Prefect - 101

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After a couple more weeks, I was disappointed that my necklace never warmed again. However, I was even more concerned by Draco's sudden change in attitude.

He had a cold demeanour and a short temper, which perplexed both Narcissa and me. Both my jokes and compliments were reciprocated by sharp remarks. Most days, the most he would react was a grumbled response. I could hardly speak to him.

On top of his annoying behaviour, dance lessons were coming along less than swimmingly. Yes, we were certainly learning the steps, but Draco's movements were stiff and difficult to work with.

"What in Merlin's name is wrong with you?" I asked one day, crossing my arms once Ms Burke had left the ballroom. My brow furrowed as my eyes bore into him.

Putting his suit jacket back on, he didn't even look at me when he said, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I scoffed. "Please. It's like I'm dancing with a plank of wood! And we aren't progressing as quickly as we could because of it!"

He sighed, then responded dismissively, "You're being a bit overdramatic, Aphry." He buttoned the suit jacket, and then looked back at me. "I think the dance is coming along nicely." he turned around, making his way out into the corridor.

Rushing to catch up to him, I shouted, "If my debutante ball is ruined due to your negligence, I am never going to forgive you."

A groan left him as I watched him from behind. He went in the direction of the dining room where Narcissa was meeting us for lunch. "I am not going to ruin your precious ball."

"Why are you mocking me?" I asked, hurt by his apparent apathy.

"I'm not," he said, annoyed, crossing the threshold into the dining room. I soon followed suit.

I realized quickly that I wasn't going to get anywhere with him, so I huffed and plopped myself at the table across from him and his mother.

Narcissa raised an eyebrow as she looked between the two of us, but said nothing about my poor attitude and unladylike behaviour. "Your school letters came in while you were in the ballroom," she said.

Looking next to my plate, I saw my Hogwarts letter. Opening it, I looked at the letter, finding the typical school textbook list.

I placed the letter back into its envelope, picked up my fork, and started cutting my meal. "I suppose we'll go shopping soon?" I asked, looking up at the two, and surprised they were both staring at me oddly. "What is it?" I asked.

"Is there not something in your envelope?" Narcissa asked curiously.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is there supposed to be?" I asked.

Draco turned his hand, showing me a shining new green and silver Prefect badge. I'd forgotten in my quarrel with Draco that they picked prefects during the fifth year.

"Oh," I said flatly, certain the disappointment was obvious on my face. I picked up my letter, holding it in both my hands to look at it. It would have been silly of me to check again. I would have noticed the badge if it was there. "No, there was nothing. Guess someone else made Prefect."

"There must be some mistake!" Narcissa said, offended on my behalf. "I was certain you were Severus's favourite student!"

"I'm one of Severus's students, Mother," Draco said, looking only mildly offended at his mother.

Narcissa did not respond to her son, saying, "If you're not the girl prefect, then who would be?"

I shook my head, trying to will away my chagrin. "I wouldn't know. Maybe Pansy Parkinson?"

Draco snorted out a small laugh.

Looking up, I forced a small smile. "There's no need to worry about me. Congratulations, Draco. I'm genuinely happy for you." I considered myself too much of a lady to wallow in self-pity at my failures while others in my presence had achieved an accomplishment.

"Aphry," Draco said, his voice soft. Did he have to choose now of all times during the Summer to be considerate?

Shrugging lightly, I returned my gaze to my food and said, "I believe you're right, Draco. Maybe I am being overdramatic today." Narcissa furrowed her brow at her son for having made such a comment.

Draco didn't notice as he kept his gaze on me. "Aphrodite," he said, as if to warn me, his voice lowered angrily at my self-deprecating tone. 

I lifted my head to him with a smile. "You're both still going to be here for a while. We should celebrate. I'll have the house elves make you your favourite apple pie. It should be ready around when we take tea

He shook his head with a quick exhale. "Aphry, You don't have to do that."

"I insist," I said quickly.

"Aphry--," Draco said before his mother interrupted him.

"Draco," Narcissa said with a warning tone in her voice. "Aphrodite is trying to do something nice for you. It would be gracious to accept."

Both of us knew that tone. Draco muttered his thanks quickly, and Narcissa quickly changed the subject to one far less uncomfortable.

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