Overlooked - 20

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Harry and Ron filled me in on Hermione's mishap shortly after the polyjuice incident. Of course, Millicent Bulstrode could never keep her robes tidy, so I wasn't surprised. Hermione and I joked that it was completely worth it since Professor Lockhart sent her a get-well card.

The winter semester went fairly smoothly without any major issues. I was honestly happy the attacks had seemed to stop. 

However, things went downhill when the spring semester started.

The Slytherins were all huddled in the common room, muttering rumors as to why the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff game had been canceled.

Professor Snape came into the common room. "Silence." He boomed, standing at the steps leading down into the common room. "As some of you might have heard, there have been two more attacks in the school."

A few murmurs erupted. "I said silence!" Snape repeated. He pulled out a parchment. "Due to these events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately...

"All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. No student is to leave the dormitories after that time. 

"All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. 

"All further Quidditch training and matches are to be postponed. 

"There will be no more evening activities."

He looked over the sea of Slytherin students. "I have been advised to tell you that unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, the school is likely going be closed. Anyone that might have any information on these attacks is encouraged to come forward."

Professor Snape scanned the common room before landing on me. "Ms. Cytheria, please come with me for a moment."

What could he possibly need with me? I looked at Draco, who returned my look of concern. Then I followed the professor just outside the common room, where he stopped.

He looked down at me. "I thought you might want to know that your friend Miss Granger was one of the ones attacked."

My heart raised at the news as I gasped and my hands covered my mouth. "Is she okay?"

"She is petrified, but she is expected to make a full recovery once the mandrakes have matured."

I nodded slowly as I processed the information. Then I asked, "Are Harry and Ron okay?"

He paused a moment before speaking. "I am not certain. Professor McGonagall gave them the news. I do, however, suggest that you limit your contact with Mr. Potter. He always seems up to be getting his friends into trouble."

I crossed my arms, lifting an eyebrow. "And Draco Malfoy doesn't?"

"Mr. Potter tends to lead his friends toward life-threatening trouble, Miss Cytheria." He spoke with an intimidating coldness that he usually reserved for the Gryffindors. "I do not wish to deliver your father news of you getting seriously hurt. Or worse."

Not wanting to get in any trouble for arguing with my superiors, I nodded, looking toward the corridor wall beside us to avoid eye contact. "Understood, professor."

He considered me for a moment, before walking off without another word.

The next morning we woke up to learn that Dumbledore had been forced to resign, courtesy of Lucius Malfoy himself.

Draco's pride skyrocketed. He was feeling bold, and attempting to keep him in line was hard. Whether he was boasting about Dumbledore being gone intentionally to egg on Ron and Harry, or his behavior rising further suspicion in other students, I had to work nearly every day to keep Draco from getting in trouble. On top of this, we needed to study for our end-of-term exams.

My attempts sometimes fell short, causing us to lose points for our house, but not nearly enough to outweigh the plenty that Snape gave the both of us.

Despite the days dragging on me, Draco's fun was cut short only three weeks later. It was actually on my birthday.

Word had gotten around that the previous night, Harry and Ron had located the Chamber of Secrets and defeated the monster inside. Not to mention, the mandrakes were almost ready to harvest. Draco was indeed disappointed.

We were leaving the common room with our friends, heading toward the great hall for lunch, when Professor Snape turned the corner with my father at his side.

"Father!" I exclaimed, rushing toward him and giving him a giant hug.

"Darling! Happy Birthday," he said.

We embraced each other for a long moment before I pulled back from the hug. "I didn't know you were coming!"

A chuckle escaped from him. "Well, I didn't either or else I might have brought you a gift!" He looked to Draco, the only one of our friends who still stayed behind. "I'm actually here with Draco's father. He's paying a visit to Dumbledore."

I slightly scowled hearing that Lucius was here, unnoticed by Draco who perked up at the knowledge that his father was here.

We all headed toward the great hall. As we walked, Father caught up with us, asking how our actual studies were going and what we were up to besides avoiding the killer monster that had been lurking around the school.

Just outside the corridor that lead to the great hall, we discovered Lucius Malfoy coming from the direction of the tower leading to Dumbledore's office. His scowl was more pronounced than usual as he stalked toward my father, his black cloak billowed slightly behind him, making him seem even more intimidating. I could practically visualize the anger seeping off of him.

"Father!" Draco exclaimed oblivious to his father's mood as he neared.

"William, we should be going," Lucius said, ignoring his son.

Peeking around Lucius, my father questioned, "Wasn't Dobby with you?"

Lucius gave a cold, angry look to him. "Harry Potter made me lose my servant." A beat passed, as we wondered what happened, but he didn't seem to care to elaborate.  "Come. We have a lot that needs to get done today."

"You haven't said even two words to your son," my father countered, placing his hands on his hips.

Lucius looked down at his virtual copy. "Good day, Draco." The tone sounded like neither a hello nor a goodbye. He looked up at Williams. "Let's. Go." He began to stalk off.

My father sighed. "Goodbye, Children. I'll see you both soon."

I watched as Draco's mood plummeted in the blink of an eye. He turned to me with a glare, then stalked off into the great hall. I followed after him.

When we located our friends, I sat between Daphne and Pansy. Draco was across from us between Crabbe and Goyle. He made a point of being rude to me, which did not go unnoticed by our friends. They stared between me and Draco trying to figure out what was going on.

Our discussion eventually went to the chamber of secrets. Though we were vaguely aware that it had been opened, the culprit had been caught, and Dumbledore was back, we had more questions than answers.

Daphne was too eager for answers, "Aphry, you should go talk to Potter to get the whole story."

"Yes, Aphry!" Draco said. "And while you're at it get an update on that mudblood. Probably still petrified, I imagine."

I had enough at that point. It was my birthday, and he was absolutely ruining it. We locked eyes, me with a glare, and him with a satisfied smirk. 

"Daphne, that's a fantastic idea." I said without breaking eye contact with Draco.

His smirk faltered, turning into a glare. I stood up, refusing to break eye contact until I turned around and headed toward the table over, where was Harry was surrounded by Gryffindors.

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