March 1st

48 0 0

They were still in the hospital when Jessica decided to talk to Ellie's doctor Dr Anderson about why Ellie wasn't talking to them

Once in the office, Dr Anderson told Jessica that Ellie feared something but they couldn't place a finger on what she was feared

So they decided to state and note down the symptoms they knew Ellie was physically and maybe mentally showing and they soon noted it down by looking on the NHS website

They soon found out Ellie at this given time was suffering from something which was called Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia was a phobia which was caused by situations relating to crime and other terrible things

And due to witnessing what herself and Sarah had been through as well as being J main sauce of entertainment so Sarah would stay relevantly safe she had accidentally developed this phobia

Dr Anderson called someone she knew would help Ellie and then they both waited

Soon both Robin Charles and her father Dan Charles turned up and Dan knew Ellie could talk his daughter

Once back in the room Charlie was with Sarah to distract her incase she woke up and heard Ellie and the others conversation

Ellie told them what J had done to both her and Sarah as well as her unborn baby once she saw that with the amount of police officers nearby and the doctor as well as Jessica they could hurt her

She was panting and crying by the end of it and even if Ellie wouldn't let anyone touch her she accepted the drink Jessica offered to her for her

In Paris, news spread like wildfire and soon the adults knew about what was going on with J's case as well as how traumatised Ellie was

Jessica had texted Rose about Ellie's situation

Rose was feeling like Ellie needed her and due to being in Paris, Jessica was the next best thing so Rose told her to stay with Ellie to she could returned and help to she was back in the UK and could help offer some of the services that were there to help people not only Ellie but people like Ellie also

Luckily all the adults in Pontypandy and in Pairs were glad me and Lucy hadn't caught wind of the whole J situation which was still going strong in Wales

Malcolm texted Sam about it also and told Sam that if still was no way near safe to return to Pontypandy

Sam knew me his daughter would soon miss Pontypandy and being apart of fire cadets

Sam also knew he needed to distract me and give me something fire related to keep me occupied

Soon Penny walked into the hotel lobby with Rose and Lucy as Amelia and Liam were apparently occupied but Penny chuckled and caught Sam's eye

They both knew what they were up to

They all knew I was distracted by Paris and Rose told Lucy why they were keeping me occupied with Paris and today Fire related things so I wouldn't seek to find out why we weren't in Pontypandy and in Paris

Lucy knew I had one curious mind on me and I always found out things even when people tried to hide them quite well

Sam asked Rose if she and Lucy wanted to attend the Arc de Triomphe with the family as well as Amelia and Liam once they got there jig on

Rose nodded and asked Lucy, who just like Rose agreed and soon the other two came down and off they went

Rose was in protective mode as she looked around for anyone who may wish to harm or threaten the Jones's and the others with them

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