Breakfast and Potions - 67

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Daphne and I entered the common room together the next morning. She had heard from other students what had happened and, as we were getting ready, made sure I was alright to go to classes that morning. I'd assure her I was, as I had gotten everything out of my system the night prior.

I was surprised to see Draco leaning against the couch and facing the doorway leading to the girls' dorms as the other students rushed out of the common room to breakfast. As soon as he set eyes on me, he began walking in my direction.

Approaching him, I gave him a small smile. "Draco, you didn't have to wait. We could have met you in the great hall."

He nodded. "I know, but I wanted to make sure you were okay first."

My smile widened. "I am. But I'm starving."

Straightening, he gave me a sideways smile, clearly relieved that I was in good spirits. "Well, I guess we shouldn't delay your breakfast any longer."

The three of us went to the great hall, finding Pansy sitting with Crabbe and Goyle. We sat across from Crabbe and Goyle. Draco sat between Pansy and me, while Daphne sat on my other.

I wasted no time in filling my plate with several drop scones, topping them with a little honey, butter, whipped cream, and berries. Two lovely-looking fried eggs made it onto my plate with salt and pepper as well.

Feeling an intense gaze in my direction, I looked at Draco, who looked from my plate back up to me. I smiled at him, and a hint of a smile was returned to me.

I prepared a cup of tea and pulled it up to my lips just as Pansy gave a small laugh. "Did you get enough food, Cytheria?"

Looking down at my plate, I was suddenly self-conscious. Did I grab an impolitely big portion? The table always seemed to have plenty of food...

"What is wrong with you, Pansy?" Daphne came to my defense. "You know she didn't eat dinner last night!"

Pansy looked at her and scoffed. "Well excuse me, I just want her to be conscious of her waistline."

Draco slammed his fist on the table, just hard enough to surprise those of us into the immediate area. "Leave Aphry be or move, Pansy. I will not say this more than once."

Pansy looked at him with wide eyes, surprised that her insult backfired. "B-but, Draco..." Her lip jutted out in a pout, obviously upset her boyfriend had gotten onto her.

"But what?" He said with a scowl, challenging her to say something.

Her eyes brimmed with tears, and she stood, running out of the great hall.

"Is she going to be okay," I asked worriedly.

Daphne huffed. "She brought that on herself! You eat every bit of that if you please, Aphrodite. And don't let her concern you right now."

We had potions as our second class that morning, and I took note that my godfather was in a particularly foul mood. As we prepared our potions, he walked past me multiple times without saying a word.

After Neville, unfortunately, melted his cauldron and clean-up was completed, Snape stopped in front of my cauldron once more to look at my calming draught. He looked down his nose with a critical eye. He took a deep breath in, then out. I grew nervous, as I was particularly proud of my potion-making skills, and was unsure what he could find major fault in. I was sure it was the appropriate shade of blue.

"Well done, Miss Cytheria," he said, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "However, I will need to see you after class." He walked off without a word to me.

I wondered what he needed to discuss with me. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long as the class was dismissed after all our potions had been checked and sampled in vials.

Once the final student was gone, I headed to the front of the class, clutching my books in my hand. "You asked to see me, Professor?" I kept cautious about how I addressed him in case other students heard.

He went to the back of the class, shut the door, then headed back to me. "I thought it was a sixth year in the class before you." He said as he approached. "Maybe one had spilled their potion and had not done a proper job cleaning up. However, I slowly realized as the class went on that the scent was getting stronger, and it was mixed with others."

I was nothing but confused as he walked past me to the collection to the collection of sample vials at his head table. He picked mine up, labeled with AC, Calming, and inspected it through the bottle. "Then I realized anytime a boy, even several girls, had gotten within a few feet of you, they would take a second look. And it wasn't just your new shoes."

Gripping my books to curb my frustration at his inability to get to the point, I finally spoke up. "Snape, what are you talking about?"

"Aphrodite Cytheria, why is your perfume laced with Amortentia?" he asked, his words filled with accusation.

Oh, yeah. Guess I forgot about that. I sighed, avoiding his sharp gaze by looking past him at the chalkboard with the directions for the calming draught listed, and sighed. "It was Narcissa's idea. To help with Dimitri."

He rolled his eyes and snarled. "Oh yes, the arrangement. I told your father I didn't particularly like this plan Lucius and he have."

"I don't either," I said, "But I guess neither of us has much of a choice. Besides, I've spent the whole summer with Dimitri, and I like him well enough."

"Is that so? I think the wardrobe changes and perfume have had some unwanted effects," he said. "Why did I not see you and Mr. Malfoy at dinner last night?"

I scoff. "First, I don't like what you are implying." I then told him everything that happened with Harry, and how eventually just went to bed without dinner. He seemed displeased that my own mother was brought into the conversation and it has upset me so much. But then again, he always seemed displeased.

When I finished, he said, "Just like his father. Do I need to do something with Mr. Potter?" He uncapped my potion that he was still holding and downed it.

"No, it's fine." I responded, "But I think Hermione Granger's Calming Draught might have come out a tad better than mine."

He placed the cap back on the vial. "Perhaps, but I want to check thoroughly. You can go on ahead to lunch."

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