Awkward Encounters - 136

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I was furious with Mother and Aphry. At the very least, they could have talked to me before asking Snape for help on my behalf.

Aphry had a point, but I wasn't going to admit it. I wanted to do this myself. I'd already heard my family name mocked by the death eaters all around the house due to my father's failure in the Department of Mysteries. If I was truly going to restore our status with the Dark Lord, I had to do everything on my own.

Before I ended up falling asleep that night, I decided not to hold a grudge against Aphry. It was our first fight since we'd officially gotten together. I wouldn't have ever admitted it out loud, but it felt odd not walking her to her room that evening and kissing her goodnight.

In the early hours of the morning, I was jolted awake by her scream ripping through my dreamless sleep. She'd had a couple of these dreams since the first time, and every time, just like the first, I'd bolted into her room, consoling her until she could fall back asleep.

Knowing the routine at this point, I rushed to her room and grabbed her shoulder, firmly shaking her. "Aphry, wake up!"

Her eyes shot open, and she bolted herself upright. I watched as she slumped over, putting her head in her hands as she regained control of her breathing.

"Are you alright?" I asked after a moment. Something was off, and I was concerned. After the nightmares, she'd always clung to me, as if needing to confirm I was safe.

"I'm fine," she said flatly, still looking away from me at the wall across from her bed.

Hold on. Is she...mad at me?  The thought irritated me. I should be the angry one, not her. "You don't sound fine," I pressed with a raised eyebrow.

She huffed. "'Fine' and 'not very happy with you' are not mutually exclusive things, Draco," she said with irritation laced in her voice. Standing and taking the few steps to her vanity, she grabbed the dressing robe that matched her light pink nightgown from the back of the chair, flinging it over her shoulder and putting her arms through the sleeves.

Ok, so she is indeed mad at me. Instead of lashing out as I would in similar situations, I kept in mind she had just woken from a nightmare. She probably just needed time to process everything. She isn't thinking straight. "Aphry..." I said gently, trying to calm her down.

She didn't even look at me as she crossed the room to the French doors that led to her private balcony. Her robe and nightgown flowed behind her. "I'm going to get some air," she said with a sense of authority as she opened the doors. She looked over her right shoulder to spare me a contemptuous glance. "You should be gone by the time I return." With that, she closed the balcony doors, leaving me in her empty room.

I sat on the edge of her bed for a moment, stunned by her reaction. My next actions were considered carefully. Ultimately, I convinced myself that she just needed time. She would wake up good as new in the morning, and we could return to our usual routine as normal. 

The next morning, Aphry and I left our rooms at the same time. I crossed the hall and approached her as she closed her bedroom door with her back toward me, not saying a word.

When she turned around to face me, she took a quick look at me up and down, before proudly lifting her chin in the air and turning away from the with a proud hmmph. She then proceeded down the hall, heels tapping along the dark wood floors as the distance between us grew.

Anger boiled inside of me, and all thoughts of making amends were replaced with petty arrogance. I guess we're still fighting, I thought as I turned to follow her. Two can play that game. 

I watched from a distance as her dark auburn curls, held up partially by a large, dark green bow that matched her dress, subtly bounced with each step. My eyes trailed down her back, taking my own small vengeance by indulging in the view. My gaze lingered on her hips, which swayed back and forth with each step she took.

She was quite attractive when she was mad, and I was starting to see the silver lining to our quarrelling.

Following her through the mansion, we headed down to the dining room for breakfast. When we entered the dining room, I went directly to my chair and started pulling it out.

"Draco Lucius," Mother scolded from beside me. I whipped my head toward her sharply. I wasn't going to forget that I was mad at her as well. "I don't care how angry you are right now. Pull out Aphrodite's chair like a gentleman."

I looked across the table at Aphrodite, who stood next to her chair expectantly with a small, pompous smile, pleased that my mother was taking up for her. Though William Cytheria was trying to school his expression as he read the Prophet, he seemed amused that I was being ganged up on.

With a sneer on my face, I rounded the dining room table. I intentionally took the long way around, and the two women's eyes followed me as I sauntered past over a dozen vacant chairs. My mother's lips were set in a thin line, knowing I was being spiteful. But she didn't complain, as I was technically listening to her.

I pulled Aphry's chair out, and after she was seated I bent down. In her ear, I whispered low so only she could hear, "You're eating this up aren't you, dear?" 

She shuttered lightly at the tickle of my breath on her skin, and her cheeks flushed. She looked down sheepishly to mask the effect I'd had on her.

For a brief moment, I was pleased with the way my teasing affected her, thinking I'd won this round. But my plan soon backfired as a took a breath through my nose, and her sweet, warm scent overwhelmed my senses. My heart rate instantly elevated as the room became stuffy and I couldn't take my mind off how particularly kissable her neck looked.

Merlin, I shouldn't have done that. My mother is right across the table! I straightened, sparing a small glance at my mother as I readjusted my suit jacket. Her eyebrow was raised curiously, but the rest of her expression told me she was not amused. I had a distinct impression that she knew exactly what just transpired and that it was not appropriate for the breakfast table. 

Thank Merlin Aphry's father's eyes were focused on his paper, oblivious to the awkward moment that had the rest of us strangled in awkward silence. Though we were on good terms, I imagined myself being beaten to the consistency of the pulpless orange juice at the table if he'd had an inkling of the thoughts that had flooded my brain regarding his daughter.

You flew a bit close to the sun there, Malfoy, I admitted to myself as I rounded the table the short way and seated myself. A few more awkward seconds passed before Aphrodite cleared her throat, "Can you pass me the jam, Narcissa?" She said, her voice higher than usual as I quietly began to prepare my tea.

"Of course dear," Mother said, seeming eager to return to normal conversation. She picked up the dish and handed it to Aphry, who thanked her hostess as she accepted it.

Aphry spooned some of the jam onto her plate. "What flavour is this, Narcissa?" She asked as she returned the dish to the table.

Mother hesitated long enough that I spared a look at her. "Pomegranate and apple."

My spoon clattered against my teacup as I clumsily lost grip on it, the irony not lost on me. I looked at Aphrodite, whose blush had now crept all across her face. "Thank you," she said before we all returned to our awkward silence.

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