Gossip and Birthdays - 21

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Harry and Ron filled me in on every detail on their side of the story.

"No, no, no. Gilderoy Lockhart would never cower from a challenge," I countered at the beginning, looking at Harry on the other side of the table. "Otherwise he wouldn't have had all those adventures he wrote about in his books!"

"Oh, he faked it all! He erased the memories of the wizards that actually had done it, then took all the credit!" Ron, next to me, elaborated. Harry then continued the story.

Needless to say I had no sympathy when I was told that he had erased his own memories with Ron's broken wand.

I gasped. "Poor Ginny! How on earth did she get that diary anyway?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other apprehensively. "I'll get to that in a moment. Let me tell you the rest of what happened in the chamber," Harry said.

The majority of the Gyrffindors left once Harry passed the part where they left the chamber, but I stayed, along with the Weasley twins. Harry continued detailing his experience in Dumbledore's office and with our own Lucius Malfoy.

"There's no way to prove it. But my guess is Lucius Malfoy slipped Ginny the diary," Harry said.

My breathing stopped. No. "What? Why do you think that." He wouldn't... would he? 

Harry swallowed nervously. "That day in Diagon Alley...."

"He took one of Ginny's books," I said, remembering. I was shocked by what I was hearing. "And you think he slipped it in?" Harry nodded.

It made sense. Lucius' passivity to the whole situation, despite the potential danger the entire school was in. Telling Draco to stay out of it. Taking advantage of situations this year as soon as he heard, especially with his vantage point as a school governor.

I knew that Lucius was self-serving. He wasn't afraid to be harsh if his family didn't meet his high standards. But even though my father fought with him frequently, I had seen only a handful of moments that he was truly cruel to another witch or wizard. And never violent.

The house elves were a different story.

What concerned me most was the vulnerable position I was in. Not only was I just a thirteen-year-old witch who had no choice in who my father associates with, but both me and my father had inherited what felt like a curse that tied us directly to the Malfoy family.

"Aphry," Harry said gently. "Are you all right?"

I shook myself out of my thoughts, deciding I would rather think about this later. "Yeah," I said, putting on a smile. "So what happened after that?"

He explained how he tricked the older Malfoy into freeing Dobby.

"That probably explains his attitude when he joined back up with my father," I said. "He was furious. He hardly spoke to Draco, so the boy's been a acting like git to me ever since.... and it's my birthday, too!" I gave a frustrated grunt, remembering the series of events that led me to this table for this conversation.

The entire group reacted to the revelation, and the table erupted in 'Happy Birthdays.'

"So, you mean to tell me," Fred said. "That jealous prat has been giving you the stink eye from the Slytherin table all this time when it's your birthday? And he's suppose to be one of your closest friends?"

I turned my head. Sure enough, the majority of the second year boys were sitting together talking. Draco was looking in my direction, eyes cut and scowling. He made eye contact with me, and the scowl deepened. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the crowd I was sitting with. "That is exactly the situation," I said to the twin.

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