Later on, carrying on to the 5th of Jan

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Dr Anderson, Dr Alexander, Dr King and Ellie had managed to calm Sarah down, so here she lay on the bed with Ellie gently but quickly putting the mask upon her face

Sarah soon fell quickly asleep and Ellie waited in the room as the doctors ushered Sarah out and to surgery

Ellie thought and knew that Jones and Sarah could sense when each other was injured like Sam and Charlie could, it wasn't awkward, Ellie thought but practical as they knew wether or not to do medical treatment on the scene or take them ip to the hospital

The surgery lasted fifteen hours and Ellie had a nice eight hour sleep throughout this and with the doctors help, Sarah roused and Ellie laid next to her gently knowing she would be a tad sore from surgery

Sarah was placed back in the room where she and Ellie had been before the ultrasound and they had a special kit ready just in case

Sarah was tired but didn't give much thought as she snuggled into Ellie eyes obviously closed as sleep already started to pull Sarah back to dreamland

Dr King told everyone in the room that the surgery was a success even if it ended up with three tired doctors and that the strawberry obviously covered in something (as the ice would've melted in the eospgraph) off to the lab to get tested and analysed

Sarah smiled in relief and was given her comforted and immediately wanted it around her which Ellie did and the teddy laid next to her as she had fallen asleep as the sleep from surgery was obviously helping her recover

They were taken into a private room and they were asked how they were doing nearly two hours later, Ellie told them they were okay be that Sarah was still very much so asleep

They nodded and the three doctors themselves had a shower and went to take a break and sleep as they were staring so fail due to the tiredness levels they all showed but after a few hours asleep they would be right as reign once more

James and Hannah was with James's cousin Jones and her family, Hannah smiled and knew how welcoming all of them was, James still wanted to tell Sam that we're dating by himself when the time was right

When it was right was hard as things popped up left, right and Center and he couldn't just blurt it out here, it wasn't fair on Hannah or Jones

Hannah and James were snuggled into each other and Sam walked in and said "Jones?, when will your mum be finished in the kitchen"

"Soon probably even though I don't really know" I shrugged as I wrapped a blanket around my cousin and his girlfriend and went loo before jumping onto the free chair

Penny had barred Sam from the Kitchen, not due to safety reasons but cause Sam wasn't what we call the bestest cook like Elvis was, also this was a suprise for them all

Chocolate popcorn and she smiled as she dusted it off and cleaned up the kitchen

Meanwhile Sam left Hannah and James be and they smiled softly as they kissed and snuggled into each other more but decided to watch Jones and Sam

Sam watched me and I smiled innocently after all I was innocent

Sam then started to tickle me causing me to laugh

Hannah and James also started to laugh along and Sam also started to laugh

Soon the house was full of lovely laughter and they all smiled as Sam did it for a while

Soon the food came and Sam stopped and sat on the arm of the sofa trying to judge when it wasn't too hot to burn there throats and toinges but not to cold to not be enjoyable

Sam gave some to Hannah and some to James and ran some eyes over them but James had flashed him an innocent smile

A smile his daughter was now showing, it seemed that to him his daughter was showing her cousins the ropes and he couldn't be more happier and he chuckled but knew something was going on between Hannah and James even if he couldn't place it

Penny looked at me as I was curled up and I saw my mum smirk slightly before saying "Jones? You ticklish?"

Before I could reply however Penny tickled me and I ended up laughing all over again causing everyone to erupt laughing once more, Penny was also laughing

As all of this was happening both Mark and Jessica in Jessica's house in Newtown (soon to be there house) were discussing plans for there wedding and the nursery for the babies who were only due in only just over three months

As it was January 4th and they were due March 7th

They decided to have there wedding before she gave birth however though if she waited to after they was born she would have to wait to they were at least five years old before it happens and they decided to ahve it at ST Giles steeple

They booked it and the reception was at Pontypandy fire station after they asked permission from Station officer Steele

He gave them permission and congratulated them, they thanked him

They invested the CFD (it stands for Chicago Fire department and there from America), the CPD (Chicago Police department and there also from America), the CIA (From America), the Metropolitan Police (From London) , South Wales police, Newtown Fire and rescue , Newtown ambulance service, Pontypandy Police as well as the Pontypandy Fire Station

They then thought before they invited there friends and family to the wedding, they had already informed all Emergancy services about the wedding so they decided to tell Sam and his family (Sam, Penny and Jones) the good news and invite them to there wedding

Also near in Cardiff Ray Burke was found by the FBI and was taken to Cardiff high court where he was found guilty immediately by the FBI and co but sadly a court case would needed to be done to prove it

After that he would be sent back to Chicago and Cardiff knew Pontypandy and Newtown could have a rest then

It was midnight of the 5th when Jones woke up crying but it wasn't due to a nightmare or the mystery illness/disease, not cause her parents or one of them wasn't with her or in the house but cause of a totally different reason

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