HiJinks - 75

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The next morning, I waited in the common room for the girls. I was honestly nervous, as I wasn't really sure how Aprhy would feel toward me after what happened last night. This could make or break how the day would go...

I heard the girls' voices before I saw them. Pansy was the first to walk out of the dorms. Smiling as she walked toward me with a bounce in her step, I gave a small smile to her. Aphry, closely followed by Daphne, came next. I looked at her, hands in my pockets. Both of their eyes landed on me at the same time. Immediately Daphne gave a hesitant look to Aphry to see what her mood was this morning. I assumed Daphne nor Pansy knew about our early morning discussion meer hours ago that added to Aphry's offence.

Aphry, who had a soft smile on her face just moments prior, had her mouth set in a straight line as she looked at me for a brief moment. She then promptly turned to exit the common room, her chin ever so slightly lifted in the air in a show of pride. Her heels clicked gently against the stone floor.

Pansy came to my defence, shouting "Aphry!" In a scolding tone.

I grabbed her wrist, murmering, "Leave her be. I think she just needs some time to think." I felt it was a show of growth that I came to that course of actiong, rather than acting out for negative attention.

So I gave her a day...

Then I gave her two days...

After a week of ignoring me, I grew impatient. And irritated.

I saw Aphry periodically throughout the week. On Dmitri's arm, other Durmstrang boys hovering around her like a precious jewel needing protection. She couldn't seem to stop giggling and smiling as she ate, studied with, and walked the grounds with them. Especially Viktor Krum. I did not like how chummy those two were getting.

Even worse than the Durmstrang students, Aphry was spending a signifigant amount of time with Hermione Granger. I would catch them in the library, studying and comparing Arithmancy notes. Sometimes I would even see Daphne with them. I tried to talk some sense into Daphne, but seeing as Aphry had filled her in on my late night project, she was just as stubborn as Aphry.

So, unfortunately, I stumbled back into my old ways. My typical routine of getting back at her, trying to set all of Slytherin house again her, was a no-go. Not after father's lecture last easter break. Besides, she was finding plenty of company outside of Slytherin.

So I worked on the finishing the Hogwarts champion buttons. Piss her and Potter off: two birds with one stone. The ones she had seen were prototypes more than anything. The transition time was slow, and there could be several improvements made. Like pressing it to change the phrase on demand.

I worked every night. On Friday, I gave enough to Pansy to give the other third year girls. And I gave the rest to the third year boys. By Saturday the entire school would have them.


I kept myself busy during my grudge against Draco Malfoy.

Dimitri was not that disappointed I was taking a break from Draco. I, of course, didn't tell him the things that Draco had said about my affections for him. That would cause far too many questions and future uncomfortable interactions.

I had gotten to know Dimitri's friends from Durmstrang quite well, since that is who Dimitri and I would spent time with outside of class. They had quickly developed a brotherly affection for me. 

Daphne and I also had a little 'project' going. 

It started when we were both sitting with Dimitri and his friends in the courtyard. Hermione had passed by us with Ginny Weasley. I caught her eye, and we waived at each other as they passed. However I as turned my head, I did not missed the way Viktor's eye's ever so subtley followed Hermione as she walked past.

"Did you see Viktor?" Daphne whispered as we tooks our seats in our transifguration later that day.

"How he couldn't take his eyes of Hermione? Yes!" I said just as low.

Daphne looked around, making sure no one else was overhearing. Thank Merlin the desks only sat two people. "We should trying to get them together."

I thought about last year, and the hint Ron was attracted to her. "I don't know. I think her and Ron Weasley might be together."

"Really," Daphne said, scrunching her nose a bit. "I thought they were just friends." She shrugged a bit. "Well, how about this. Let's find out if her and Weasley are together and if not, we just...." she shrugged a little, "help her and Viktor out a bit?" Daphne couldn't help but hide her sly smile.

And all of a sudden I was playing matchmaker.

We caught Hermione alone in the library the next day, asking to compare arithmancy notes. After a polite amount of studying, we found a break in the conversation.

"So, Hermione," I said. We'd agreed I'd asked so she'd be less likely to think there's an ulterior motive. "I know I'm a bit nosy, but are you and Ron together?" I spoke low so that eavesdropping ears would not hear.

Hermione's writing as she completed her homework halted. She looked up to us, blushing furiously. "No, we aren't. Why are you asking?"

"Just curious," I said with a smile and a shrug. She looked at me with an eyebrow raised, and I know that she was going to need more information to ease her suspicions. "There might or might not be someone who's interested in you..."

"What?" She said a little loudly, eyes widened. Immediately she became aware she was in the library as many heads turned to her. She tucked her head, embarrassed. "Who?" she said in a lower voice.

I put hand up in surrender,  and Daphne said, "We will let them reveal themselves if they choose to. We just wanted to make sure before giving them a push in you direction."

Hermione looked between me and Daphne. With a small scowl she said, "No offense, but It's not a Slytherin is it?"

Daphne and I both laughed slightly. "No,  it isn't." I responded.

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