Get It Together, Draco - 65

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I had decided that Aphrodite looked far too mature in her heels.

From the train to the carriages to the great hall to the dungeons, students, mostly boys, were taking second looks as she walked past. Some eyes lingered far too long for my liking.

Entering the common room after the start of term feast, we took possession of the couches. I sat on one, with Parkinson and Crabbe on either side of me. Aphrodite sat on the other with Daphne.

I sat with arms crossed, watching as Adrian Pucey perched on the back of the couch behind Aphry, making small talk and flashing a charming smile. Just one of many poor blokes who didn't know he never had a chance.

Well, I wasn't going to let them waste their energy. I was doing them a favor, gentleman to gentleman...

My own jealousy played no part in it.

"So, Aphrodite," I interrupted their conversation and spoke just loud enough that the rest of the eavesdropping common room could hear me. "What do you think your Durmstrang boyfriend will think of Hogwarts when he gets here?" 

Low murmurs erupted through the room as Pucey politely excused himself. Conveniently he had prefect duties to attend to.

Aphry gave a polite goodbye, then, as he walked out of the common room into the corridor, she crossed her arms. "What on earth are you talking about, Draco?"

I scoffed, sitting up and resting my elbows on my knees as I leaned toward her. "Do you really not think that Sokolov is going to miss out on an opportunity for eternal glory? He will likely be here with the other Durmstrang delegates."

She looked at Daphne, rolled her eyes, and they laughed together.

"What on earth is so funny, Aphry," Parkinson asked in my honor. I would be a bit annoyed had I not been thinking the same thing.

Was this a joke, and she was pretending Sokolov nor the events of the entire Summer existed? I know the both of us would like to forget some things, but he was most definitely real. His ring sparkled on her finger, taunting me.

Aphry's eyes connected with mine, bright with laughter. "I know that you hate Dumbledore, but did you really not listen to what he said at dinner?"

I narrowed my eyes at her. "What do you mean, Aphry? Spit it out!"

Sighing, Aphry tilted her head a bit. "The other schools are only bringing their delegates. Those who can potentially compete in the tournament."

Huffing, I nodded. "Ok, and?"

"You have to be seventeen to enter the tournament."

"Ok?" She was being particularly longwinded when I specifically asked her to spit it out.

"Dimitri is sixteen."


I don't think I did too well to hide my pleasure at that revelation, due to the amused sideways smile she gave realizing I had figured it out.

"So," I said, "You are telling me that I don't have to share my best friend with that prat for nearly a whole school year."

She raised a brow and nodded. "I'd rather you not call him a prat, but otherwise yes. That is very much exactly what I was saying."

Well, this shed a whole different light on how I thought the school year might turn out.

And I believe it will be a very good year.

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