A Man's Task - 129

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After Aphry left, I headed directly to her father's study.

When I entered, William Cytheria was at his desk, the quill in his hand gliding over the parchment as he diligently worked. Stacks of parchment and ledgers towered on what I understood was a usually tidy, uncluttered desk.

He looked up from his task, and I took note of the stubble that had grown on his chin and the tired look in his eye. I'd also noticed it on the platform when we'd gotten back from school. "Draco," he acknowledged with a respectful nod, then nodded to the built-in bookshelves to the side. "Please, help yourself."

I returned the nod, going to the bookshelves and starting to browse the spines. The shelves were meticulously categorized. There were textbooks for all the subjects we learned in school, presumably kept from his Hogwarts days, as well as books that likely went well beyond the N.E.W.T. level. I chose a book about various magical objects but kept looking.

I finally fell on an odd section of books, but I recognized several immediately.

"Those are all my books with information about defensors," Mr Cytheria confirmed, seeing the section of books I was looking at. "I have copies of several of the same books Hogwarts does that mention the subject."

A wave of anger rose in me, but I worked to control it There was no need to cause any additional tension. "May I ask a question?" I asked, making sure to keep my tone level.

William Cytheria seemed apprehensive. "Of course. What do you need to know?"

I turned away from the bookshelves, placing my selection on the side table in the room's seating area on my way to stand in front of his desk. "If you are supposed to protect my father, then why couldn't you prevent him from going to prison?"

He took a deep breath. "That is a very fair question Draco." He said, putting his quill down. "I  suppose you know from your research a fair bit how the enchantment works."

I responded with a nod. "You are physically punished if my father gets hurt."

Mr Cytheria nodded. "Indeed." He stood from his desk, nodding to the sitting area. I followed his lead. "Now, the main challenge as a defensor has always been to know when your companion is getting up to nonsense." I couldn't control the touch of a glare I'd given him in response as we sat across from each other. He only chuckled in response. "Give me that look all you'd like, but I'd wager there's been a time or two you've tried to do something you shouldn't without Aphrodite catching on."

He wasn't wrong. I hesitated at first but conceded with a short nod.

"Aphrodite had a bit of an advantage. Narcissa had the brilliant idea to charm the necklace she always wears and that ring for you." He pointed at my right hand.

I lifted my hand, taking a good look at the silver signet ring I always wore. "Mother said it was a family heirloom." It even had Septimus Malfoy's initials.

William Cytheria gave a slight smile, "I wouldn't doubt that it is. She knew how the Malfoy men value those family heirlooms. Less likely you'd discard it or throw it into the black lake in a fit of anger... Regardless, I never had such a tool with your father. Which meant that he could always easily slip off. Like the night he joined Lord Voldemort." 

He sat up, leaning toward me and resting his elbows on his knees. "I was actually at Persephone's childhood home. It was while we were dating, and it was the first time I met her parents. The exact thing happened to me as had happened to Aphrodite, in the middle of dinner. I had to leave rather hastily if you could imagine." He seemed almost amused. Then his expression dropped, and he looked me in the eyes seriously.

"Draco, the night your father went to the department of mysteries, I had dinner with your mother and father here. After a while, I said my goodbyes then went home, poured myself a finger of brandy as a nightcap, and went to bed. Hours later, I woke up with my heart racing. I knew your father was in trouble. Fighting through each curse that struck him, I took the floo back here and woke your mother, who had no idea your father was gone. He made sure that I could not locate and follow him to ruin whatever plans he had."

My anger was extinguished. In fact, I appreciated that he spoke to me man-to-man, instead of treating me like a petulant child. At this point, I couldn't help but acknowledge that he'd done his due diligence. But one part about it intrigued me. "What do you mean, you fought through the curses that struck him?"

He sat back in his chair. "A defensor's abilities present differently from generation to generation. Aphrodite experiences her headaches if you get hurt. I experience your father's injuries exactly as he does. He breaks his arm, suddenly my arm is broken. Everything from the tiniest papercut to the most severe injury... Even mental pain."

I hesitated to ask, but the compulsion lead me to ask. "So you know a bit about how Father's doing now?"

"Yes," he responded with a solemn nod, avoiding my eyes to look at his hands. Then, he answered the question I hadn't even bothered to ask. "Physically, he is fine. Although he is a bit distraught. Likely cooped up with nothing to think about but his damaged reputation and pride. Although to be completely honest, he is better there and distanced from his master. I fear should your father made it home that night, the Dark Lord wouldn't have hesitated to kill him."

Thinking about it that way didn't make the situation better exactly, but it did give a bit of a perspective shift. "After all those years of secrecy, why are you telling me all this now?"

He smiled sadly. "Killing a man is not an easy thing. Believe me, I've had to do it to keep your father alive. I wouldn't necessarily call it honourable, but if must be done It's a man's task, so the least I can do is treat you like one."

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