Release - 157

327 5 7

Warning: more smut.


I stared at my girlfriend, completely flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events this evening. Aphrodite stood staring at me, trying but failing to suppress a smirk showing she thoroughly enjoyed what she just did to me.

The little witch doesn't know the Pandora's box she just opened.

Stalking toward her, I stood over her and used my height against her shorter, shoeless frame. "You have about five seconds to explain what possessed you to do that."

She bit her lip nervously, glancing toward the chaise lounge to our side. I turned to follow her gaze, seeing the book she'd been reading the past couple of weeks perched alone on top of it. "Certainly not...," I said aloud. I sat on the chaise and scooped the book up. Small bits of parchment stuck out the top in various parts of the book. I looked at her again and she diverted her eyes from me, her nervous smirk widening as her cute blush further rosed up her cheeks. 

I opened the book where one of the parchment markers rested, and a mere glance at the work cock printed on the page confirmed my suspicions.

Smirking, I looked up at my pink-faced redhead. "Aphrodite!" I teasingly chastised. "Such filthy thoughts in such a pretty head."

"It was an accident," she said in a pathetic attempt at explanation as she sat next to me.

I raised a brow, further amused. "An accident? I could believe you found the explicit nature of your novel a surprise on page..." I flipped to her first marker. "Seventy-five. But I have my doubts around page..." I flipped to the final marker. "Two-twelve."

She didn't respond, her glance away from me enough of a confession.

Then I asked the question that pondered my mind since she got on her knees. "Was that your first... experience?"

Her face contorted into an embarrassed wince, "Was it that bad?"

I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her, kissing her forehead. "Quite the opposite, love. I imagine you learned a bit from that book. You've always been a quick study. I assumed it was, but wanted to be sure."

"Was it yours?" She asked quietly, though I suspect she knew the answer.

Hesitating to answer, the air stilled around us until I spoke, "No."

She nodded quietly. As if she had already come to terms with the answer. She looked up at me, trying to hide her possessiveness behind her brown doe eyes. "Who?"

"A Ravenclaw who graduated last year," I said. "You aren't familiar with her. There was never anything emotional. And things kind of ended abruptly when..." I stopped myself from finishing, unsure how she was going to react.

Aphry lost her patience as I hesitated, "When what?"

An embarrassed chuckle left me. "When I said your name instead of hers."

Her eyes widened in surprise at first. Then a satisfied smile graced her face. She then looked up at me curiously, "Well if you were imagining another girl was me, why didn't you make a move sooner once we got together?"

"I didn't want to pressure you," I admitted, then somberly added. "I didn't want to remind you of Dimitri Sokolov."

She lifted her hand, caressing my cheek lightly. "Draco Malfoy,  you could never remind me of him," she said sweetly. 

Turning my head, I kissed the inside of her palm. "I also didn't want to disrespect you. You always strived to be such a perfectly proper whitch. I assumed you wanted to do what was expected of you and wait until marriage."

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