Flying Lessons - 5

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That afternoon we had flying class.

"Everyone, step up to the left side of their broomstick. Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'Up," Madam Hooch instructed.

The class erupted in out of time exclamations of "Up." Commanding our brooms to be controlled.

Harry got his broom up easily, which I found surprising for someone I recently learned had spent the majority of their life with muggles. Draco also got his up easily, and I was shortly after. We had spent plenty of summers playing games on our broomsticks, so it came fairly naturally to us.

Others, however, had more difficulty. Others kept repeating, "up" while their brooms wiggled around on the ground. Ron's even swung up and hit him square in the face, earning a good laugh from those of us that caught it.

Madam Hooch instructed us on how to mount our brooms, and I chuckled lightly when she corrected Draco and said he'd always been doing it wrong. She instructed us on our next steps, a slight hover a few feet in the air before grounding, before counting down to the whistle.  "Three, two..."

At that moment Neville Longbottom started hovering. The entire class watched as he levitated higher and Madam Hooch scolded him to get back down. He'd lost control of his broom, though. 

The whole class watched as he flew higher and higher, flying erratically and being bumped against the castle roughly. The broom then dove down and headed straight for the crowd of first years and Madam Hooch. The crowd split to avoid a collision. Neville's broom then took him up to the top of a tower and hooked his robes on the sword of a statue, which ripped and sent him straight to the ground.

Madam Hooch checked him and quickly determined he needed to go to the hospital wing.

My necklace tingled slightly.

I turned to see Draco behind me just as he'd picked up Neville's Remembrall.

"Everyone is to keep their feet on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing, understand? If a see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, "Quidditch."

As soon as Madam Hooch was out of earshot, the tingling sensation heightened.

"Did you see his face?" Draco said, placing himself in the middle of the group of students. "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse."

"Give it here Malfoy," Harry said, coming up behind him.

Draco glowered and turned to Harry. "No. I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." He started mounting his broom. 

I pushed my way forward while shouting, "Draco, no!"

Draco looked at me when as he hovered off, winking at me before circling the crowd. "How about on the roof?" His broom gained height.

Did that boy really just wink at me?

"What the matter, Potter? A bit beyond your reach?"

"Harry, no way," I turned to see Hermione Granger next to Harry as he mounted his broom. She attempted to discourage him from taking off.

She failed. "What. an. idiot." we said in unison as Harry elevated to meet Draco.

Harry met Draco high in the air. Draco was tossing the Remembrall up lightly and catching it. We couldn't hear what he nor Harry were saying.

Then, Harry dived at Draco. Draco dodged the move by flipping on his broom, sending a new sensation from my necklace: a cold chill, which vanished as he set himself upright. He then took the Remembrall and tossed it in the opposite direction of Harry.

Flying toward the castle, Harry caught the Remembrall just as it hit the stone wall. I might have been impressed if I wasn't livid at Draco.

I stalked toward Draco as he touched down and slapped him in the arm, my charmed pendant chilling me for a brief second.

"Hey, what was that for!" He said, brows furrowed as he looked at me and rubbed his arm.

I huffed. "You shouldn't have done that!"

"Harry Potter!" I turned to see Professor McGonagall coming from the direction of the school entrance. "Follow me." Harry followed Professor McGonagall inside the school.

I heard Draco chuckle behind me with Crabbe and Goyle. I turned back around. "Harry is probably on his way to get expelled right now," I scolded Draco. "Be glad that it isn't you! Or that you didn't fall and die with that clever move!"

"I'm sorry, Aphry. Are you my mother? I thought she stayed at home." his voice dripped with as much sarcasm as an eleven-year-old could muster. 

"Better I get onto you now than your mother have to after you've taken the train home!"

Draco glowered at me and walked away from me.

My best friend was giving me the silent treatment. And frankly, I was doing the same with him. I suddenly had a new understanding of my father and Mr. Malfoy's feuds. The Malfoys were hard-headed, to say the least, and trying to keep them out of trouble was a challenge.

The first of many feuds ended just after dinner. I was sitting in a corner of the common room, doing some of my homework when the light I was reading under was blocked.

I looked up to see Draco.

He looked at me, and I looked back at him. We held our silence for a moment before he finally conceded. "Guess who the new seeker for Gryffindor is?" He said disdainfully.

"Harry Potter. Youngest seeker in a century." I said drolly.

"How'd you know?" 

I slammed my book shut. "First, he told me himself before dinner. Two, the word is all around the school. Three, there is only one Gryffindor who would bother you this much if he made seeker."

"Maybe you should be in Ravenclaw if you think you're so clever." His eyes cut at me. "Why are you talking to Harry Potter anyway?"

"I can talk to who I want Draco," I said before sighing. "And honestly, you should be grateful that he provided a distraction from getting the both of you expelled." I stood, picking all my books up. "I'm going to bed now. Are we going to have breakfast together?" 

He crossed his arm, making me wait a short moment.  "I guess so."

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