Jealousy - 32

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Aphrodite was making her displeasure at my behavior very well apparent, and It was rather annoying.

When I sat next to her in our shared classes that morning, she straightened her back, lifted her chin, and looked toward the front of the class or into her book. If her anger weren't directed at me, I might've found it cute.

At lunch, she held a riveting conversation with Daphne. So riveting she didn't see me, nor hear me.

Now here we are, at this joke of a class that I only took because I knew she was going to choose it due to her obsession with that Newt Scamander book.

And who is she with when I get to that half-giant idiot's shack? The Golden Trio.

She also couldn't seem to help but catch me every time I looked at her. First when she opened that book that nearly took her hand off over the summer. Then after I scared Potter and nearly every 'courageous' Gryffindor in class. 

I was a bit surprised that she looked over when Pansy asked for help with her book. I knew exactly what Pansy was angling at. And if Aphry was jealous, I was going to play with that for all it was worth. It was practically payback for how she had been treating me since we got on that blasted train to this school.

And now Harry Potter was the star child again. Bowing at that stupid half-bird.

Haggard picked up Potter, tossing him on the bird's back and slapping its arse. The thing took a running start across the clearing before he took flight, taking Potter with him.

I followed the entire class as they watched the beast fly around the school grounds.

Looking at Aphry, she had practically climbed on the rock wall to get a better few. To be honest, she looked lovely as she beamed. "It's beautiful!" I overheard her say to Granger next to her. "And Harry got its trust the first try, too!"

My blood boiled as she excitedly chattered about the bird and my worst rival excitedly.

The thing finally touched down and came to a stop. The majority of the class clapped, and a very familiar voice shouted, "That was Wicked, Harry!"


I was delighted by the scene I had just witnessed. I clapped with the rest of the class as Harry touched down, and vocalized my excitement as Hagrid helped him off the table"That was Wicked, Harry!"

My necklace froze as I heard a very familiar voice say, "Oh, please."

Before I could register what was going on, Draco was stalking toward Buckbeak. "Yes. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute?"

I took a step toward him, but Hermione grabbed my wrist with a firm grip, preventing me from moving forward.

"No!" I screamed as Buckbeak, obviously spooked, reared on his hind legs and came back down, forcing Draco to the ground. My head seared with pain, letting me know Draco was undeniably injured.

The rest blurred and swirled around me as my head pounded. Hagrid got the Hippogriff calmed enough. Hermione, still with a grasp on me, shouted that Draco needed to be taken to the hospital...

I regained consciousness, realizing that I was lying down. Opening my eyes, I started to make out the high ceilings and tall windows of the hospital wing. Shadows cast into the room as dusk settled in. I began to sit up slowly and noticed my head ached mildly.

Madame Pomfrey, seeing I was awake, rushed to my side. "Not so fast, Ms. Cytheria."

"Why am I here? What happened?" I asked, placing my palm on my forehead and adding pressure to alleviate the ache.

She gave me a sympathetic sigh. "I'm afraid you passed out, dear. Mr. Weasley carried you up here shortly after Mr. Malfoy was brought up from his accident...."

"It wasn't an accident. I was attacked," I heard Draco say with contempt. I turned around to see that Draco was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed facing mine. His arm was wrapped in bandages and a sling.

Madame Pomfrey merely responded to him with a small huff. She turned her attention back to me. "Now, how are you feeling, dear? Does anything hurt?"

I nodded. "I have a headache."

She nodded, looking at me sympathetically. "Alright. First, drink some water," she pointed to the glass on the table next to my bed. "And I'll get you something to help with her head." She turned to Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, You may go down to dinner at any time you please. If you stay, I must insist that you do not stress Ms. Cytheria out."

When she walked to the back of the hospital wing, I turned to Draco. My eyes connected with his, and the scowl he had vanished as his eyes softened. I looked at his arm. "Are you okay?"

He looked down at the injured armed. "Hurts a bit. Madame Pomfrey said if I'd come in any later, I might've lost my arm."

I gasped, my hand covering my mouth. "Oh, Draco. I wish you hadn't rushed up to that Hippogriff." 

He cut his eyes at me. "Well, I wish I hadn't seen Ronald Weasley carry you in here unconscious, but we can't all get what we want."

"Draco, I couldn't decide who brought me to the hospital wing while I was knocked out..."

He scoffed. "You were attached to them that entire class like a lost puppy." His voice lifted to mock me. "'That was wicked, Harry.' Looking for an invite to Hogsmeade by the chosen one, Cytheria?"

Anger overcame me. I stood off the bed, standing over him as he sat. "That's what got you trampled by a giant magical creature? Petty jealousy?"

He stood towering over me. "There's nothing petty about it if we're betrothed."

"We are not betrothed, Draco! Get that silly idea out of your head!"

Huffing, he crossed his arms. "Well, regardless, you need someone here to look after you."

I laughed. "That's rich. I take care of myself just fine. I'm the one getting you out of trouble half the time, princess."

"MR. MALFOY," Madam Pomfrey said urgently. Her steps clicked as she headed up to us. "I told you not to stress her out. Ms. Cytheria, please get back in bed for a few moments. Mr. Malfoy, please make your way down to dinner."

Draco's eyes bore into me for a moment, and Madame Pomfrey had to insist again before he left. Once he left, I was given a draught to relieve my headache and after a couple of hours of monitoring me, Madame Pomfrey permitted me to leave.

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