Madam Malkins - 138

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The next couple of weeks went by without any major incident. Draco did, however, bring up discussions of the cabinet to his Aunt Bellatrix so arrangements could be made. She was absolutely thrilled.

"You're telling me that not only does my nephew get the honour of ridding Albus Dumbledore of the world, but he's also manufactured a way for me to witness it?" She cackled, pulling Draco close to her chest in the warmest embrace I had ever seen her exhibit. "Oh, I love you for this! You're my favourite nephew now!"

Draco sneered at the close contact, unbeknownst to his aunt. I had to look away from the scene to keep my mind occluded and not break out into laughter. Once we were in private though, I didn't cease to tease him.

When our school letters came, it seemed a perfect time to arrange an inspection of the cabinet at Borgin and Burke's. The hope was that no one would be suspicious, and it could be assumed that we were simply in Diagon Alley under the guise of school shopping.

That's how Narcissa, Draco, and I ended up in Madam Malkin's, shopping for robes. We discussed going to Twillfit and Tattings, but it was determined it would be best if we were seen in the more frequented of the two shops to further legitimize the outing.

"He looks quite handsome in those colours," I said to Narcissa as Madam Malkin fitted him in a set of blue and green robes. I was quite enjoying helping him choose new clothes, and the opportunity to unabashedly stare at my boyfriend. It also served as a proper distraction from our fast-approaching meeting, which played on my nerves heavily.

Narcissa had a pleased smile on. "He does, doesn't he?" We proceeded to look through the other assortment of robes for him.

"I don't know why you insisted on coming with us." Draco fussed at Narcissa, as he had been all morning. He was particularly on edge and in a foul mood because of it. "I'm not a child, in case you haven't noticed, Mother. I am perfectly capable of doing my shopping alone."

"Now, dear, your mother's quite right," Madam Malkin interjected. "None of us is supposed to go wandering around on our own anymore, it's nothing to do with being a child —"

"Watch where you're sticking that pin, will you!" Draco shouted as I felt a small, short pinch around my left temple. He left the rack that we were behind to go look in the mirror.

I huffed, "She literally stuck him!" I whispered under my breath so only Narcissa could hear. 

Narcissa's brow furrowed in irritation. Thankfully the witch had her back turned to us. She also spoke under her breath. "Why she resorts to muggle methods of alteration is beyond me." It did seem inferior. Chloe didn't need a single pin to alter my outfits, and it was far less painful.

Draco shouted from the other side of the rack. "If you're wondering what the smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in."

My mood shifted suddenly. There was only one mudblood that would cause that sort of reaction. And it was most likely that she was accompanied by her friends. None of which should catch onto our plans.

Madam Malkin rushed out to where Draco was. "I don't think there's any need for language like that! ...And I don't want wands drawn in my shop either!"

"Yeah, like you'd dare do magic out of school." Draco mocked. "Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers."

"That's quite enough! Madam — please —" the shop owner looked back at Narcissa, begging for help with her expression.

Narcissa's demeanour turned harsh, and I knew her protective, mothering nature was coming out. She stepped out from behind the rack. I followed close behind and saw Harry Potter and Ron Weasley with their wands out and pointed at Draco.

"Put those away. If you attack my son again, I shall ensure that it is the last thing you ever do." Her expression was cold, and she held a touch of a sneer, the same one I'm guessing she sported that Potter said looked like she 'had dung up her nose' in fourth year. Considering the way that they seemed so ready to whip their wands out to attack Draco, I honestly didn't blame her.

I honestly did expect to feel the way I did, seeing the three for the first time since school let out. They each spared a glance at me before Potter traded insults with Narcissa. I couldn't help thinking about how we used to be friends. But that literally ended overnight in the Department of Mysteries, when Draco's fate was sealed. All while Draco and I were fast asleep without a clue what was going on.

It was odd, not having a sense of closure. Waking up one day to learn you were definitively enemies, and not particularly by your own choosing. Now wands were drawn. They'd hurt Draco. And in their hatred either forgot... or didn't care... about the fact that I'd be hurt as well. I shouldn't have been surprised, but nonetheless I felt a sense of betrayal.

Quickly, I forced the thoughts away, occluding my mind to rid myself of the emotions even though there were no legilimens present to barge into it. I looked away from the three, focusing my now cold gaze on a mannequin in the window and lifting my chin proudly to further mask the feelings I'd just felt. I remained silent as Narcissa, Potter, and Draco traded quips.

Madam Malkin attempted to brush off the situation as best she could. "I think this left sleeve could come up a little bit more, dear, let me just —"
"Ouch!" Draco said as I felt the pinch once again. I looked as he slapped Madam Malkin's hand away. "Watch where you're putting your pins, woman! Mother — I don't think I want these anymore —" He pulled the robes off of his head, revealing his customary black suit.
"You're right, Draco," Narcissa said with her gaze locked icily on Hermione. "Now I know the kind of scum that shops here. . . . We'll do better at Twilfitt and Tatting's." She made her way past them toward the front door.

I followed her lead. Draco waited for me to make the few steps to meet him across the tiny shop. He rested his hand on my back. "Come on, darling," he said to me whilst he glared at them.

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