The Dementor - 29

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September first came, and I was able to avoid discussion about our relationship up until that point. However, the opportunity had finally come for Draco. We were dropped off at the train station early to ensure our fathers were able to see us off. We got our pick of compartments and settled for one near the back of the train.

Draco didn't breach the topic immediately. We sat in the compartment in silence for a while once we got settled. I was reading my divination textbook, attempting to get ahead of my studies while Draco studied his quidditch plays. Mentally I was preparing for the conversation. This would be the opportune time, and I could occasionally feel his gaze on me. Finally, he said, "What do you think about Scorpius?"

I raised an eyebrow, looking up at him. "The constellation? Did I miss an Astronomy assignment over the Summer?"

He rolled his eyes. "No. If we have a boy."

My eyes widened, and I nearly choked on the air I was breathing. "WE? What are you on about Draco? Why on earth are you even thinking about children. We're thirteen! And we aren't even dating!"

"That last part might not matter," he said. he removed something from his back pocket, then moved from his spot across from me to sit beside me.

He unfolded what I could now tell was a piece of parchment, handing it over to me. The Malfoy line sat on the left side, with the Cytherias on the right. There was no header explaining the reasoning for the record. "The rumors about our betrothal? I think they're true."

Pointing toward the bottom of the page, he traced the line between our two names with his finger. "I think our families have been waiting for a girl to be born to join the two. It makes perfect sense. I'm not sure why it took so long, but that's you. Our families will finally become one through us."

A long sigh escaped me. "Draco, I'm pretty sure that's not the case."

His eyebrows knit together in irritation at my contradiction. "Ok, Aphrodite, then tell me. What is this document supposed to be?"

"I don't know." I lied, knowing that this was a recording of our defensor line. "But I am pretty sure that it's not alluding to some sort of arrangement between our families."

He looked into my eyes intensely. The frustration of avoiding this conversation for nearly two months was written on his face. "And how do you know this, Aphrodite?"

I looked away from him and said lightly. "My father forbid me from dating you."

"What?" he scoffed. "There's no way. I imagined him being protective, yes, but why would your father forbid us from being together?"

"I don't know. But I'm going to do as I'm told."

"We can date in secret. If we're supposed to get married anyway...."

"But we aren't!" I insisted, raising my voice. "Not to mention, Snape would be owling our fathers the moment he got a hint of us being together. I am not dating you, Draco." He cut his eyes at me and set his jaw, angered at the finality of my statement. "I'm sorry..."

This put him in a bad mood, obviously. Which lasted even as our friends located us, and into the train ride.

Midafternoon, him Crabbe, and Goyle all stood up, and My necklace tingled. "Where are you going?" I asked as Draco opened the department door.

He turned to me, eyebrows knit and clearly irritated. "None of your business," he said with a sneer.

Daphne, always observant, watched as the door to the compartment was shut, then turned to look at me. He arms crossed as her blue eyes bore into me. "What is going on with you two?"

I took in a deep breath. "My father forbade me from dating Draco."

"What?" Daphne and Pansy exclaimed in unison. "Why would he do that? I would think it would make perfect sense for you to date, considering your families' relationship."

"I know, but father never gave me a reason. I had to tell him just before you guys met us earlier."

Daphne's eye widened, as she leaned over to me. "The entire house of Slytherin is in trouble at this point."

"I know," I said, worriedly. The tingling in my necklace worsened. "I have to go find out what he's up to. I have a feeling he's getting in trouble." I left the compartment, heading in the direction I saw the three go.

Soon enough, I faintly heard the distinctive voice of my platinum blonde. "I heard your father finally got his hands on some gold this summer, Weasley. Did your mother die of shock?" Of course, he was already picking on Harry and his friends.

I sifted past the other students in the corridor, following the voice. "Who's that?" I heard him, a little closer this time.

My search was over when I finally ran into him coming back from wherever he was. He stopped, cutting his eyes at me. "Were you following me?" He looked back at Crabbe and Goyle, standing proudly with a cocky smirk. "One kiss and she's obsessed with me." The two sniggered behind him.

He turned back to me. "Darling, I'd love a repeat, but I'm afraid we'll have to find somewhere more private. Don't want other girls getting jealous of you, you know?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Did you really just get up to go find Harry and pick on him?"

My attempt to ignore the comment had irritated him, and his face fell. "Come on Aphrodite, we going back to our compartment."

Feeling defiant at being ordered around, I looked down the hall the way he came from. "Actually I think I'll pop in and say Hi to Harry."

His features darkened, but instead of arguing, he just looked at Crabbe and Goyle, nodding his head down the hall. They all left me, heading to the compartment.

 I headed in the direction they came from, finally finding Harry, Ron, and Hermione a few compartments down.

We discussed our summers briefly. Hermione took a trip to France, which sounded fascinating. Ron and I both made the Prophet, however, his family had made the first page. And Harry accidentally blew up his aunt Marge, which seemed super-amusing.

All of a sudden, the train started slowing down, putting a halt to our conversation. When the train came to a halt itself and the lights flickered off.

My necklace became cold. "I think I need to go check on Draco. I'll catch up with you all later." They all said small goodbyes, more concerned about why the train stopped as I left and headed back to the compartment.

I realized at that moment that I did not think to notice how far down our compartment was, and all of them were closed. I poked my head through several, trying to guess, but was quickly stopped as the train jostled, and the door to the exit of the train was opened.

A dark, hooded figure entered the train. Fear overwhelmed me, and I felt as though every ounce of happiness had left me at the sight of the thing. I was frozen and paralyzed in my place in the corridor by the intense, negative emotions I felt. My breath hitched and caught in my throat as the creature approached, floating slowly and menacingly. It towered over me and I was able to do no more than look up at it, eyes widening at its deathly appearance.

I barely noticed as the compartment next to me was opened, and I was grabbed by my arm and yanked into the compartment next to me. Losing my foot, I fell to the ground, falling with the person who grabbed me. 

Looking back into the corridor, I notice how the figure considered me for a moment but eventually looked back up the hallway and proceeded to float down it.

Taking a deep breath, I looked into the compartment. A familiar blonde sat on the ground, eyes worriedly looking at me along with two identical gingers.

"Oi Malfoy, get out!" said one twin.

"Yeah, get out." said the other. "But you can stay, Aphry."

Draco ignored the twins and got up from the ground. Holding out his hand for me. "Are you alright, Aphry?"

I let him help me up. "I think so." Grey eyes met mine, not convinced by my statement. He led me to the compartment with the other Slytherins, which I had somehow passed in my search, and soon enough, the train started back toward Hogwarts.

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