Resentment and Conflict - 151

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I'd planned to leave the room of requirement and take a break as soon as Aphry returned from Hogsmeade, but our argument had me in the room alone for several more hours. I repeated the three-word incantation over and over, making attempts to repair the cabinet as my mind wandered in all sorts of directions and arguing with myself.

"Harmiona Nectere Passus." I opened the door, the textbook I had left inside still in there. I knew I was not in a position to try something living yet.

Probably good I'm still in here trying to fix the bloody thing. Between the cursed necklace not working and Potter's suspicion, fixing this damned passage is still my best hope...

I closed the door and repeated my incantation. "Harmiona Nectere Passus."

I was a git to Aphry. She deserves to be angry. Fresh off a fucking panic attack and I pick a fight with her...

"Harmiona Nectere Passus."

Yes, but didn't that panic attack seem to be at least partly a culmination of guilt? From experiencing and having to do things she would never have were it not for our connection? She might be on Potter's side if things were different.

"Harmiona Nectere Passus."

Hell, if things were different, he might be the one getting to snog her.

I slammed the cabinet door, angered by my imagined alternate reality. "Harmonia Nectere Passus."

I'm trying to keep her out of this mess so she doesn't have to experience any guilt. But she's too damn stubborn.

"Harmiona Nectere Passus."

She could have been following some sort of odd defensor intuition. We still don't know all of how the vow works. And in the end, it all worked out to the best scenario, didn't it? She was in the right place at the right time and did the exact right things to get Potter off your back. Kind of bloody amazing when you think of it...

"Harmiona Nectere Passus."

And kind of hot how she lied straight to Potter's face in your defense...

"Harmiona Nectere Passus."

Merlin, I should just rail her.

I used all my strength to slam the cabinet shut at the rampant thought, likely undoing any progress I had made to repair it over the past several hours.

Good god, I shouldn't be thinking like this.

My hands ran through my hair as I paced back and forth in front of the cabinet. I was slowly going insane in this damned room with this damned piece of furniture.

What did Adrian say about that Hufflepuff girl that one time in the locker room last semester? He wanted to 'get her out of his system.'

I'm pretty sure that strategy won't apply here, considering the whole soulmate bit. Not to mention that was months ago, and besides I have a sneaking suspicion they're still secretly together...

Doesn't hurt to try.

And be like that bloody prick who tried to hurt her fourth year? She deserves better...

And apparently my version of "better" is yelling at her after a panic attack...

Fucking git.

Filled with a combination of lust-filled frustration, I kicked a spare quaffle that was lying on the ground. The kick hoisted the ball into the air, then hit another cupboard down the path before bouncing out of sight. I could still hear it bounce several times before finally stopping.

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