Ballroom - 100

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I should have known that when father said, "We aren't visiting the Malfoys this Summer," he really meant, "You aren't visiting the Malfoys this Summer."

Within a week, Father's sense of duty as Mr Malfoy's Defensor was eating at him, and he would return to Malfoy Manor until dinner. Meanwhile, I was left for the most part to sit around and twiddle my thumbs in absolute boredom.

Well, that might have been an exaggeration. I had my summer schoolwork, an entire library full of books I could read, a garden full of colourful flowers to walk through, the stables from my horse phase when I was ten... Needless to say, I had no reason to be bored. But I was upset that I was, for the most part, alone.

It helped a little that Narcissa and Draco came every week, and plans for the debutante ball were coming along.

"Why do we have to take dance lessons? We've known how to waltz for years." Draco asked his mother as he watched us look through colorful samples for tablecloths in the main drawing room.

Narcissa was sitting next to me on the sofa. She raised her brow, not even sparing her whining son a look as she looked through the swatches of green."Practice makes perfect, dear."

I smiled at Narcissa, then held out two tablecloth samples to show Draco. "Which do you like? Ivory or Cream?"

He raised an eyebrow, boredom written on his face. "Those are the same color."

Gasping, I looked down at them. "They are two distinctly different shades, Draco! You really must pay more attention to detail."

"I could be practicing to win next year's quidditch cup, but I'm hear with nothing to do but eat your biscuits and tiny sandwiches." He said bitterly.

Narcissa's head shot up. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, that is a most ungrateful way to speak around your hostess."

"Oh, dear." I muttered amusedly behind the teacup raised to my lip. "She brought out the 'Lucius,'"

"Apologize," she said sternly to her son. I smiled cheekily, waiting.

Draco sighed deeply, before saying, "Sorry, Aphrodite." He seemed quite genuine, too.

I put down my teacup, returning to the fabrics. "I guess I'll forgive you," I said playfully.

He raised an eyebrow, trying to hide his own amusement.

Narcissa looked at the swatches on my lap. "That dusty pink is lovely. I believe it would look nice with a deep emerald."

My brow furrowed. "I agree. But I thought we agreed on pastels. To matches the garden?"

She nodded. "Yes. But it's always good to keep an eye out for other color combinations you like. For future events."

I smiled, excited for the possibility of planning more events. "You're right... Yes, Brownie?" I turned my attention to the houself who had just come in.

"Ms. Burke is here, ma'am." She said, announcing the arrival of our dance instructor.

"We will come greet her. Thank you," I said before she left.

The three of us stood, Narcissa and I placing our fabric samples in a basket near the sofa.

"Better start practicing your counts of three, Ms. Cytheria," Draco mocked with a mischievous smile.

I scoffed as we made our way to the drawing room door. "Draco, are you really so intimidated by my intelligence that you need to resort to such blatant falsehoods?"

"Oh, please," he said. "Can't a man tease?"

"My father has left for the day. There are no men here."

Draco made a sound as if he were wounded. "Who needs wands when we have the sharp words of a damsel?"

"None. If you happen to be the damsel," I said grabbing the door after Narcissa left. "But I do have a secret for you."

He raised a brow. "And what is that?"

"Those tablecloths actually were the same color." He lowered his head and furrowed his brow in mock anger. With a laugh, I left the drawing room, letting the door close behind me.

"Ms. Burke!" I said, approaching her and Narcissa in the foyer. "It is so good to see you again!"

"Aphrodite! Oh my goodness, it's only been two years and you've gotten so much taller," she hugged me. "And, my goodness, Draco. I thought you were your father who'd finally gotten a haircut!"

We made our way to the ballroom, where we started warming up by practicing basic steps and combinations. Then Ms. Burke started with choreography for the first part of our dance.

"It sweltering in here," Draco said as he removed his suit jacket and draped it on a nearby chair.

I responded with a laugh, "Don't blame anyone but yourself. You decided to wear all black in the middle of Summer."

He gave me a half hearted glare. "I'm sorry, Aphrodite. Should I have worn periwinkle instead?"

Ms. Burke's back was turned, so I stuck my tongue out childishly in response.

We practiced each segment step-by-step, then moved to the next segment, then adding them together. Repeating the practice over and until the first half minute or so of the dance was choreographed.

As we practiced, as had happened countless other times during our lessons, the steps became easier. They started to tie together seemlessly, and became more of a fluid motion than a series of individual steps.

Nearing the end of our time, Ms. Burke asked us to practice one additional time.

The music started, and I could tell our practice that day had paid off. I smiled, pleased as the floating feeling that the muscle memory provided.

My necklace warmed again, and I was surprised. I still hadn't exactly figured out what was going on with Draco when I felt that. I looked at him concerned with an eyebrow raised.

The warmth disappear as quickly as it had come, and Draco's expression turned stern, hard, and stonelike.

Ms. Burke stopped the music, and praised us for our progress. The three of us then saw her to the door to say goodbye.

"I need to take a walk," Draco said shortly, his hands in his pockets. The hard expression returning as soon as the dance instructor had left.

Concern filled me. I needed to know what was bothering Draco. "Of course. We could walk around the garden, or to the pond around back--"

Draco's gaze stopped me. "I prefer to be alone, actually."

I blinked at him. Was this the first time he's rejected me? Or just the first time it... stung? "Of course," I said.

He turned in his heel and headed to the garden. "Mercy. What on earth got into him," his mother asked once he'd left.

I told her what has happened. The new sensation in the necklace, and the other times I'd felt it. Hopefully she had an understanding that I didn't.

Her brow furrowed, she said, "I'm sorry, darling. I don't know exactly know why it's doing that. But don't worry. Let me know next time it happens. We'll figure it out together."

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