Girl Talk - 158

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My paranoia had me certain that when I entered the girls' dorm right at curfew they would know exactly what had happened. That there would be some telltale sign that I had done unspeakable things with my boyfriend in a clandestine part of the castle.

But the girls didn't notice. If they had, Daphne would have demanded at least a few details, and Pansy would have relentlessly teased me, likely to cover up her jealousy.

Rather for them, it was just like any other Friday night for the other fifth-year Slytherin girls, while my life felt as if it changed quite drastically.

The next day was a Saturday, and I thanked Merlin for that. I would have been useless in a classroom because I could not keep my mind off my night with Draco. From the moment I got up, I replayed how he touched me... How I touched him. My distraction made it hard to keep my mind clear for occlumency, so I knew I needed to stay away from my Godfather.

I had previously promised Daphne we would get some studying and homework done together, so after sleeping in a bit and eating a late breakfast together, we trudged over to the library with our textbooks.

We tucked into our favorite cozy corner with worn brown leather chairs, and we set to get our work done. Though things were going slowly with my thoughts distracting me.

"Aphry?" Daphne said, probably for the tenth time over the span of a couple of hours. My mind had drifted off again, thinking of the Room of Requirement, and last night, and Draco's... "Aphry!" She said again after I didn't respond. At least she didn't sound that irritated.

"Sorry!" I said, snapping out of it again and returning my attention to the book and parchment laid out on my lap.

She huffed lightly. "You've been distracted all morning," she said, then leaned into me with her we needed to have a serious discussion face. "What's going on?" She pressed. "You've been acting a bit odd since last night after you snuck off with Draco, again..." I tensed, knowing she was in fact getting close to the source of my distraction.

Daphne's eyes lit up as if she figured it all out. I braced for her next words. "Did you and Draco fight again?" She cut her eyes, ready instantly to take my defense. "I'll hex him and make it look like a bloody accident."

Relieved by her threat, I laughed and shook my head. "No, we didn't get into an argument," I responded. But I was about bursting at the seams keeping all this to myself. And Daphne was my best friend. I looked around, seeing that the library was fairly empty, and took a long sigh before lowering my voice drastically. "Draco and I..." I fished for the words that were least crude. "Went a touch beyond snogging last night."

The girl in front of me froze as if she'd been petrified, her eyes as big as saucers. Slowly, her mouth, originally slightly opened with shock, contorted into a mischievous grin. "No," she said, wriggling excitedly in her chair. She leaned toward me, ready to hear everything. "He seduced you?"

A blush was creeping its way across my face at her verbiage. Though it didn't surprise me. I know she snuck and read the more risqué books from her mother's collection. "More like the other way around," I responded, feeling my face turn fully red and sinking myself deeper into the oversized chair in a pitiful attempt to hide it.

That surprised her, and her eyes widened again, "You?"  She asked. I gave a small nod. "Aphry!" She said, playful scolding in a whisper. "So, how far exactly?" She asked, her curiosity causing her to press further. "Not... all the way, right?"

Shaking my head and laughing nervously, I responded. "No."

"Were clothes removed?" She inquired further, like an auror investigating a murder.

I rolled my eyes a bit. "A few choice pieces, but that's all I'm going to tell you," I said defiantly, pointing my self-inking quill at her.

She laughed. "I think that's all I want to know. Draco's like my brother," she gave a slightly disgusted face at the thought. "And don't worry, I won't tell a single soul. It's none of their business."

I grinned. "This is why we are best friends," I told her, prompting her to grin as well.

"Well, now I completely understand why you can't focus." She said. "Well since we aren't going to get anything done, why don't we go get some lunch?"

"We just ate breakfast a few hours ago," I responded, amused. 

She shrugged and lifted a brow. "So?"

Laughing, I agreed and picked up our things before heading to lunch.

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