Pansy - 102

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My father and Narcissa saw the two of us off at the train. As soon as we entered, however, Draco shortly mentioned that he needed to report to the Prefects' carriage and left without another word to me.

I glared at the back of his blonde head as I walked down the train corridor. At the very least, his mother would have wanted him to see that I was comfortably settled in a compartment. It was only befitting a witch of my status. The thought to write her just to get him in trouble crossed my mind. I may be a lady, but I had my petty moments.

Finally, I came across Daphne alone, looking out the window. "Mind if I join you?" I asked to get her attention.

She turned her head, squealed excitedly, and then stood to wrap me in an inviting hug, which I reciprocated readily. "Aphry, I missed you!"

"Me, too," I said.

We released each other and sat across from each other on either side of the compartment. "Where is Draco? Don't both your families always arrive at the platform together?

I straightened a bit, trying to appear nonchalant when I said, "Oh, he is in the Prefect carriage. I guess they have to meet to get assignments and whatnot."

Her brow furrowed. "You didn't get Perfect as well?" I shook my head, and she gasped, "But I could have sworn you were Snape's favourite student."

I shrugged. "Guess not."

As the landscape whirled past us, Daphne and I caught up on our Summers. She also caught me up on everything the Prophet had been saying about Harry. Funny how neither Father, Narcissa, nor Draco seemed to have brought it up the entire Summer. And there was never a single copy of the paper in the house. I suppose another attempt to keep information from me. 

Of course, Draco and I knew for certain that You-Know-Who was back, but I could not be certain who else did. Well, besides Harry, who had tried to tell everyone about the final task of the tournament. I was keenly aware that I needed to appear to know nothing.

About an hour or so into the train ride, our pleasant ride was spoiled by the compartment door swinging open to reveal Pansy Parkinson. "Oh, look what we have here," she said as a handful of girls in our year flanked her. "Aphrodite and Daphne! What a lovely surprise," she said with a saccharine smile.

Pansy entered the compartment with the other girls. "Aphrodite, what a lovely colour of sage that dress is. "Would have looked lovely with a prefect badge." I hid my shock and jealous anger as she flashed hers at me. "Shame they can't give it to more than one girl in each house." She didn't sound regretful at all. The girl flocking around her giggled madly.

"Congratulations," I said, hiding my embarrassment behind a smile. Knowing who Pansy's family was, I knew I had to be careful. Despite the setback of not making perfect, I was still chosen to host the debutante ball next summer. Pre-emptively starting drama, especially with Pansy, was not going to be a good look.

She laughed as she sat next to me by the window, "I guess the mighty have fallen, haven't they?" The other girls sniggered, prompting me to sit up straighter and lift my chin elegantly. "Now all that's left to do is convince Narcissa Malfoy--"

"Convince my mother of what?" Draco's deep voice was heard, I spun my head to the compartment door that had been left open, and Draco leaned against the frame. His dark expression dared her to finish her statement.

"Draco!" I suppressed a laugh as she nearly fell off her seat. "I thought you were down the corridor talking to Potter." That explained the brief tingle I had felt in my necklace earlier.

He raised a brow. "I got bored and excused myself." He looked at me. "Things going well planning the debutante ball?" I quickly caught the hint he was trying to give Pansy. She really shouldn't be antagonizing a young witch whose powerful enough to be chosen to host.

Pansy did not, since she scoffed. "Please, Draco. The debutant hostess plans the event with her mother. Unfortunately, poor Aphrodite is a bit wanting in that department these days."

His expression darkened further. "Actually, my mother, her godmother,  who happens to host many very well-received events, is more than happy to help her." Pansy blanched. He looked down at his watch. "Aren't you scheduled to patrol a corridor right now? Really shouldn't be missing your first duties as prefect, should you?"

A woeful, "Oh no!" Left Pansy as she stood, and Draco backed into the corridor as she scurried out, the other girls on her tail.

Daphne scoffed, "I really can't believe we used to be friends with her," she said, then looked into the corridor. "Are you going to join us, Draco?"

Draco still held the dark expression on his face. He looked at me for a brief moment, then back at Daphne. "Actually, I, uh, got my patrol. I need to be off." With that, he closed the compartment door.

"Good god, he looked serious," Daphne said. "Why do boys seem to get so brooding at this age?"

"No clue," I said, returning to watch the countryside speed past us, trying to avoid the sick feeling of rejection I'd felt repeatedly over the summer.

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