Jan 28th

39 0 0

I was being walked to the bus stop by my parents and Casey and I was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a grey polo, I wasn't a huge fan of jeans, never was and never would be but I wouldn't moan at others for wearing jeans

Soon Lucy and Rose appeared and she was wearing a green jumpsuit with a black cardigan

Soon the bus came and Trevor let us all on and took the kids going to Newtown, he stopped at Newtown Secoundary and then Newtown Primary

This was only cause as Newtown Secoundary was closer to Pontypandy then Newtown Primary

While on way to the school Sarah saw me and Lucy sat together quite close and she asked me, her cousin if we're close and I told that we're and that she had been with me and I had been with her since we met at the lifeguard tower

Me and Sara's contiued our conversation to Sarah was dropped off and I smiled sweetly as I looked down to see Lucy fast asleep head on my shoulder

Now I know why she was being quiet and not talking with me and Sarah

School went alright for me, well alright as my day could

And I had the usual, maths, English and Art

English was the one I struggled with and now we had science and we were doing experiments today, and as we did so we were unaware of what Nick was doing to to late

Before we know it most of us had packed up away and we're about to leave when Nick smashed a glass and gasses came up into the air before the gas burner was knocked over and then the fire alarm went off

We were all issued out but Nick was blocking the door and by this time both fire stations had been called and were on there way

"Nick move lets us out" Mrs Estevez said

He refused

Luckily the head managed to open the door from the other side and we all rushed out even Nick did

When we got out all three fire stations, Pontypandy, Newtown and Chicago fire department saw us all run out

Sam and Penny sighed in relief when they saw me run out, they weren't allowed to be near me due to the servilty of the fire and the risk I had been contaminated with whatever they would be dealing with in there

All three fire stations put out the fire and then the HAZMAT team had to see what the chemicals were and they start deep cleaning the science lab while getting a tent where all of us who had been in the room were

It was decoration and Rose was allowed in if she wore a hazmat suit which she did so and I was scared and started to cry when people I didn't know trued to get me under a bunch of water

It got to the point of Rose telling a guard to get her parents, when no was mentioned, Rose showed her police badge and Rose and Lucy were now changed and on the bus waiting

Rose had told Sam and Penny and they got into there hazmat suits and went in and they saw me back up from the people, they saw me now being terrified

I was soon decomainted and was changed into clothes and I had ran into Jupiter and ducked down

Penny and Sam had changed also and they ran after me, they saw I was generally terrified and needed a trauma med and a lot of reassurance

Sam got into the driver seat and Penny the passenger so they had have Jones in the middle

Squad 3, engine 51 and truck 81 was now examining the cause of the explosion and fire now it had been detained and considered safe

They soon found out it had been caused by Nick and due to all the statements they had they didn't even need to question him

Apparently we both needed to go to the hospital and off we went but in the hospital I was still causing a quiet fuss, I was crying and generally upset

The meeting was being held in the hospital conference meeting room while me and Lucy' was being checked over and our family couldn't be with us

Lucy saw me upset and tried to console me but she knew I needed my family

Ellie soon walked in and held me close and as tight as she was allowed

Sam, Penny, Mrs Estevez, Newtown Police, Pontypandy Police, all three fire stations and services, NHS officials and the lead doctor as well as Harry and Dr Taylor (Jones's and Lucy's doctor), Mrs Sandy, Nurse Ella as well as all the school staff

They were discussing what Jones and the whole class had endured just as Nick's parents arrived and believe me they weren't happy

The lawsuit they tried to file was dismissed by all police forces due to not enough evidence and Sam had filed a restraining order against Nick and his parents so they couldn't come near Jones, Lucy and there family's as well as the rest of there class mates

Mrs Sandy said he was now expelled and due to the crimes his parents had committed they had been arrested as they went to launch at Penny but Malcolm pulled her behind him as quick as he could

Nick was sent to his grandad in London due to his age and that way he wouldn't bother anyone again and his grandad wasn't to pleased with him and would make Nick be homeschooled for the rest of his school life

Aston and Oscar took him there to his grandad

Dr Alexander, Harry and Michelle examined me and Lucy  and cleared us to both go home and we were both lucky to be going home

Lucy and Rose headed back to Pontypandy police station together and Sam carefully picked me up and saw me relax in his arms but he still didn't want to risk hurting me accidentally even if he had been told I was okay by three different doctors and an ultrasound specialist

They soon all went to the fire station where the others were and we all showered before meeting in the lounge

I snuggled up with my dad and mum in his and Penny's sleeping quarters of the station and Lucy was snuggled into Rose in the lounge

At Newtown Secoundary Sarah had an alright day off school til she had been punched in the nose causing it to bruise quite badly and she pushed Sarah over after taking her lunch and Sarah had a flashback to a fire she had been trapped in

Lucky it was small and soon gone and Mr Shaw had found her and took her to his office where he called Bronwyn and gave Sarah a trauma med which would work in a hour

She was then taken to the hospital under Bronwyn's advice and she was checked over by Dr Andrews due to the other doctors being currently busy and Sarah soon met up with Mr Shaw and Sarah in Newtown Hospital

They would soon find out why the other doctors were currently busy

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