The Missing Cabinet - 145

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"Where on earth is Draco?" Daphne asked a perplexed tone in her voice. Breakfast was nearly over and it was only our first day back. I started the morning still annoyed with him from our conversation the previous evening, but that started to fade into worry the more his arrival was delayed. Pansy, sitting across from Daphne and me, looked at me curiously. Clearly, she was wondering the same thing.

Obviously (to me), there were other things concerning him than starting the term off strong academically. They couldn't know that, though. "He might have overslept," I said as an excuse. I then pouted a touch, putting on just enough of an act to avoid drawing suspicion. "He hasn't been sleeping well since everything happened with his father." It wasn't a complete lie, but I anticipated those would be coming in due time to cover Draco's whereabouts. "He tries to act like it doesn't bother him, but he has moments..." I purposefully drifted off.

The act worked, and the two girls' faces fell sympathetically. We continued our breakfast in somber silence.

A few moments later, Daphne, who had a better view of the doors, uttered, "There he is."

I turned my head to the doors of the Great Hall and was pierced by Draco's intense, cold gaze directed at me. He seemed paler than usual as he hurriedly made his way over, ignoring calls from his fellow Slytherin mates. When he reached me, he stood over me. "I need to discuss something with you." He said with a tone of urgency.

With a nod, I responded, "Of course. Can we discuss it while you have some breakfast?" I patted the empty spot on the bench next to me, hoping it wasn't anything related to his task, and he would get a chance to eat.

The deep breath he took held just a touch of impatient annoyance. "It's actually something private." He said shortly. "I'd rather not discuss it here." I knew then our discussion involved his task.

I sighed, standing from my seat. "Alright. But can you at least bring something small with you to eat?" 

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not really hungry right now, Aphry." I stared at him for a moment with a pleading look. He sighed and reached over to the center of the table, taking a piece of toast and holding it up to show me. "There. Happy?"

I didn't have a chance to respond. "Finally gracing us with your presence, Mr. Malfoy?" I heard the low, sarcastic drawl of my godfather interject behind me shortly before his black billowy frame stepped into my field of view.

Draco looked at me and narrowed his eyes, apparently annoyed by the extended delay that my minor delay had caused. He didn't respond to the professor, or look at him. The tension was palpable.

"I might have supposed a jinx by a fellow student had rendered you mute were you not speaking to Miss Cytheria as I walked up." Another strained, silent moment passed. Draco merely set his jaw as he kept his gaze on me. "Very well" Snape conceded. "I have your schedule here. I suppose you'll want that." The professor handed the sheet of parchment to Draco, who rudely snatched it from his hands.

"Thanks, professor," Draco said stiffly, still refusing to look at him. Snape finally walked off. "Let's go," he said to me, taking my hand and guiding me out of the Great Hall.

Draco leads me to the courtyard. Several students were there, getting some later summer sunshine before heading to their first classes, but there was enough space that we could more easily steer clear of eavesdroppers. Draco guided me to a more secluded corner and leaned against the wall. He then looked at me with a serious glare. "The cabinet's gone," he said grimly.

The three words had me frozen in place. My heart started racing, and I knew that my face had paled. "Wh-what?" I asked, hoping that he'd said something else and that I had misheard. "Did you find this out last night?" If he did, then he likely didn't get a minute of sleep.

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