Polyjuice Plots - 17

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About a month passed as normally as it could with the Chamber of Secrets being opened. Only one student got petrified. Poor Colin Creevey, the first year who could usually be found in the oddest places taking photos with his muggle camera, was found past curfew the night of the quidditch match.

I started to believe that my necklace was malfunctioning due to its seemingly sporadic tingling. On several occasions, I was with Draco, who didn't seem to be anywhere near to causing trouble, and there was a couple of instances where I had to seek out Draco.

Although I still spent some time with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, they had seemed rather busy lately. Occasionally, I had felt a tingle in my necklace when I noticed them coming in late to dinner, which had me wondering if they had something planned that involved Draco.

I was on the cusp of writing Narcissa, telling her that there was a problem with my necklace. However, That changed one day when I was talking to Harry and Ron during a free period.

"So, what are your plans for the Christmas holiday?" I asked. "Since I'm staying this year, perhaps we can make some time to hang out."

"Yeah, sure," Harry said. I noticed him look up behind me, and my necklace tingled, which I was starting to find suspicious.

Ron jumped in. "Yeah! We can play some... uh.... wizard's chess."

I nodded, "That sounds good! I am not that skilled at Wizard's chest, so I'll have to--OW!" I felt a sharp pinch on my scalp and an intensifying tingle on my necklace.

I turned to see who had pulled my hair and saw Hermione. She was frozen and wide-eyed as she looked at me. One hand close to my head, a couple of my hairs between her index finger and thumb. "Sorry, I thought it was a lose one."

Frowning seriously, I looked between them. "Ok, what is going on?"

Hermione sat down slowly. "We just... We were..."

I interrupted her. "Don't bother trying to make a story up. I've been getting weird feelings for a while now." I pointed to my necklace to clearly identify what I was trying to say discreetly.

A large sigh left Hermione and she looked at Harry and Ron. "We should tell her."

After some debating, the boys finally conceded, and all three took me to the girls' lavatory that everyone avoids because of moaning myrtle. "Why are we going in here?" I asked Hermione. Then Harry and Ron followed in. "Wait, why are they coming in here?"

Hermione didn't answer but instead turned a corner where I saw a cauldron set up, various ingredients around it.

I was thoroughly confused. "Why is there a cauldron in here?" I looked to each of them for an answer.

"We're, uh.... we're making polyjuice potion," Hermione said as she looked down at the floors of the bathroom to avoid my eyes.

"Why on earth would you need to make a polyjuice potion?" I asked, crossing my arms defensively. My necklace had been activated the entire time, and I did not feel good about the situation.

Harry spoke up, taking a couple of steps toward me. "We want to talk to Malfoy. As someone he trusts."

I looked between the three of them. "What could you possibly want to talk to him about that I couldn't just answer for you?" I laughed a bit. "What, do you think he's the heir of Slytherin of something?" 

Silence from all of them. All three avoided eye contact with me.

I was surprised. "What? You three can't be serious." I threw up my hands. "He's not the heir of Slytherin."

"We'd love to believe you," Harry said, "But why would you tell us the truth if you knew? You need to protect him to protect yourself."

A sharp exhale escaped me. He was telling the truth. I thought about my options.

I could tell a teacher they were making polyjuice potion. Harry, Ron, and Hermione would get in loads of trouble. I didn't want that, especially considering Harry and Ron were already on thin ice after the flying car incident. But even though that approach would work, it might convince them more that Draco was who they thought he was. My necklace seemed to tingle more at the option.

The second option was to let them talk to Draco. It felt like I was betraying his trust, but if they talked to him directly, they would hopefully get their answers and be satisfied enough to leave him alone. There was no guarantee that this wouldn't go horribly. My necklace, though still tingling, tingled less at the option.

I sighed. "I can't believe that you would go this far, especially you Hermione." They looked at me apprehensively. "But... I'll help you. It might be beneficial if I'm there should things go wrong anyway." They looked relieved as they smiled at each other.


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