Christmas Eve

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Sam arrived home and Charlie stayed to he got inside safely and as Sam took of his shoes, he saw more but still saw a space next to his daughters shoes and he put them next to hers and headed upstairs

He saw the spare bedrooms closed as usual but his and Penny's bedroom open and that didn't normally stay open even when Penny was the only one in there fast asleep, which meant two things, either Jones had fallen asleep next to Penny or that Jones had snuck in during the time Penny was asleep

Both things worried him mind and he got ready for bed and then he crept into the bedroom and hr heard "Dad that you?"

He saw the light was on and Jones was sat up watching him and he pinched his nose and said "Jones don't tell me I woke you up"

"Nah, I haven't been to sleep yet dad" I smile before I sniffed and held my arms out to him

He saw I was wrapped on my comforter and I gave him the puppy dog expression and mum woke up and smiled and said "Sam pick her up, she's been missing you"

I was looking like I was about to cry and Sam picked me up and I wrapped my limbs around him and he held me tight and then sat down in bed after I had been loo

Penny had fallen back asleep and Sam kissed her forehead and then wrapped me in my comforter and saw i wanted something else and he pulled me into my fave hug and I secured my feet on his knees

We both fell asleep and stayed asleep for a very long while

Penny woke up at 8am and took a pic of me and Sam fast asleep snuggled into each other and sent the pic to Sam, Charlie and Bronwyn

She decided not to wake them and headed downstairs after she had a shower and got dressed into some warm clothes and she made sure she knew where Jones's hat, gloves and scarf were

Penny hid the scarf and knew I wouldn't wear it, they had tried multiple times for Jones to make her wear her scarf, she always hated it, she wasn't like her cousins in that way, they loved them

Truck 81 soon came down dressed apporietly for the weather and they thanked Penny for the cooked breakfast she had whipped up

Casey asked "where me and dad was"

Penny smiled softly and said "There upstairs, Jones stayed up as she missed Sam, Sam came back and they fell asleep together"

"She loves her dad" Casey smiled and the rest of truck 81 agreed

After they had eaten they helped Penny decorate the Jones's residence

They did mostly blue decorations due to Sam and mine fave colour being blue but there was some tinsel around the tree and lights

Around 11:30am did me and Dad wake up and when dad tried to move away I clutched onto him and he saw I missed him quite a lot so he held me and assured me that he wasn't going to disappear as they got dressed and he pinkie promised me

We both went our own ways to get dressed and I got my joggers on and I searched for a jacket

Dad had gotten dressed into his winter fire gear and had his winter fire jacket on and he soon heard a thud and me curse in Welsh

He knew I was searching for a jacket so he grabbed the jacket he knew I could he looking for and he knew he had to get rid of my old fave due to the tatty sleeve so he grabbed his jacket which wasn't his fire winter one and knocked on my door

"mynd i mewn" I said stressed

Sam walked in and said "speaking Welsh are we?"

I looked at him and mutter "yn amlwg"

"yn yr achos hwnnw, Jones dyma fy siaced" Sam said  as he gave it me

I took it and said "diolch dad"

"Croeso" Sam said and he asked for my hand once I had put his jacket on and I saw he had his fire winter jacket on and held his hand

Once my bedroom door was closed and he had made sure the room was to my clean standard did we go downstairs but I halted him at the top of the stairs

"allwch chi gario fi i lawr y grisiau" I ask

Sam picked me up and I snuggle into him and we walked downstairs and saw it all decorated

"Morning you two" Penny smiled

"Morning" Sam smiled

"bore" I said

"Jones mum doesn't understand Welsh" Sam said

"She speaking Welsh today?" Penny asked

"Has been since she woke up" Sam said as he tried to put me down but I glared at him

Sam held me and Penny frowned and said "Think she missed you a ton hence why she's acting like this"

Sam nodded and then we all headed off to the cafe and when we got there we saw the rest of Firehouse 51 and Ellie and Sarah

As well as the doctors from Newtown Hospital on there sheculed annual leave after looking of each of the Jones's and Sarah and Ellie

The whole of Pontypandy Fire Station was there with Boyce also and The police from Pontypandy and Newtown including both Jessica and Mark was also there

We waved at them and Sam sat down and placed me on his lap as I refused to not be near him

The food was served and as we went to eat it we all heard and then smelled a certain thing

"Smoke alarm" Sarah mumbled

I grabbed the fire extinguisher and Casey grabbed a hose reel and I had turned off the power and Casey said "Have the hose instead"

I nodded and took it and aimed it at the fire as Sam took the fire extinguisher and headed downstairs to the basement and when Jupiter arrived and Penny took the secound fire extinguisher and Casey took another hose

Penny and dad did the basement as me and Casey did the kitchen and the cafe bit and the rest had been veered out by Ellie and Steele

They watched us put the fire out before we all headed out

Once the extinguishers and hoses were put away I was already next to my dad and Sam asked Steele if they could have the meal at the fire station and Penny walked out and noticed my behaviour

Steele said that we could and he to noticed my behaviour and he knew I needed dad as I had been away from him for to long

Penny told Steele that the fire was due to an eltric fault in the basement and we headed to the station and once at Pontypandy fire station I took my shoes off and sat on my dads lap and we then saw Elvis and Jodie cook the dinner and gave it us

They gave dad a ton and some were jealous and then they realised who excatly he was sharing it with and I was given a fork but dad gave me some mash and ate it

After I had ate how much I wanted and everyone had done the same we all just chilled

The police had a quiet chat with Steele and Boyce

The Pontypandy fire service that was left was playing uno with Sarah and me and I still wouldn't leave my dad

It soon reached Midnight on Christmas Day and the police had left and so had Boyce and the Squad 3 and Ambulance 61 had headed back with Ellie and Elvis

The station had just the remaining firefighters, Sam, Penny, Steele, Arnold as well as Engine 51 and truck 81 and me

I started to yawn

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