Interrogation - 33

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I didn't see Draco until he waltzed into potions nearly halfway through with Pansy hanging on his good arm. I rolled my eyes and focused on my potion.

"Are you okay," Daphne asked next to me after seeing the scene. I could tell she was genuinely concerned.

I avoided her gaze as I cut my daisy roots. "I'd rather not talk about it."

It was hard to ignore the scene that played out as Draco plopped himself at Harry and Ron's table and roped Professor Snape into getting the two to help Draco with his ingredients throughout the class period.

The class couldn't end soon enough. However, as I was packing up, Professor Snape approached me. "Ms. Cytheria, I am afraid your lunch will have to be delayed a bit. I need to see you after class."

I looked at him and nodded. "Yes, Professor."

When the other students had left the class and headed to lunch. I followed Snape out of the classroom and down the hall several yards into what I assumed was his private office.

He unlocked the door and held it open for me. Stepping into the room, I saw an unmistakable head of long, blond hair sitting with his back toward me. His hand rested on his walking cane, as he tapped a finger on it in a slow, steady rhythm. The emerald eyes of the snake handle faced my direction and seemed to pierce into me. I glance around the room, looking for my father, who seemed to be absent.

I looked up at Snape, who left the door open as he approached me. "It's best you go on in," he told me with a slow drawl.

Hearing Snape, Lucius Malfoy turned in his chair to see me. He slowly stood, looking at me. "Ms. Cytheria, you might want to have a seat."

I  walked over and sat down at the second chair in front of the professor's desk as Professor Snape sat down across from us.

"So, do you care to explain the events of yesterday?" Malfoy said, looking down his nose at me.

Feeling my heart beating wildly, I looked back at him confused. "What? What do you mean?"

He rolled his eyes, then looked back to me. "Are you daft, girl? My son gets mauled, and you seem to simply forget? Is it not your responsibility to keep him from harm?"

I was surprised I was being held accountable for this. "He was rushing toward that hippogriff before I even knew it! I couldn't stop him." I said.

"That's not what I have been told," he said. "Draco said in his letter that you were preoccupied with a certain scarred Gryffindor the entire class."

I straighten my back further, my hand gripped the arms of the chair to contain my anger. "The whole class was! He was the one riding the hippogriff before Draco rushed up to it like an idiot!"

"Be careful how you speak about my son." He said, leaning over me.

I set my jaw, gathering my courage as I looked into Lucius Malfoy's eyes. They were just like Draco's, save for the vicious callousness that had been etched in over the years. "Your son directly disobeyed the professor's direction. Hagrid said that hippogriffs are proud creatures. That you needed to be careful how you approach them. He then had Harry Potter approach it, and was very careful about instructing Harry to make sure he did it safely.

"What was I supposed to do, push Draco out of the way and get mauled myself? I might have if a classmate who had more sense than me hadn't stopped me." I was breathing heavily now. I had never spoken to a superior like this.

He raised an eyebrow but was otherwise unaffected. He bent further as he towered over me, a menacing sneer on his face. "You would have done well to cull his jealousy."

"I am not responsible for your son's jealousy!" I said, my voice raised.

Lucius Malfoy's eyes filled with even more contempt than before, he snapped the wand out from his cane.

"I am going to have to draw the line there, Lucius," Snape said. He had been sitting, grading papers the entire time. He didn't even look up from the paper he was marking as he spoke to Malfoy.

He lowered his wand slowly and straightened, looking at my professor. "I beg your pardon?" he asked incredulously.

Snape looked up. "Despite your... situation... I doubt William would appreciate you harming his daughter."

"He wouldn't," I said confidently, remembering the scene from last year. I crossed my arms and looked at Mr. Malfoy seriousl. "Does my father even know you're here?"

Lucius Malfoy hesitated for a second. Scowling down at me. "You're dismissed," He said.

I didn't have to be told twice, jump out of my seat and toward the door and heading toward the great hall.

Once in the great hall, I found Daphne and sat with her.

"Where were you," Draco, across from us, asked demandingly. I noticed Pansy beside him, and the my gut twisted, though I made sure to keep a straight face.

I grabbed a couple of things to eat. "Professor Snape needed to see me after class."

"What for?"

Sighing, I took my time finishing my bite of food. "To talk about your accident yesterday. Now may I please eat? I don't have much time to eat before my next class." I didn't even want to mention his father was here. It seemed like his father was in business mode with no time for visiting with his son despite the accident.

He scowled, then turned to Goyle to say something, leaving me to my lunch.

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