The Hospital Wing - 164

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"Detention? That is the punishment he gets?" Even though I was slowly drifting out of sleep, I recognized Aphry's voice at the foot of my hospital cot. Her normally sweet voice was instead sharp with anger and criticism.

"Yes," Professor Snape's voice responded matter-of-factly.

I doubted that Aphry would speak to her other professors so boldly. Even now I was surprised she was doing so, despite having a closer relationship with Snape due to our father's friendship with him. Despite my treatment of the professor over the course of the year, I had to admit he had saved my life. And I thought that Aphrodite would be exhibiting gratitude for the fact more than anything else.

Pretending to be asleep, I eavesdropped on their conversation. I didn't want my change in consciousness to distract them from the current topic.

"That's a slap on the wrist," Aphry said defiantly. "He should be expelled. In fact, he should be in Azkaban! He nearly killed a student!" That confirmed she was talking about my 'run-in' with Potter. I felt a smirk fall on my lips. It was quite attractive, her anger on my behalf. And it wasn't helping the fact that I had just woken up and other parts of my body were unwillingly rising to attention...

I forced my focus on their conversation. "I am fully aware, Aphrodite. I shouldn't have to remind you that I was present for at least a portion of yesterday evening's events," Snape said, clearly unphased by the young woman's attitude and blatant disrespect.

Aphrodite let out a scoff. "Which is why I am shocked that he was not on the Hogwarts Express back to King's Cross last night. I thought with how much you disliked him, you would be more than happy to see him leave!"

"I cannot decide to expel students, Aphrodite," Snape rebutted, irritation on the edge of his voice. "Professor McGonagall or Professor Dumbledore would have had to make that decision."

"Of course," she said sarcastically. "Dumbledore wouldn't expell his little pet, would he?" She was silent for a moment. I imagine she was shaking her head in disbelief at the situation. "This is blatant favoritism."

I felt my lips turn up, but fought back a laugh. Six years and she was finally starting to see things the way I did when it came to Potter. Shame I had to nearly die for her to come around.

Snape was not moved by her protests. "Everyone in the wizarding world knows that Potter has been targeted by the Dark Lord. I am sure that there would be quite a few people who would also believe it a poor decision to remove him from one of the most protected magical locations in the world--under the watch of one of the most powerful wizards alive--regardless of the reason why. Expelling him would lead others to wonder why he had been expelled, and then far too much attention would have been directed to Mr. Malfoy." 

His logic undoubtedly made sense, and I knew that Aphry probably saw the reasoning. She remained quiet, stewing in her anger. She huffed, and if Aphry had been a dragon, the entire wing would have gone aflame.

Finally sick of laying still, I made an act of stirring lightly. I felt Aphry's gaze whip toward me. As predicted the conversation instantly died.

"Draco," She said, her voice instantly softening. She walked over, perching herself on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling? Do you need me to get you something?" The worried look she had in her eye flipped my stomach.

"Some water?" I said, my voice horse from not using it the entire night. With the all-nighter's that I'd been pulling, usually my voice was hoarse from overuse from repeating the repairing charm continuously.

She nodded, standing and taking the empty glass that sat on my bedside table. She took out her wand, and water poured from the tip into the glass. Somebody had been practicing silent spellcasting. However, the silence left the atmosphere in the the room feeling stifled by the conversation I had just ended. Snape merely stood at the foot of the bed, glowering down at the both of us.

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