Shrink and Growth -77

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I watched as Hermione's hands went to her face, covering her mouth as she made a high-pitched squeal. I turned to her trying to find a way to offer her assistance.

Ron had now entered the scene, calling her name and rushing in front of Hermione. He grabbed her wrist in a gentle yet firm way and pulled her hands away from her face to reveal that her front teeth were enlarging at a rapid rate.

"Oh my god..." I said. She reached down to feel that they were nearing reaching her chin and let out a panicked cry.

At that point, my lovely godfather came out, and ask Draco to explain everything. Of course, his account was completely biased. Snape instructed Goyle to go to the hospital.

"Malfoy got Hermione. Look!" Ron said, pushing Hermione in front of him to put showcase her evergrowing incisors. I roll my eyes as Pansy and the other Slytherin girl shrieked with laughter and pointed.

Severus Snape cut his eyes at Hermione. "I see no difference."

I groaned. "This is ridiculous! Come Hermione, I'm taking you to the hospital wing." I turned her around to begin walking away.

The professor's voice rang out in the hall. "I did not dismiss you, Ms. Cytheria."

He's really gonna play this game, huh? I turned back around to him, my hands on my hips. "What are you gonna do? Tell Dumbledore or write my father that you forbid me from helping a hexxed student to the infirmary?" I whipped back around, putting my hand on Hermione's back to guide her away as Ron and Harry started shouting at Snape.

"Do you need me to come?" Daphne said before we took off.

I turned to her. "No. You go onto class and save yourself the trouble. I have some pull when it comes to Snape." Daphne nodded, turning to the classroom while Hermione and I began our trek.

Since Goyle got a head start, Madam Pomfrey was already tending to him when we got to the hospital. That hex of Harry's was nasty, so dinner had started before the nurse had completely cleared the boils from his face and gotten to Hermione.

While we were waiting I talked with Hermione who had a prominent lisp due to her hexed teeth.

She explained to me how muggle 'dentistry' worked, describing a contraptioin call 'braces' with as much normalcy as wizard's chest. My teeth hurt just thinking about it.

"It sounds a bit medeival," I said. Scowling as I thought of how uncomfortable they sounded. "I'd say I much prefer magical methods of tooth modification."

At that point, Madame Pomfrey came over to Hermione. She gave her a mirror and began returning her teeth to a normal size. But I didn't say anything when she let Madame Pomfrey made her teeth a tad bit smaller than their original size.

We giggled about it in the hall on our way to a late dinner.

When I came into the common room later, I noticed Draco. Sitting on the couch facing the entrance, his arms stretched out over the back of the couch, shirt slightly untucked and hair askew as he looked into the fire. Someone who wasn't currently angry at him might have called him devilishly handsome. As I walked further into the common room, he turned his head and made eye contact with me.

Damn these heels.

"Aphrodite..." he said, standing.

I was not in the mood. "Leave me alone, Malfoy," I said as I made my way to the girls dorms.

He was on me quickly, skills of a seeker I guess, blocking my entrance. "Where have you been?" He asked, resting his arms on the doorframe to block me from disappearing to my dorm. His gray eyes held a bit of darkness in their expression.

"What does it matter?" I asked, crossing my arms. I was suddenly intensely aware of the other Slytherin's in the common room. If I knew anything, they were nosy, and my actions would be tomorrow's gossip. I thought of Dimitri's warning and took a step back from Draco.

He positioned himself in front of the doorway and crossed his arms, speaking just loud enough that I could hear. "I don't think I need to remind you what happened the last time you ran off with one of Potter's crowd and stayed out late. I was preparing for another early morning summoning from Snape when I didn't see you at dinner."

That night had impacted him much more than he led on. It made my chest hurt knowing he was so worried about me, and was sitting in the common room for at least an hour or so mentally preparing himself for the worst.

Sighing, I gave him the information he asked for. "Madame Pomfrey didn't get to Hermione until after dinner had started. By the time we got down there, most students had left. I just came from the great hall."

He let out an exasperrated sigh, running a hand through his hair and mussing it up even further. "How long are you going to stay mad at me, Aphry?" He looked away from me, focusing on the stone floors off to the side of us.

This side of Draco, vulnerable and raw, undid me. I didn't know if there was some sort of defensor instinct that raced through my blood. Or maybe if was the friendship that we'd had since childhood. Nevertheless my anger at him ebbed away. "You know I don't like to hold grudges, Draco." I said lightly, with a slight smile.

He looked up, hope etched in his eyes as they met mine, tugging at my heart. A light smirk matched my smile.

"I would like to go to bed, though." I said, my eyebrow raised and in a smirk. "As you can imagine, I've had an eventful day."

Chuckling a bit, he nodded and took a step away from the doorway. He stood with his thumbs in his pocket and looking down at me with a smirk.

I'd had a sense that he was anticipating something. "Is there something you wanted to say, Draco?"

His brow furrowed in confusion. "Well, this is usually the phase of us making amends that you hug me..."

Oh. I laughed nervously. "Draco, you know that would be inappriopriate. With Dimitri..."

He look surprise for a moment. Then he looked down, disappointed yet again. "I understand... Good Night, Aphrodite."

I recognized it was probably the first time ever that he didn't jealously argue with me. As I went down the dorm corridor to the third year dorms, I wondered if this was a small indication of growth.

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