9th of Jan

49 2 0

Penny woke up and checked the test and she saw Sam and told her about the postive test

Sam smiled and kissed her and said "How do we let the kids know?"

"We can tell Jones ourselves as I don't know how she'll take it after all you know Jones didn't get anything like this not even a gender reveal party you know that" Penny said softly "So she might not take the baby well"

"She will as she's Jones, she loves being friends with everyone she meets" Sam said "But yeah she be at bit testy at the gender reveal party, she asked me what it was when Mark and Jessica had twins and told us about their pregnancy"

Sam then called Amelia and told him about the positive pregnancy and told her that Jones was alone at the station and said that she might not like the news of the baby and gender reveal as she wouldn't fully understand it due to never having experiencing any in her eleven years of living

Amelia fully understood and as I was sleeping soundly in my bedroom at the station, Sarah the same in Ellie's room of the station

Ellie heard the map screen 7000 beep and she pressed it and the emergency came through the PA system on both the police and fire

"Hannah has been taken by her ex"

Ellie paled and knew Sam had called in sick due to looking after Penny so they were two people down, three if you counted Ellie

Ellie stayed behind and saw texts from James explaining everything and by the texts sent he had told Sam as well

CFD alongside Newton Police, Pontypandy Police and Ellie sent Newton Ambulance, Tom, Squad three and Engine 51 as well as CPD (Chicago Police department), and Helen

Meanwhile Amelia turned up at the fire station and saw someone and Casey introduced himself as Matt Casey from Chicago fire department

Once Amelia had met with Casey, Casey told her where her sister was located

She headed there and saw her sister tossing and turning and crying as she tossed and turned

She kept crying and was waving her limbs around as she tossed and turned around while crying

Amelia was at a loss of what to do, she wanted to calm her but she didn't know how

In Newtown, Hannah was held by by her ex and she knew what he had done and she sniffed as she knew she knew what the feeling of morning sickness was

It was without her consent and wondered how James would react, she hadn't told her ex of James incase he went after James and that would put both James and Jones in danger

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