her head on her lap tired as you may say

I was tired even if if only been awake an hour or so

Soon Sarah and Ellie said there goodbyes and headed to the hospital to have there checkups with Dr Alexander and Dr Anderson

They were checked over and told there bones were healing fine and both were alright and safe to go home and that Sarah could now indeed go home and be with her own parents

Dr Anderson asked Ellie if she'd been able to move out and Ellie said yes and told her where she now lived

Sarah was with her mum, Dr Alexander and Ellie incase of any flashbacks but none seemed to happen

She was just contempt being in the company of her own mum

Bronwyn (Sarah's mum) had been worried since she heard the news of her only daughters disappearance

Sarah knew she missed her mum a ton so they hugged a lot and stayed hugging for a while, refusing to let go

Flashback free and just plainly safe

However at the Jones residence all was not as it seemed

Harry had checked my parents w but I was to tired to keep my eyes open for Harry to check me over

"Jet lag shouldn't be like this" Harry sighed "she was one hour ahead not so many hours ahead of behind"

"Maybe Jones isn't thinking straight" Penny quipped

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