Arriving at the Malfoys - 1

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I am Aphrodite Persephone Cytheria, protector of one Draco Lucius Malfoy. These are my journals recounting my life.

You probably know a good portion of the story. Malfoy, the school bully to Harry Potter, constantly gets himself into trouble, and I got to witness nearly all of it first hand!

Was it difficult? Absolutely. Would I go back and do it all again? Yes.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

It all started the summer before my first year. I'd just been accepted into Hogwarts, and my father and I were heading to his closest family friend's house to spend the rest of the summer...

"Get a move on, Aphrodite! They are expecting us in ten minutes!" I heard my father yell.

"On my way!" I said,  moving as quickly as I could down the stairs without losing control of my trunk.

My father grabbed the luggage as I neared the bottom, and placed it near his things. He waved his wand, and our luggage was no longer to be seen, already at our destination. After casting a protective spell on the house, he grabbed some Floo powder and threw it in the fire.

We walked into the heatless flames together, my father shouting, "Malfoy Manor!" clearly. It was only a moment before we were looking into the drawing room of the Malfoy Manor, where the lady of the house and her son stood watching the fireplace expectantly.

"William! Aphrodite!" Narcissa exclaimed as she lifted her hands off her son's shoulders. She enveloped my father in a quick hug before kneeling in front of me and wrapping her arms around me.

I closed my eyes and hugged Narcissa back tightly. I had missed her terribly since it had been so long since I had seen her. My mother had died a few years back, so she was the closest thing to a mother for me. Her husband and my father had one of their frequent quarrels, so I had not seen her for perhaps a month. I opened my eyes and looked over her shoulder to see her son. His arms were crossed and his eyes cut at me.

Narcissa kept her hands on my shoulders as she held me at arm's length to get a good look at me. "It can't be possible how much you've grown in just a month. I don't think I'm going to recognize you and Draco when you both return from Hogwarts for the holidays. Goodness, there is soot all in your hair! Here let me get it for you ...."

She messed with my auburn curls gently as I watched my father greet Draco with a handshake. By the time they had made a short exchange, Narcissa had stood up and I proceeded to approach the youngest Malfoy.

Despite his unamused expression, I threw my arms around his neck. He stumbled a bit as if thrown off by the hug I always gave him, but then slowly, almost reluctantly, wrapped his arms around me.

I finally pulled back, "Did you miss me?"

"No," he said as if my question was ridiculous, crossing his arms again. However, there was the faint hint of a smile that provided enough answers for me.

"Draco," Narcissa said, "Go and make sure both Mr. Cytheria and Aphrodite's rooms are all ready. Your father requested I take them to his office as soon as they arrived."

Draco looked mildly offended at being the only one left out of the meeting. "Mum, isn't that servant's stuff?" he said with a bit of defiance, "Can't I go..."

"Do as I said, Draco. Now." Narcissa said with a degree of sternness I'd rarely seen her exhibit on her son.

He huffed as he walked out of the room and toward the steps leading toward the guest chambers.

Narcissa watched Draco until he got to the middle of the grand staircase, then turned her head toward us. My father and she exchanged a serious expression before turning to me. "Come on, dear," Narcissa said, a hint of something I couldn't quite detect in her voice.

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