Snow and Norman strikes again

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James and Hannah were having an amazing Christmas dinner meal together after celebrating Christmas Day together and they both had got some amazing gifts and there gifts to each other were especially special

James had got Hannah a necklace that said Hannah + James on it and Hannah had got me a bracelet that said James + Hannah on it

After eating dinner and shower done for the pair of them they snuggled on the couch tucked in with pillows and they drank there hot chocolates while watching a Christmas movie and they fell asleep halfway doing so

Meanwhile Sarah had headed to the park and was enjoying herself to Norman decided to strike again, he had buried her under a bunch of snow with a leaf blower and it had taken her by suprose so with her arms pinned by snow she couldn't get out

Norman legged it

And in the Jones's residence everyone was enjoying themselves (the whole of firehouse 51, Boyce and Ellie and Sarah but Sarah had gone to the park) and Sam had just gave me a piggy back when I put my shoes on and point at the door, no one sees me

We all headed outside and made snowman and made snow angels, we knew Sarah had gone to the park so when Sarah didn't arrive back as the wind picked uo causing more snow to arrive we all got concerned and we all headed out looking for her

The Pontypandy police as well as the Pontypandy fire station looked for her as well as everyone who had been in the Jones's residence by living there or visiting had left to search for her to

I soon found a odd looking snowball a while later and I dig it and I as I dig I see Sarah so I call them all via the phone and they soon all come running and they got Sarah out

She was shivering and Ellie held her tight once she picked her up and said "She doesn't need the hospital Sam, whoever knows how long she was buried under that for mind"

She was looked in Ambulance 61 with Dawson and Brett on the safe side and they found out Ellie was correct and didn't need to go up

The others arrived and everyone saw how worried her aunt and uncle as well as cousin looked even if Jones was sheculding her face to be poker then her parents

I looked around and saw footsteps that hurried off away from where the snowball had been, Ellie picked up Sarah once more and as they headed home I headed in the direction of the footsteps

Dad shouted at me "to be careful as it was icy, quite icy to"

I slipped and landed heavily on my right wrist but I had a feeling I knew who did this prank on Sarah

I was the prank master but af least my pranks were safe and I headed to the town and more specifically Norman and his mums Dilys cut price store, she did love some gossip so would like this news

The others headed home and once home Sarah had a nice warm bath and was in more pjs Sam had left her in her and James's room they shared if they stayed over and she was helped to some warm soup and tea and wrapped up in a blanket and not my comforter

Penny saw Sam pace and Sam pacing meant bad things were happening or going to do so

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