Jan 14

47 2 0

After watching Navity I had fallen asleep and we all slept to the following morning

Truck 81 came back just as someone tried to break into the Jones residence and everyone woke up to the sound of it

The police was immediately called and Truck 81 tried to catch or at least stop the person from escaping but sadly they had already done so but the police knew it was Lucy's mum

And they all knew to keep her away from Lucy

The police chased after her but she managed to evade them to so the police headed back to check the house

The police took statements and Rose decided to do Jones's, Sam's and Penny's as Rose knew how to keep us all calm as she did a very good job at keeping me and Mum calm with Malcolm when dad had been taken by J

All statements were vaguely the same due to us all being asleep when the break in happened

"So what did you see?" Most were asked

"Nothing just heard it due to being asleep" they all said

Truck 81 said "We tried to catch her for you but she escape our clutches and seemed to leave the house empty handed"

"We will need to check to make sure that is true said Aston

Malcolm and Aston checked the house while abiding and obeying my no shoes in my room policy and was glad the suspect hadn't stepped foot in my bedroom so once closed and shoes back on once downstairs they checked the CCTV and found out a bag had been indeed taken

A handbag (It is Lucy's and she had accidentally left it at the Jones's when Penny had lifted her to Venus but the police hadn't realised that yet) had been taken

Everyone's fingerprints were needed and both me and Sarah coiled our hands away and people noticed our nervousness so Rose decided to do mine and my parents as she took us to one side of the house so the night air was on my face and not the blaring lights of a police car

Olivia did James's and Hannah's first and once done they were allowed back in the house and back asleep

But they didn't fall back asleep, but straight away anyway

They had a bath got into clean new pjs and clambered back in bed as James kissed Hannah's bump and fell asleep next to her and Hannah held him close and kissed his head before she to fell asleep

Sarah was still hesitant to do it as she hadn't done it before

Jessica and Mark explained to Sarah why they had to do it and what to do

Ellie showed her first and did hers first and Sarah followed

Ellie asked "Where's the twins?"

"Being looked after by someone from Cardiff Police force" Jessica said "He'll be so glad to lock some more people up in Cardiff once we get ahold of Lucy's mum"

"I bet" Ellie said

"You two can go back to bed if you want as we have your fingerprints" Mark said firmly before saying "And try and get back to sleep, don't want you getting I'll do we"

They nodded and Ellie and Sarah walked back in and sat on the sofa where they soon fell back asleep

Malcolm for Truck 81 fingerprints and Kidd did the watch session first as everyone else slept and Kidd made Casey sleep as he had been up for days with barely any sleep

Rose with me and my parents and she told me why I needed my fingerprint taken

My parents went first and I did it and immediately wanted the substance off after I had finished so Rose wiped my hands and put the lid on so I could do Arlo's as well

This caused me to smile a soft timid smile

"You guys can go back bed if you want" Rose said

"Doubt Jones won't sleep again that's the problem" Sam said as Penny yawned discreetly

"What you mean?" Rose asked worriedly

"Just been broken into and that will remind her of J and P also-" Sam said

He then told her about what Dr Samuels and Harry had said and Rose nodded

Rose then asked for Arlo and I looked confused as Rose demonstrated Arlo driving a police car

I chuckled and told Rose "Arlo isn't a policeman he's my firefighting buddy"

"Oh is he, I didn't know that" Rose said as she smiled warmly at me

"Yeah, imma be the best firefighter if my generation" I smile widely

"And that you will be" Rose said as I was passed Arlo "Also, I suppose you know a certain Lucy"

"Hmm Lucy as in Mark's and Jessica's Lucy or Lucy from the tower?" I asked

"Lucy from the tower" Rose said

I blushed slightly and said "Yes I know her, we're quite good friends"

Penny hid her smile and thought Maybe more then friends Jones as Lucy blushed when your name was mentioned also

Meanwhile at the hospital, Lucy had been waiting with Dr Taylor and Dr Taylor knew Lucy was worried about her mum coming into the hospital to try and take her away

"So fancy anyone?" Dr Taylor asked in a hope to distract Lucy

It worked

"I do in fact" Lucy told Dr Taylor

"And who would that be if you don't mind me asking?" She was asked

"A certain red head who starts with a J" Lucy smiled as she blushed at the thought

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