Diversion - 110

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The next morning, during breakfast, I was surprised when an unfamiliar owl dropped a brown paper package.

Curiously, I picked it up. This wasn't from Narcissa. She uses only the most luxurious wrapping paper, often in emerald or black.

I tore open the package to reveal a book, bound in white leather. An emerald 'A' was embossed in the front in a beautiful, flourished font. I flipped through the book to find it was an empty journal.

A small envelope fell from the inside of the book. I opened it and unfolded the note.

The end will tell you the time and the place.

I pondered the note for a minute before it came to me. The middle line of the 'H,' usually horizontal, slanted down strongly. I realized quickly from classes that it was the ancient rune for the letter H! That meant the X was actually a 'G'...

My head shot up, scanning the Gryffindor table, stopping once my eyes caught a head of overbrushed brown curls sitting across from Harry and Weasley. Hermione glanced over, caught my eye quickly, smiled ever-so-slightly with a nod, and then returned her gaze to the two boys. This must be how Hermione was going to information to me about their now-forbidden group. She must not have the same belief that Ron had that I snitched to Umbridge.

"What have you got, Aphry?" Draco said across from me, looking curiously at the book in my hand. Thankfully, he wasn't in one of his particularly impish moods, or he might have snatched it out of my hands.

I knew if I reacted defensively, it might draw some suspicion. So instead, I smiled and lifted the book. "I ordered a journal. Isn't the cover lovely?"

Draco raised a brow. "I didn't know you journaled?"

A slight shrug was my response. "I thought I'd take a try at it. See if I liked it."

That was apparently enough to satisfy his curiosity, as he returned his attention to his breakfast, and I placed the journal in my bag.

The next day, while studying by myself during a free period, I noticed the emerald 'A' sparkle. It was subtle but enough to catch my attention. I picked it up, flipping through it to see if anything else had changed.

When I flipped to the back, I noticed some writing. It said tonight, 8.

Simple, but effective. And I knew exactly what I needed to do.

I bided my time, then at a quarter to eight that night, I excuse myself and made my way to Professor Umbridge's office.

Knocking several quick times in quick succession, I took a deep breath and waited patiently. I hope I assumed correctly that she was in her office.

Finally, the door opened, and the Professor revealed herself in her shocking pink outfit. A bright smile lit up her face. "Miss Cytheria! What do I owe the pleasure?"

My smile reflected hers. "I was hoping I might come in and chat."

"Of course, dear!" She opened the door wider. "Come on in!"

I stepped in, looking at the explosion of pink around me. Nearly every surface was covered with the cover, in a scene that seemed as visually cacophonous as the mewling kitchens on her various decorative plates displayed on the walls.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" The High Inquisitor said, approaching her side of the desk. A tea set was arranged, with only one cup. A wave of her wand revealed a second cup.

"I would love that," I said. I was going to be here for over an hour. I might as well enjoy a cup.

She poured the tea. "So what did you come to discuss, Miss Cytheria."

My plan was already laid out, I just hoped it would work. My goal was to distract her with flattery. "Well, I was thinking quite a bit. With my O.W.L.s approaching so quickly, I wanted to think about possible career choices."

"Very wise." She said as she concentrated on the tea. "You'll be out of school before you know it." She handed me my tea cup.

I took it and thanked her before continuing. "Well, I thought about possibly working in the ministry. And who better to discuss that with than someone working so closely with the minister?"

She was flattered, evident by the most subtle widening of her smile. "In that case, please feel free to ask me anything."

Once she'd given me the invitation, I started to ask any question I thought of. I was careful to ask thoughtful questions as if I was genuinely interested in a career in the ministry.

After a while, the clock chimed 9 o'clock. "Oh dear," I said, feigning worry. "It's past curfew. I lost track of time, I was so enjoying our conversation." Hopefully, Harry and his new group wouldn't risk being discovered by breaking curfew.

"Not to worry, dear," Umbridge said, pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill and writing on it. "If you have any trouble with the prefects, just give them this excuse note." She finished, signing with a flourish, then handing it to me.

I took it. "Thank you, professor."

"Of course!" she said, "And please don't hesitate to return should you have more questions."

Exiting her office and heading back towards the Slytherin common room, I sighed in relief. It was mentally draining. But... she bought it.

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