Full Moon - 49

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We make our way back out of the passageway. Black and Harry helped Ron while Hermione stayed with me as I hobbled along. I was thankful I could still put some weight on it.

Black spoke about how he was usually not an aggressive animagus and might've considered a more permanent transition were it not for the fleas.

"Aphry are you holding up?" Harry shouted.

"I'm making it." I said, "I think I'm more worried that Father's going to kill me though once Snape writes to him. Probably Narcissa and Mr. Malfoy, too."

"Malfoy?" Sirius said, looking back to get a glance at me. "Are you William Cytheria's daughter? Aphrodite?"

"Yes. How'd you guess?" I said, wincing as I put too much weight on the bad ankle.

"William was the only one we could tolerate of your father's crowd," he explained. "Always kind to Harry's mom, Lily, even though she was muggle-born. Malfoy though, not so much."

Harry scoffed. "Seems that tradition has been passed to the next generation."

We finally made our way out of the passage to the base of the whomping willow. They help Ron to sit down, and Hermione began to tend to his leg. We all encouraged Harry to go talk to Sirius while Hermione and I tended to Ron. I took the spot Harry had on Ron's other side, facing Hermione.

Hermione hissed as she looked at the wound. "That looks really painful," she said.

Ron looked down at it, then back to Hermione. "So painful... they, uh... they might chop it." The line was familiar, and I smirked, looking at Ron. Was he using Draco's line from earlier this year?

"I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat," Hermione said, not worried one bit.

"It's too late. It's ruined. It'll have to be chopped off."

I said nothing, let Ron get the attention he was aiming for.

In due time, Lupin came out of the passageway, Pettigrew close behind him. Ron, Hermione, and I looked disgusted as the filthy Pettigrew begged us to try and spare him, but in vain.

Hermione tended to Ron, and I watched Lupin as he aimed his wand at Pettigrew. I looked at the only source of light, the moon mostly hidden by a mountain in the distance. I did notice, however, that it looked awfully... full.

And we had a werewolf in our midst.

"Um... Hermione," I said in a whisper so that only she and Ron could hear.

"Yes, what is it?" She sounded irritated since I was interrupting her tending to Ron.

"Do you know what phase the moon is in tonight?" I asked, remembering my Astrology lessons and wanting to double-check the calculations I had done in my head.

She thought for a second, "Well, it's the sixth, so..." She looked up with wide eyes, which connected with mine.

"What?" Ron asked.

Hermione and I looked at Professor Lupin, who had frozen. She called for Harry, and Sirius came offering to try and help Lupin just as he seized up, beginning his transformation.

My heart started pounding wildly in my chest for the second time that night. Hermione helped Ron to his feet, and Harry helped me. We huddled together, watching the teacher transform into a monster. He dropped his wand, and Pettigrew dived to retrieve it.

Harry, thinking quickly, disarmed him. But it wasn't good enough. Pettigrew, with a manic smile, waive before transforming once again into a rat and running off.

Hermione and I grabbed him to prevent him from running after Pettigrew and into danger, as Lupin's transformation was nearly complete. "Run," Black shouted to us.

The werewolf, fully transformed, flung Sirius Black back, out of our sight.

"Come on," Harry said. He wrapped his arm around Ron to help him move.

"Wait," Hermione said, she inched toward him, attempting to gain access to his human side. Which proved ineffective when Lupin howled and started toward her. She jumped back to us.

The werewolf Lupin stalked slowly toward us, and we huddled closer.

At that moment Professor Snape appeared from the passageway. He rose from the ground, and stalked toward us, blocking our view of Lupin. "There you are, Potter," he said. He reached for Harry.

Lupin growled, and Snape turned quickly. Recognizing the threat, he raises his arms in an attempt to shield us. The werewolf raised its arm, knocking us all back in one swipe. Now, in a vulnerable position, we watched as Lupin stalked toward us one step, then two.

A black dog came from the corner, surely Black, knocking Lupin down. The five of us took the wolf's distraction as a moment to rise to our feet. The werewolf and dog had a brief stand-off, before going at each other. Snape again stood in front of us as we huddled together.

The dog took off, and the werewolf after it. "Sirius," Harry said, forcing himself through to run after them.

"Come back here, Potter!" Snape said, but Harry did not listen, running out of sight.

I couldn't tell if minutes or hours had passed after that, it felt so long. We saw the dementors swarm, then a bright light flash, and they retreated.

Then it was silent.

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