Occlumency, pt. 2 - 93

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My father telling me about the arranged marriage... The resulting fight afterwards... Fighting with Draco because he's jealous of me spending time with Harry... Fighting with Draco over the damn buttons he created... Fighting with Draco--

"You spend a significant amount of time quarrelling with Mr Malfoy," Snape said, releasing me of the charm.

I took a deep breath. "Well if he didn't spend an equal amount of time being insufferable, I wouldn't be inclined to."

He sneered, ignoring the rebuttal. "It's been two weeks, Aphrodite, and you haven't made a damn bit of improvement," his tone was harsh, and the look he gave me was nothing short of accusing. "Are you even trying?"

"Of course, I'm trying!" I shouted back at him throwing my arms up and shoving them down as I stomped like a child in a tantrum. "If not for the practicality of the lesson, then at least to avoid getting falsely summoned to detention for another month!"

"Watch your mouth, miss," he grunted between gritted teeth.

I huffed, crossing my arms and staring blankly into a dusty corner of the room. Tears pricked my eyes.

A sharp exhale of breath left him. "I am aware that occlumency is a difficult skill to master." I quirked a brow up at his change of tone. "However, are a bright witch. You should be able to grasp this."

Pacing back and forth, I felt defeated. "I know. I've read all the material in the library on it. I just can't seem to get the nuance..." 

"Well, until we figure out what your obstacle is, we won't be able to make any progress." He said, sitting at his desk, in front of the pensieve. "And until you've accomplished this, you are vulnerable. You might soon find yourself in the presence of those who might find the friendships you've made over your school years... unsavoury. The ability to keep them unaware would be vital for your safety as well as that of Mr Malfoy."

That perplexed me. "Severus, while I'm aware that such people exist, I live a very privileged and protected life. Who on earth would my father allow near me that he didn't trust?"

He looked at me. "He might be put into such a situation that allowing you near someone he doesn't trust is inevitable." 

I didn't like the look in his eyes, not one bit. The was a bit of worry, maybe dread. And I was too much of a coward to ask further.

"Back to the task," he said, standing as if shaking off the emotions. He crossed the room, and then looked back at me as emotionless as ever. "Let's think about the times you were successful defending yourself. Why were you successful when at the memory of your birthday party?"

I thought. "The primary thing I thought was, 'My godfather is not going to see that.'"

He nodded. "And what about last week, Professor Lupin's lesson? You were able just before he let the boggart out."

"It was a particularly vulnerable moment for me," I said. "I didn't want you to see it."

"And Draco knocking on the door and apologizing to you, after one of your many feuds I'd guess?"

"Again, I didn't want you to see."

My godfather sat in silence for a moment, deep in thought. "So why weren't you able to defend more important memories? Like being told you were a defensor?"

I shook my head. "I'm not sure."

He stood across from me. "I have a theory, but I need to test it." I braced myself. "Legilimens."

Dance lessons for the Yule Ball... Draco smelled my new bottle of perfume... I don't want Snape to hear what he says next.

"Interesting," Snape said slowly. "I am assuming you don't want me to know what he said next."

I only nodded in response.

Snape nodded. "You seem to be focusing efforts on blocking things you don't wish me to see. That is mildly impressive that you can do that at all. But that wouldb't work with stronger legilmens. To them, access to any part of your mind is access to your whole mind."

"I'm going to try again," he said. "You need to imagine I'm someone you might have less trust in...."

"Like Lucius Malfoy?" I said.

Severus's mouth quirked up the slightest bit. "I think I should probably scold you, but if that's who you think of... legilimens."

Draco and I had just left Snape's office after my Sirius black encounter, he grabbed my wrist...  I would not let Lucius see him cry.

My consciousness returned.

"Seems we've made a breakthrough," Snape said.

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