The Big Moment - 123

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As we walked across the house toward the wing our rooms were in, my mind finally started to clear up. The moments that passed once the Dark Lord left our presence were panicked and fuzzy as I tried to process the pain of the forces mark in combination with the flurry of horrible news that had been thrust upon me. But I heard every word of Draco's fight with our parents, especially when he stressed the word soulmates.

Draco slowed as he approached the door to my bedroom. Silently, he turned to face me, then took my left hand with his, turning over my arm tenderly to look at the angry welt that matched the mark under his sleeve. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry, Aphrodite. If I had known that you were going to be affected like this--"

"You didn't have a choice Draco," I said, quietly.

He seemed to deflate as he let out a breath. "I know. I guess thinking that I might have had more control over the situation somehow makes me feel better." He finally looked up, and his blue-grey eyes bore into me. "I never wanted to force you to follow me down this path."

I smiled sadly. "Neither of us really could control that." I sighed softly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about our connection sooner."

He shook his head. "Don't be. I would make a similar decision if my father had insisted I remain quiet on the issue."

I nodded briefly, and a short moment of silence passed before I asked. "How long have you known?"

"Fourth year," he responded. "I'll admit I had some help. When Snape gave us that random detention with those reading assignments."

Of course, Snape intervened, I thought. "And you thought you were the defensor?"

He nodded. "At the time it made sense. I always had this inclination to protect you. But you being the defensor makes much more sense. You always have had a knack for figuring out when I was getting into trouble."

"Well, your mother's helped in that area." I grasped the necklace I always wore. "She gave me this first year. It tingles if you even think about getting in trouble, and gets cold if you're in danger. It's been freezing lately." The reason was now horrifyingly clear: You-Know-Who's anger with Lucius, resulting in the Dark Lord intentionally giving Draco an impossible task as punishment.

His hands, which he started absentmindedly moving up and down my upper arms to try to warm me, froze, and his expression hardened. "I'll get this figured out," he said, with a determination that made him sound much older than he was.

"You have to kill one of the greatest wizards in our lifetime," I said, recalling solemnly. "Do you think you can do it?"

He wasn't looking directly at me, instead seeming lost in thought, "I'll have to. If I don't, he'll kill me, which will kill you. Then he'll kill mother, father..."

"Which will kill my father," I added, to which he responded with a solemn nod.

I felt my heart rate elevate, and a queasy feeling churned in my stomach as I thought about it. I took a deep breath and changed the direction of the conversation to distract myself. "Do you think it's true, what you read? That we're... soulmates?" It seems completely wild, yet completely true at the same time.

He also seemed relieved by the change of topic. "I can't be sure," he said, then looked into my eyes once again. "All I know is that the feelings I've had for you since we were thirteen have only grown stronger."

I nodded. "I've felt the same way."

The next moment happened so fast that I hardly registered as it happened. Draco wrapped his left arm around my waist, placing his hand securely at the small of my back. At the same time, his other hand went to the nape of my neck, fingers tangling into my curls. He pulled me toward him and crashed his lips into mine, and my necklace burst with warmth, neutralizing the icy cold.

My heart leapt in my chest and my stomach erupted in butterflies. I then got over my initial shock and kissed him back, my hand also snaking to the nape of his neck, the other trapped flat again his chest.

This gave Draco more encouragement, as he tightened his grip on me while our lips move against each other. It felt like we were making up for the past three years we had been kept apart.

Ages of bliss seemed to pass before Draco's lips disconnected from mine. He rested his forehead on mine, and between deep breaths said, "Now, nothing is going to keep us from being together." He took another deep breath and swallowed nervously, "That is if you also want this."

I only responded with a nod, but that was enough from him. He crashed his lips against me again for a brief but emotion-filled kiss. When he pulled away, he said, "Aphrodite Cytheria, you just made this horrible day much better."


Note: Aaaaah! They finally kissed!!!!

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