Mastery - 140

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Draco gained a lot of confidence after visiting Borgin and Burke's shop and confirming the cabinet was still there. He had an extra swagger in his step, and his arrogance was palpable.

I was conflicted. On one hand, it was bothersome. That the reason for his confidence was that he'd gotten one step closer to killing a man and (I most certainly hoped) getting away with it. I wouldn't tell him that, though.

But on the other hand, when his attention was on me, I was captivated. How a little change of confidence made a smirk or a tease that much more attractive, I couldn't tell you.

He'd seen me expressing my anxiety surrounding the situation, though I never said a word to him. On the occasions I'd find myself alone, I'd often subconsciously start wringing my hands, staring off at nothing in particular and lost in my thoughts. At some point, he always seemed to appear, forcing my focus into his sterling silver eyes and gently taking my hands in his.

That's how he'd found me one morning. We'd come out of our rooms for breakfast at the same time. I had already started wringing my hands and ignored that my necklace had warmed.

He crossed the wide hall in a handful of long strides, and his fingertips grazed my hands, releasing the tension I was currently winding up between them. He slid his thumbs into my palms, separating my hands into each of his. "You're going to wring them off if you don't stop," he said, gazing intently into my eyes.

I didn't respond, and a brief moment of silence passed. "You're getting too stressed," he stated.

"I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do about that," I said quietly, turning my gaze away from him.

He quickly removed his right hand from mine, crooking his index finger under my chin. And, because I couldn't allow myself to deny him, he guided my focus back to him. "Take a book to read during my practice this morning," he demanded gently. "You always get the most tense in there, and I know sinking into one of your stories always helps it."

"Draco, you know I can't," I said, shaking my head. "Not after what Bellatrix did last time." I couldn't seem to get the memory out of my mind.

A deep chuckle left him. "I can deal with my aunt," he said assuredly as his hand trailed down my neck and snaked its way under my canopy of hair, resting firmly on the nape of my neck. "Please?"

That broke down all my resolve. Draco doesn't plead. He doesn't ask nicely. There was most certainly a likelihood that he knew exactly the effect the single word would have on me, and he was manipulating me to get exactly what he wanted. But was that so bad when what he wanted was for me to relax?

I sighed. "Alright," I said softly. "But I'm still keeping an eye out for your aunt," I fought back, a nagging sense of duty and a touch of pride not allowing me to give in completely.

He smirked, seeming satisfied I'd argued. "There's my Aphrodite," he said before leaning over to kiss me on the forehead. His heathered gaze then returned to meet mine. "I'll take what I can get, darling. Now, to get some breakfast."

I sat on the same armchair facing Draco, who was pacing as we waited for Bellatrix. I turned, looking at the door once again. Turning back to look at him, I responded, "She's late."

He nodded. "Very late," he said, a bit of suspicion in his voice. It was hard to determine when Bellatrix was up to something.

It took a few more moments before the door burst open, causing me to bring up my mental shields and turn once again. Bellatrix struts in hurriedly. "Good, you two are still here," she said, with no hint that she would give any sort of apology.

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